Dan's immediate reaction was positive and grew more so the more he talked about it in several interviews immediately following the speech (which was awesome).
While it would have been a nice feather in the BTS hat to list them, it would have been a distraction from the bigger goals we are pursuing. We wouldn't want them to hire away our core team would,we?
Meanwhile we can use all the legal help we can get. It was gratifying they picked the same law firm we have been working with all year. Now our law firm will be properly funded to find all the answers we all are seeking.
It is true that building on top of Bitcoin is a serious flaw, but we view it as an opportunity! Dan is eager to see them start trading so we can accelerate their market by an order of magnitude with bitOverstock!
All in all this will give a sagging coinmarketcap a big shot in the arm and attract new interest to the industry.
And it's nice to let someone else be the tall poppy with the regulators!