Who ever generated the captchas would know the answers.
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From where i am standing
1) We all seem against VPS etc
2) There is a GPU miner in the works, if not two.
3) The original intention was a well dispersed
CPU only coin.
People should stop complaining about amazon users, they are basically just outsourcing hash power.
here's the real deal.
Botnets 1,2 and 3 plus GPU farms 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ~ 15 are about to wreck havok combined. with a single i7 you'll be lucky to get 0.01 PTS per day.
Momentum 2.0 is the beta product and has to deal with these issues yet remain feasible. So the question really is how do we go to being a truly CPU mined algo without complicating the mining process. Keeping it scalable for those with multiple machines? IMO it's all down to tweaking the algo making it VPS harder and GPU NO-NO, for those that don't get what i am saying. Current arguments like registered mining and long term maturity do nothing in the end, as you know once i am registered i can point all my miners to one account or use one machine to pipe all the others. Long term maturity falls on rocks because botnets will just mine, for those six months plus more. with GPU farms that makes it worse, i know quite a few farms, much to my awe ( 700 mh/s + on scrypt). These belong to companies and individuals who can mine 12 hours of any coin and 12 hours of momentum and still be very profitable. We need sharks and whales in the pool to make it interesting and bring in lumpsum investments, so lets make something scalable, convenient yet not easy to rape.