my idea with my knowledge of english

what we need:
1. liquidity - the new rules around the median price killed the whole bitUSD market. 1 trade per hour is nothing!
2. we want more stability in direction to the peg
i am against all this 10% of something to cover etc. it makes everything complicated and at most, if we see this in the future on the other side, how do we react?
so we need a solution for every situation.
1. what does it mean to peg the USD?
it will oszillate around it, so if we start not 1:1 it is absolute fine, because in extreme situation the peg will not hold, because the buyers and sellers will struggle for the savesed bet.
so in the moment more people, or extreme more people want to short bitUSD and drive the price away from market peg.
my solution
1. we just count the volume the last say 1.000 trades
- 5000 BTSX are traded on the bid side
- 50.0000 BTSX are traded on the short side
its 5.000 : 50.000 = 1:50
we are in an extreme enviroment, who everyone looks to short bitUSD
so we will do this
1 : 50 = 50 -1 = 49
49 is translatet do 49% interest
bid side is 30 with 1.000 bitUSD
short side is 32 with 30.000 bitUSD
if you want to short and buy the bid side away you have not to pay 1.000 BTSX + colleteral, but the new counting will look like this
30.000 BTSX + 49% interest for the buyer of bit USD or 14.700 BTSX == 44.700 BTSX to buy the bid side away with a short from the buyer (extreme expensive)
now it is extreme expensive to do this.
this interest will adjust after a couple of trades.
1. the market can trade freely and will decide which price is worth to pay
2. in an extreme situation it will much more intesting to take the other side, so more liquidity for the unfavorde side
3. the rules are for both sides, so if in the future the conditions are in favore of bitUSD we don't need to worry because the short will get a premium to take the position
i hope you could follow my idea.