Author Topic: Kehotee ID very expensive?  (Read 27150 times)

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Offline testz

Thank you very much for your reply.

Can you please explain a bit further what will be (if any) the benefits to become a Kehotee Founder if there is no intention to get into mining?

And also explain a bit about the transition from PTS to Bitshares? Will we need to do something or instructions will be given?

Please look to the other forum posts, bytemaster already explain it.

Offline mf-tzo

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Thank you very much for your reply.

Can you please explain a bit further what will be (if any) the benefits to become a Kehotee Founder if there is no intention to get into mining?

And also explain a bit about the transition from PTS to Bitshares? Will we need to do something or instructions will be given?

Offline bytemaster

We will value your order at the market value as of Decenber 25th, 2013.   

We will not reduce the price because the purpose is to show a SIGNIFICANT contribution to the company and effort and is not at all related to cost of goods.     It is a donation with a perk and we cannot devalue earlier donations by reducing the price. 

We are not selling the PTS given for the names but holding it so we profit as it rises in value.   
For the latest updates checkout my blog:
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.

Offline mf-tzo

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I am very excitted about PTS-Bitshares and Kehotee. I want to pre-order an Kehotee ID but I feel that now 10PTS is very expensive.

Originaly 100 PTS were very easy to acquire for those who know how to mine them and now 10 PTS worth c$80-90 (based on the price that most sellers are willing to sell their PTS).

Unfortunately, I do not have the IT know how neither the appropriate hardware to mine any PTS. Since I have missed the cheap PTS sales the first 3 days they were launched, now I am having difficulties to obtain any although i would want some very much...

I was wondering therefore:

1. Do you plan reducing the 10 PTS price for a Kehotee ID?
2. If not, will 2-3 PTS today for ordering a Kehotee ID will be appreciated and valued as 10 PTS 10 days ago since the price constantly appreciates? I mean at the time of ordering will you value the order at that day's PTS price? Or 2-3 PTS are not enough for a Kehotee ID pre-order? Otherwise obtaining a Kehotee ID for $90 today instead of 10 days ago, doesn't seem very fair and sounds quite expensive. I mean I want to contribute but my contribution of a few PTS in reality is much more valuable than 100 PTS obtained the first day with mining from most people in this forum who have the know how... I understand that in a way mining is your way of contributing but isn't a contribution from a non IT investor who wants to participate to all these equally appreciated? If yes, for this investor to contribute the price that he has to pay is much more than someone who know how to mine them...

Maybe I am missing something so please let me have your comments...

Also, since I am not very IT literate I do not understand the transition from PTS to Bitshares. Will you explain with simple words what a newbie user like me will have to do, how and when?

Also if you can again advise in simple words about the financial benefits of pre-ordering  a Kehotee ID it will be much appreciated. I have read it somewhere but there is so much confusion in my head trying to understand all these so now I am lost...

I can imagine that my above considerations might appear silly but it is really difficult from someone with no IT knowledge (only finance knowledge) to follow you guys, so any explaination with simple wording will be appreciated...

Thanks in advance!