Author Topic: New Mandatory Upgrade  (Read 11840 times)

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Offline bytemaster

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Offline speedy

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So is this upgrade going to be 0.4.9 ?

Offline bytemaster

1) The 1hr moving average could get "stuck" if the price moves too fast and no trades occur to trigger an update.  We have adjusted it so that if no trades occur the average will gradually adjust on its own over 6 hours. 

Was wondering how 1hr moving average would fair through huge price movements.  Given that 1hr moving average is based on internal executed prices, how does the average gradually adjust?  Curious about the mechanics of this.

Every time there is a trade I use the following equation:


BID and ASK price are bounded to +/- 10% CURRENT_AVG_PRICE

The change we made was to assume a trade is made at least once per minute even if there were no trades. 

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Offline Bitcoinfan

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1) The 1hr moving average could get "stuck" if the price moves too fast and no trades occur to trigger an update.  We have adjusted it so that if no trades occur the average will gradually adjust on its own over 6 hours. 

Was wondering how 1hr moving average would fair through huge price movements.  Given that 1hr moving average is derived from internal executed prices, how does the average gradually adjust?  Curious about the mechanics of this. 

Offline xeroc

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We have identified and fixed an issue with the market execution that will require all users to upgrade.  A DAC Sun Limited is preparing a release.

This update has addressed some critical issues:
1) The 1hr moving average could get "stuck" if the price moves too fast and no trades occur to trigger an update.  We have adjusted it so that if no trades occur the average will gradually adjust on its own over 6 hours. 

2) We fixed the bug that generate the Assert exception during market execution.

3) We have fixed a bug that would cause seed nodes or locked wallets to get stuck on a fork.

4) Many other small fixes.

Still left to be resolved:
1) random crash on closing a connection.
    - work arounds: 
        - seed nodes, auto relaunch with shell script
        - delegates:  don't allow incoming connections
    - Dan & Eric have made great progress on solving this bug, but the source of the bug is "deep & involved" 
+5% +5% +5%

Thanks for your hard work ... I know (just a little, but I know) how shi**** difficult it can be to debug  ... thanks alot!!

Offline bytemaster

We have identified and fixed an issue with the market execution that will require all users to upgrade.  A DAC Sun Limited is preparing a release.

This update has addressed some critical issues:
1) The 1hr moving average could get "stuck" if the price moves too fast and no trades occur to trigger an update.  We have adjusted it so that if no trades occur the average will gradually adjust on its own over 6 hours. 

2) We fixed the bug that generate the Assert exception during market execution.

3) We have fixed a bug that would cause seed nodes or locked wallets to get stuck on a fork.

4) Many other small fixes.

Still left to be resolved:
1) random crash on closing a connection.
    - work arounds: 
        - seed nodes, auto relaunch with shell script
        - delegates:  don't allow incoming connections
    - Dan & Eric have made great progress on solving this bug, but the source of the bug is "deep & involved"

For the latest updates checkout my blog:
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.