I have imported my private keys and setup my witness (liondani), is it normal when I open the cli_wallet I see every time nathan's keys?:
2449065ms th_a main.cpp:108 main ] key_to_wif( committee_private_key ): 5KCB..........................................SzbDZ5W
2449065ms th_a main.cpp:112 main ] nathan_pub_key: BTS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcf.............................GDW5CV
2449065ms th_a main.cpp:113 main ] key_to_wif( nathan_private_key ): 5KQwrPbw.........................................eyXtP79zkvFD3
2449066ms th_a main.cpp:160 main ] wdata.ws_server: ws://
2449073ms th_a main.cpp:165 main ] wdata.ws_user: wdata.ws_password:
2449081ms th_a thread.cpp:95 thread ] name:getline tid:139919758452480
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