Update on October 12th:First of all, thank you to all of our supporters,
google.helloworld and
microsoft.helloworld have been running stably over two months being BTSX delegates, with reliability >99.5% !
Besides taking responsibility for being a stable delegate, we have contributed a lot to the community by donating our income to many BTSX promotion activities. So far, as promised, we have donated
962.25(first month)+ 2813(second month)=
3775.25BTSXto BTSXCHINA Charity Fund, for its BTSX promotion plan.
BTSXCHINA has organized a series of promotion activities, details and monthly report can be found here:
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=7282.0 (In Chinese only for now, because most of our activities are dedicated to Chinese community, but we have plan to enter English community and help marketing)
Our website:
http://btsxchina.strikingly.com/ (under construction, will be updated soon)
Currently, our DNS delegates are up!

They are
helloworld1(1%), helloworld2(1%), helloworld0(0%), helloworld10(10%), we will continue contributing our effort to maintain a healthy DNS network, PLEASE VOTE FOR US!

Thank you all! Please keep supporting us.
Original post:Hey, guys. I am a active member from chinese community. The manager of chinese community donation fund. And i have successfully held a series of btsx promoting events:
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=4744.0 (some in weibo.com, thousands of people follow this topic:
http://weibo.com/1764434885/B6ikWBilI?mod=weibotime )
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=6445.0https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=6470.0 Several delegates may operate in one VPS now. I think when the value of system became more and more stronger, the problem will became serious. It is about security of BTSX system. So, before all sweet words, We promise just keep one delegate in one VPS.
The members of our team:
yinchanggong: chinese community active member, chinese community donation fund manager, he has successfully held a series of btsx promoting events.he will be responsible for contact and publicity of our team.
cdryan: programmer, community active.member, responsible for the team's technical support.
newtree: early investor,deeply attracted by btsx ecosystem from the very beginning,responsible for regular server maintainance.
ripplexiaoshan: BTS official forum chinese subforum moderator, one of the early followers of 3I,has experience of running a delegate stably, currently living abroad,he will provide us technical suport and cooperate with others to ensure a 7*24 stable delegate.
Our team brand is
helloworld, now we have two delegates for BTSX.:
microsoft.helloworld (VPS located in london)
google.helloworld (personal linux servers located in shenzheng, China)
To be stable and efficient ,we have choesen the best VPS provider for our sever, and will upgrade it according to transactions volume. Also we have localcomputer as backup, to ensure 7 * 24 hours stable run. We are very happy to grow up along with the growth of BTS ecosystem .
We promise: 20% transaction fees destroyed, 30% transaction fees donated to the community faucet fund.When the system is stable, we will keep only one delegate.
why are we do this?All of us are fans of 3i and bitshares ecosystem. We are fascinated by the wonderful prospect of bitshares and DACs. So, why don't we contribute to the things we love?
what are we promise to do ?First, of course, we should ensure the delegates are stable, its our duty.
Second, we prepare to support the community by:
1. promote btsx in the forum and weibo.com in china
2. hold some activities to maintain a good community atmosphere.there are several similar activities underway.
you will see us in other DAC system(DNS, Vote, Music...). We will growthing with I3, with the new DAC world.
Hello, world. Hello, bitshares. Hello, DACworld.
We will be thankful for your help!
wallet_approve_delegate microsoft.helloworld true
wallet_approve_delegate google.helloworld true