for now, delegate will miss blocks after long time running.
BM suggest to restart client every day.
here is a method for automatic restart.
1. run wallet with this expect script, you should change "wallet_name" and "command line"
this script will start client automatic while it's quit.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout -1
set default_port 1776
set port $default_port
### change wallet_name here
set wallet_name "delegate"
send_user "wallet name is: $wallet_name\n"
send_user "wallet passphrase: "
stty -echo
expect_user -re "(.*)\n"
stty echo
set wallet_pass $expect_out(1,string)
proc run_wallet {} {
global wallet_name wallet_pass default_port port
### change command line here
spawn ./bitshares_client --data-dir=delegate --p2p-port $port --server --httpport 9989 --rpcuser user --rpcpassword pass
expect -exact "(wallet closed) >>> "
send -- "about\r"
expect -exact "(wallet closed) >>> "
send -- "wallet_open $wallet_name\r"
expect -exact "$wallet_name (locked) >>> "
send -- "wallet_unlock 99999999\r"
expect -exact "passphrase: "
send -- "$wallet_pass\r"
expect -exact "$wallet_name (unlocked) >>> "
send -- "wallet_delegate_set_block_production ALL true\r"
expect -exact "$wallet_name (unlocked) >>> "
send -- "info\r"
expect -exact "$wallet_name (unlocked) >>> "
send -- "wallet_list_my_accounts\r"
if { $port == $default_port } {
set port [expr $port+1]
} else {
set port [expr $port-1]
while true {
2. kill the client every 24 hours.
call every 24 hours at crontab, this script will check next block generation timestamp, make sure there is enough time to restart client
import requests
import json
import time
import os
safetime = 120 # safe time, 120 seconds is safe to restart client
auth = ('user', 'pass') ## user/pass for rpc service
url = "http://localhost:9989/rpc" ## rpc url
def main() :
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
info = {
"method": "get_info",
"params": [],
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 1
while True:
info_res =, data=json.dumps(info), headers=headers, auth=auth)
info_json = json.loads(vars(info_res)["_content"])
if not "result" in info_json:
block_production_timestamp = info_json["result"]["wallet_next_block_production_timestamp"]
safe_timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", time.localtime(time.time()+safetime))
if block_production_timestamp > safe_timestamp :
time.sleep(10) ## wait 10 second make sure it's broadcast out
os.system("killall -9 bitshares_client");
if __name__ == "__main__":
3. we'll provide more suitable tools to detect the missing block and restart automatic soon.