This is just great!! ![+5%](
The big structural benefit I see is that it makes use of the social net the delegates now have to form.
The discussion has shown that the byzantine's general's problem is not completely solvable. Economies of scale and uneven distribution of stake lead to centralized systems. The general has to trust the few miners/frogers/delegates even if they are (well) incentivized to be honest.
What is added with your suggestion to the overall system is "social control" if you will: Delegates have to know each other. And the pressure to be honest is much stronger than before, because all delegates have to know each other and are not good delegates if they miss judge.
In other words, further specialization: It takes the judging work away from the shareholder and gives it to specialized delegates. Delegates specialized on this can make far greater due diligence than shareholders ever could! They can get to know the delegates in person etc...
Social net ? Why is that good ? The basic problem here is there is this assumption that delegates have the network's long term interest at heart. Which is somewhat true, but maximizing the number of fellow friendly delegates is going to outweigh that. Much like miners in POW, there is no reason delegates necessarily care about the network's long term health. We assume they will, but there is no requirement to have a large stake to be a delegate. Delegates will first and foremost be profiteers (nothing wrong with that) and their slate selection will most likely reflect this.
There will be lots of backdoor dealing and crap that will leave a bad taste.
Are politics better with political parties ? Maybe they are....
As far as the technical reasons, I won't begin to comment as I'm sure BM+team have it figured out so I can't weigh that in.
If BM goes with this though, do not rename it to RDPOS... Just leave it as DPOS and consider this a feature.
It also means that people will be required to become part of slates and deal with all that, instead of giving that time/effort directly back to improving the network. More time will be spent glad handing in PMs etc.
edit - ok ok ok.. I popped off a bit before reading all the responses. I see that the slates are additive etc. This will greatly mitigate my concerns. I would like to see it implemented in a UI. If you can add slates to each other, then that goes a long ways. I mean, it is kinda obvious it should be like that, but ... one never knows.
Interesting comment! Well worth thinking about. Summary:
- delegates can provide self serving slates. I think that would be easily obvious. And if he creates a lot of names that are not obviously his name but operated by him. All those strangers would not be very trustworty anyway.
- "Such and such was removed off slate GOOD GUYS for petty reason #4923" <- needs un-emotional discussion style, true!
- "gamification" (ways to game the system) - in which way?
It won't necessarily be obvious they are self-serving. If we can't tell who is self-serving individually, then how will you tell that the least trustworthy 50% of a slate aren't just put in there for reasons unbeknownst to us ?
It isn't so much the discussion style, as just how parties/cliques play out. Mud slinging, negative campaigning, etc.
Gamification - The more options you give a system, the more gaming will be done. Now we have this extra layer between the voter and the delegate. I could probably sit here and come up with a dozen scenarios that previously could not have happened. Granted, a lot would not be the most plausible, but I'm sure I could come up with some decent ones. Look at how the electoral college screws things up in the US !
Edit 4 - If you do allow readily additive slates, then I think slates will be sufficiently randomized that most blockchain space savings will be lost. So I'm not sure what to think there.. I assume there would also be negative slates ? Oh my.