The OP is basically arguing against crypto as a concept.
Yes this.
Fiat currencies are an easy to use, centralized system. If that is what you want, no need for crypto at all, of any form.
Totally agreed. xeroc also thought similarly as I see it. No disrespect to MeTHoDx, but we MUST stick to the underlying principles and not go off half cocked chasing market share anywhere we see money or interest. So many people don't seem to get WHY crypto has value; so many are preoccupied with convenience.
If we build a quality system that solves real problems based on sound principles of freedom and free trade people WILL come DESPITE what the establishment decrees. Granted, we want to capitalize on where the herd is stampeding but let's not forsake long term financial freedom for short term gains. If I start seeing that attitude become more widespread I'll go somewhere else.
I don't think that's gonna happen as long as Larimer has a voice. So far he's not only been steadfast in his "decentralization is our prime directive" montra, but he is also one top notch programmer and spokesman.