On the one hand there are often good suggestions which could practically help I3 or important issues that need clarification by I3.
On the other hand the forum gets bigger and bigger / more and more noisy, BM, Stan, Brian and Toast have to fight many battles at a time and it is time consuming to go through all the threads. Also often things are discussed in threads which do not really relate to the thread's subject which makes it even harder.
Once in a while there is a really interesting post regarding marketing but it is surely overlooked by Brian. It would take him a whole lot of time to scan the forum for those.
So my somewhat half-backed suggestion would be to have a system where forum members suggest posts that require BM, toasts, Stan or Brian's attention. Other forum members can then up or down vote those posts.
How to do it?
So an integration into the forum would be really nice but there is no up/down-voting function (simple machines + reddit voting) here.
So I guess the only option would be to have a separate reddit threat / post for BM (BTSX, business dev), Toasts (DNS, reputation systems), Stan (legal, operations) and Brian (marketing, business dev).
Could this be somewhat integrated into the forum? Otherwise not so many might use it.
It could be extended to external links.
PS: It could also be twisted. Every I3 staff member can put out a list of issues where he might need the help of the crowd, either in terms of quality feedback or research to be done, coding tasks etc. so that people who want to help have an overview where help is needed.