Author Topic: Molecular Synergy - Give One Get One Charity  (Read 2584 times)

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Offline Moleculo

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I am interested in starting a Give One Get One charity that would sell products and when someone buys a product, the same product would be sent to someone in the developing world, similar to the One Laptop Per Child organization. This DAC would sell things such as mosquito nets to help stop the spread of Malaria, Mobile phones to help entrepreneurs and farmers, organic seeds and many other things.

I founded Molecular Synergy in 2006 as a Nonprofit Corporation in the United States, and couldn't get through the bureaucratic and cost prohibitive 501(c)(3) process. I tried it again in Germany and Canada and faced the similar situations. Seems like some serious Matrix / Truman Show business...

I looked at somehow getting it somehow registered on an International level, but the way companies are traditionally registered internationally seemed to require boatloads more capital, and the World Service Authority's World Citizen Passport is a neat idea, but didn't seem to carry much weight.

I would like to be able to sell products to raise money, and also be able to receive donations, but not to have to rely on them. The "platform" below was an idea connected to the Bitcoin Starter project, which was a distributed Wordpress site that I built (with a "WWW" folder updatable with BittorrentSync) that was to serve as an informational tool with videos, Bitcoin ecommerce, and a decentralized social network using Vole or Tent...

Where would I start creating a DAC? I'm thinking of selling the products on OpenBazaar...

Following are some links to previous endeavours. The sites are no longer up, and the mission has been divided into two projects.

Molecular Synergy - A Give One Get One Social Enterprise (From Bitcoinstarter)

The New Molecular Synergy would create positive change in the world and connect like-minded people, using Bitcoin and other Crypto-Currencies. A Give One Get One program combined with social enterprise is a way to balance gaps in wealth and opportunity in the world, without relying solely on donations.

The platform would feature products such as computers & smartphones to help with business and education in the developing world or elsewhere, organic seeds to provide a stable foundation to grow natural food and materials, mosquito nets to help prevent the spread of disease and solar/crank powered LED lanterns to light the darkness that so many people still experience when the sun goes down.

Other items would include solar powered batteries for entrepreneurship opportunities recharging mobile phones, examples + supplies and equipment for decentralized manufacturing, equipment for hydroponic/aquaponic food + natural resource growing and shipping container building units to house the above and the people involved.

The user of the Molecular Synergy platform can purchase one item for themselves and send one to someone else, possibly in the developing world, send both items or send more.

Built-in would be a system for confirmation of the receipt of the item and correspondence with the end user of the item and other users of the Molecular Synergy platform, creating a decentralized social network of change-makers.

The name Molecular Synergy comes from the idea of basic elements of all things working in harmony together. The current beta site features videos that tell the stories of people around the world and how the technologies offered by Molecular Synergy could enhance their situations.

Molecular Synergy was founded as a nonprofit corporation in the USA and the process started in Germany but progress in both cases was halted by bureaucracy and cost prohibitive legal and application fees. Progress was halted in Canada due to not being a citizen and cost prohibitive entrepreneurship visa fees.

Bitcoin is providing the opportunity to operate free of these restraints. If funded, Molecular Synergy would create jobs and opportunities for many people in the world.

The Bitcoins would go for a server, mobile applicaton software development and systems integration, networking equipment, R&D / Testing, marketing & advertising.
BTSX Address: BTSX567mPAbaXvB932Ky2c7tNkswP92dyFDkf8s2cfRFbzC2VfgMzf