Many people in the community have been asking what our team is up to lately.
Beyond routine forum tasks such as working on creating multiple backups for the forum, making torrent files of the comments ready, and changing some on-site SEO we have also been working on our own little project!

As we are invested in the I3 DAC ecosystem we want to add value by using our industry expertise (UX/UI development and user facing web applications). We figured that the current wallet being developed by I3 goes beyond just being a wallet and is a fully fledged trading engine. It is attractive to early adopters and DAC/finance geeks, but not the general population.
We believe that the wast majority of users want a simple wallet which holds their funds and which they can use to transfer funds similar to the current generation of advanced bitcoin web wallets. Most users would be put off by having immediate access to a complicated financial interface. The way we look at this is that your default calculator in your operating system uses a simple calculator view, but you can always select the financial calculator view if you need it.
As many of you have already read we are also working with Cedric and Eddie from Bitshares Music to build the peertracks web application. We have agreed that Peertracks will use our wallet.
The wallet will be modular to fit the needs of as many upcoming DACs as possible. We intend to make the wallet fully open source under the MIT license so that more projects can use it, including for commercial purposes.
We don't want to raise funds to develop the wallet, rather we intend to do a fundraiser once the wallet is fully developed. We don't like vaporware either

. Depending on how much we raise different rewards can be achieved for the donors. The fundraiser itself is still in th works.
The wallet tech stack is:
We have chosen this tech stack specifically so the same wallet can work on the client (as does the current BitSharesX wallet), the browser as a web wallet, and potentially on mobile devices.
If everything goes as planned we should have first interactive videos of the wallet UX/UI ready in 5-6 weeks, paving the way for advanced user testing of the wallet. The flowing are the UX designs which we are using as references for our developers (obviously, fields and content are not final).
Imgur link for small screens For people who might be interested, we use the
Google Material design principles (
Video). We want to future-proof the UX/UI.