i don't get it.
what are the steps to do it? and on what do i bet/quiz?
I'll try to clarify for him since I like this idea and his English appears to not be very good.
So the game has about 10% house rake.
1) You bet by transferring btsx to btsx-me
2) In the memo field, you choose the name of the block's delegate you expect to be 101 blocks after the block containing the transaction from #1.
3) 101 blocks later, or 1 DPOS round, or 101 * 10 seconds later, then the outcome will be decided. If you guessed the right delegate, you are paid.
So the game uses the randomness of the delegate ordering each round to determine a winner. If the block with your transaction is block #50, then if the delegate who creates block #151 was same in your memo, quiz sends you back 90 x your wager.
So it is a quiz because you guess who the delegate will be 101 blocks from now.
I would suggest quiz that you list a maximum accepted bet.