Author Topic: How to backup and restore Protoshares-qt wallet?  (Read 29720 times)

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Offline Clueless

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hi there,

i dumped the private keys as describes here (long time ago)
now i cannot convert the key to WIF Format to import into bitshares client - i guess the conversion is somehow different from bitcoin?
 any idea?

Offline xeroc

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you probably do not have a good peer in your list.
run this in your debug window:

For new client it's unnecessary, it's has good DNS seed build in.
Good to know!

Offline testz

you probably do not have a good peer in your list.
run this in your debug window:

For new client it's unnecessary, it's has good DNS seed build in.

Offline xeroc

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you probably do not have a good peer in your list.
run this in your debug window:

Code: [Select]
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
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addnode add
addnode add

It adding my list of pts nodes

Offline testz

Hi guys,

I have a problem. I had to reinstall my Windows. So I did a backup of my wallet and, additionally, moved my wallet to other HDD. Reinstalled Windows, but now when I open my wallet it says 0 PTS and it doesn't synchronize. What do I do?

Make sure you have installed latest client from:

1. Run the client and wait until it's get syncronized (it's take 1-2 hours)
2. Close the client
3. Navigate to %AppData%\Roaming\BitShares-PTS folder (typically C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming On Win7 and above)
4. Replace wallet.dat file with one from your backup
5. Run the client, you should see your balance

Offline feelgood2

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Hi guys,

I have a problem. I had to reinstall my Windows. So I did a backup of my wallet and, additionally, moved my wallet to other HDD. Reinstalled Windows, but now when I open my wallet it says 0 PTS and it doesn't synchronize. What do I do?

Offline Riverhead

It depends if you're just trying to make a backup of your PTS wallet for safe keeping or actually run the client from the USB stick.

If it's the former all you need to do is the following:

1) Exit out of the client so that it is not running any more.
2) Navigate to %AppData%\roaming\protoshares folder (typically C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming On Win7 and above)
3) Copy your wallet.dat to your USB drive (I like to call it pts_wallet.dat on the backup drive so I can tell which coin is backed up. It should already be encrypted from the protoshares-qt client).
4) Restart client.

If you want you want and have room you can copy the whole protoshares folder from %AppData%\roaming to your thumbdrive so you don't have to redownload the blockchain if you re-install your PTS wallet on another computer.

If you want to run your PTS wallet from your thumbdrive don't use the SanDisc software as it creates a file container on the USB drive (sort of like working from within a zip file).  Just copy them with normal Windows cut/paste.  You'll need to make a .bat file to start the protoshshares.exe file with a datadir flag pointing to your thumbdrive where you copied the blockchain.

Depending on which option you're trying to do we can get into more detail about either.

If you really want to run your PTS client-qt from the thumbdrive AND want it all encrypted on top of the normal encryption checkout TrueCrypt.  It's an easy to use free piece of software that allows you to create a container on the USB drive and mount it as a drive so you can have a read/writable thumbdrive that is encrytped really well (

Good luck!

I'm not really tech savvy just an investor. I ran into a problem trying to download my pts to my usb drive, but I got two messages the first one said your file will be opened as read only. To edit move file outside of vault, open, make changes ,save then drag the updated file back into the vault.

then the second message stated that my libgcc_s_dW2-l.dll is missing from my computer. Try reinstalling to fix this problem.

I thought saving the file will be a 123 step but unfortunately an obstacle had to come about.
I'm using a SanDisk USB drive Cruzer Glider.

Assistance for this problem will be appreciated thanks.

1 pts to who ever can help me thoroughly.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 12:55:32 pm by Riverhead »

Offline cryptkeeper

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I'm not really tech savvy just an investor. I ran into a problem trying to download my pts to my usb drive, but I got two messages the first one said your file will be opened as read only. To edit move file outside of vault, open, make changes ,save then drag the updated file back into the vault.

then the second message stated that my libgcc_s_dW2-l.dll is missing from my computer. Try reinstalling to fix this problem.

I thought saving the file will be a 123 step but unfortunately an obstacle had to come about.
I'm using a SanDisk USB drive Cruzer Glider.

Assistance for this problem will be appreciated thanks.

1 pts to who ever can help me thoroughly.

Offline canuck

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I created a simple bat file in windows, then I upload an encrypted copy to several cloud storage\external drives.
A program called 'duplicati' auto encrypts, backup and then sync's to your preferred cloud storage (drive, dropbox etc.)

Offline santaclause102

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Am I right that the Prototshares qt client doens't exist for linux? Then booting from a USB with Linux on it wouldnt be an option...

It works fine on Linux.  You would just need to build your own binary from the git hub source.

Haha I am not a techie guy! Sounds advanced... Can that easily be done?

Offline Riverhead

Am I right that the Prototshares qt client doens't exist for linux? Then booting from a USB with Linux on it wouldnt be an option...

It works fine on Linux.  You would just need to build your own binary from the git hub source.

Offline santaclause102

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Am I right that the Prototshares qt client doens't exist for linux? Then booting from a USB with Linux on it wouldnt be an option...

Offline santaclause102

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Ok. So as long as I copy the wallet.dat file that was in use every 100 transactions or less I am safe. And also it doesn't do harm to replace the original wallet.dat copy with the wallet.dat file that was recently used. Correct?

Correct. I always just keep my wallet backup up-to-date.

Offtopic: How can I empty the wallet on a USB stick that was connected to a Internet Cafe omputer? Does my system (potentially) get infected just by pluging a USB stick into an infected computer and afterwards into my main computer?

Potentially, yes. This is beyond my expertise though.

And would I be able to send coins from the wallet that is within Linux on an USB Stick? Will linux connect to the Internet via the computer to which the USB stick is connected to?

Yes. Another thing you can do (though it's not easy) is use createraxtransaction / signrawtrasaction via the debug console. Then you could manually do the "offline signing" strategy that the Armory BTC client enables:
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