Author Topic: Likelihood of transaction irreversibility  (Read 5278 times)

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Offline eagleeye

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Do not tell them this (bitcoin) they are our competitor an enemy and your benefit will only be 10x your money.  This is to the moon Alice!

Ah ha!  Another clue!
Eagleeye is old enough to quote Jackie Gleason...

thats awesome.  Keep the pictures coming.

Offline onceuponatime

Do not tell them this (bitcoin) they are our competitor an enemy and your benefit will only be 10x your money.  This is to the moon Alice!

Ah ha!  Another clue!
Eagleeye is old enough to quote Jackie Gleason...

Since Eagleeye is constantly asking for user's screenshots and information about devs it would be really appropriate if he told us more about himself - beyond vague references to unknown internet startups and independent wealth (doesn't have to work) etc.

Offline Stan

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Do not tell them this (bitcoin) they are our competitor an enemy and your benefit will only be 10x your money.  This is to the moon Alice!

Ah ha!  Another clue!
Eagleeye is old enough to quote Jackie Gleason...

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Offline eagleeye

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BM told that "BiShares is more secure after 1 block than Bitcoin is after 6 blocks and more secure after 51 blocks than Bitcoin after 120 blocks."
How is that actually calculated?

Great post delulo +5%

99.9% of the time with a solid slate of delegates and a block that we received "on time" you never have ANY forks.   100% of the time we have had over 60% delegate participation and 99.9% of the time it has been over 90% delegate participation.   So if your transaction makes it into a block on the public chain the probability of you being on a minority fork is 0 and your client will be YELLOW or RED to warn you if there are any problems. 

After 51 delegates you have "majority approval" which is effectively a checkpoint because no delegate is going to "double sign".  510 seconds, 8.5 minutes.   Bitcoin effectively declares 120 blocks (20 hours) to be a checkpoint (and thus allow mining rewards to be spent).    8.5 minutes vs 1200 minutes.
Good post, thanks!
So the 6 and the 120 blocks on Bitcoin's side are arbitrary estimates by Bitcoin core devs?

Do not tell them this (bitcoin) they are our competitor an enemy and your benefit will only be 10x your money.  This is to the moon Alice!

Offline bytemaster

6 blocks is based upon probability of a random-walk:

120 seems arbitrary to me.... but if you go into bitcoins past you can see where a 'hard fork' undid more than 120 blocks.
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Offline fluxer555

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99.9% of the time with a solid slate of delegates and a block that we received "on time" you never have ANY forks.

Offline santaclause102

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BM told that "BiShares is more secure after 1 block than Bitcoin is after 6 blocks and more secure after 51 blocks than Bitcoin after 120 blocks."
How is that actually calculated?

Great post delulo +5%

99.9% of the time with a solid slate of delegates and a block that we received "on time" you never have ANY forks.   100% of the time we have had over 60% delegate participation and 99.9% of the time it has been over 90% delegate participation.   So if your transaction makes it into a block on the public chain the probability of you being on a minority fork is 0 and your client will be YELLOW or RED to warn you if there are any problems. 

After 51 delegates you have "majority approval" which is effectively a checkpoint because no delegate is going to "double sign".  510 seconds, 8.5 minutes.   Bitcoin effectively declares 120 blocks (20 hours) to be a checkpoint (and thus allow mining rewards to be spent).    8.5 minutes vs 1200 minutes.
Good post, thanks!
So the 6 and the 120 blocks on Bitcoin's side are arbitrary estimates by Bitcoin core devs?

Offline xeroc

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So if your transaction makes it into a block on the public chain the probability of you being on a minority fork is 0 and your client will be YELLOW or RED to warn you if there are any problems. 
Ah .. right .. for those of you not knowing what BM is talking about: got to console and type blockchain_get_security_state

Offline bytemaster

BM told that "BiShares is more secure after 1 block than Bitcoin is after 6 blocks and more secure after 51 blocks than Bitcoin after 120 blocks."
How is that actually calculated?

Great post delulo +5%

99.9% of the time with a solid slate of delegates and a block that we received "on time" you never have ANY forks.   100% of the time we have had over 60% delegate participation and 99.9% of the time it has been over 90% delegate participation.   So if your transaction makes it into a block on the public chain the probability of you being on a minority fork is 0 and your client will be YELLOW or RED to warn you if there are any problems. 

After 51 delegates you have "majority approval" which is effectively a checkpoint because no delegate is going to "double sign".  510 seconds, 8.5 minutes.   Bitcoin effectively declares 120 blocks (20 hours) to be a checkpoint (and thus allow mining rewards to be spent).    8.5 minutes vs 1200 minutes.


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Offline eagleeye

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BM told that "BiShares is more secure after 1 block than Bitcoin is after 6 blocks and more secure after 51 blocks than Bitcoin after 120 blocks."
How is that actually calculated?

Great post delulo +5%

Offline xeroc

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Good that you ask .. i cannot remember either.

Afaik 51 blocks equals a checkpoint

Offline santaclause102

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BM told that "BiShares is more secure after 1 block than Bitcoin is after 6 blocks and more secure after 51 blocks than Bitcoin after 120 blocks."
How is that actually calculated?