I think we have it ready to tag... for the back end.
GUI is closer... but still buggy.
Backend is most important because that will allow me to run bots.
Your even closer than 15% damn man. No wonder they called you THE Bytemaster and all those awesome names.
Understandable its buggy as hell. Hopefully you have your team of engineers and then your informal team of testers. I know there was a post about that a while back. But obviously your engineers, who are paid, are better testers but there should be both dynamics.
I understand backend is most important.
Your doing a great job. Be well Bytemaster. Just remember if your working 12 hours a day, its not fair if the other key members of your team are not. Your being a leader and not a boss.

Be well in health Bytemaster Dan - meditation, blueberries, salmon all help in small doses.