With centralization being a concern of many and there only being 101 spots, Do you feel that it is in the best interest of the network for a single person to control more then one position?
I have been noticing a trend of single parties running more then one delegate. With some users all ready questioning how De-centralized are we really, are we just compounding the problem by running more then delegate per person?
Other then that your mission statement sounds great.
Thanks for your question, and I think you are correct.
More than one delegate from single party is not good for decentralization.
However, it is difficult to stop it from this angle, because one person with plenty shares can actually have 2 accounts belonging to 2 teams for instance. Just like pleople could have multiple wallets.
I think the key is that one share should not be able to vote for more than one delegate.
the wiki of DPOS, you can find the following 2 statements:
1. Currently each share can vote for a max of 1/3 of the amount of active delegates in any round (currently 101 / 3 = 33)
2. Every shareholder gets to vote for someone to sign blocks in their stead (a representative if you will). Anyone who can gain 1% or more of the votes can join the board.
but as you can see, 1-share-33-votes could amplify the vantage of people with a buck loads of shares. Currently, to be the 101th delegate you need 7.0604811640 % of votes, which is far more than 1%. If I had 8% of total shares, I can generate 33 delegates with 8% votes (and occupy delegate position from #9 to #41) based on current rule and situation. However, in 1-share-1-vote, 8% of total shares could occupy 8 delegate position at most.
Supplementary opinion from PTS中國:
In 1-share-1-vote, people with plenty shares have to vote more cauciously, otherwise they could have less delegate positions than they should have. Therefore, the cost of occupying delegate position is elevated, and so does the value of 1 BTSX