Author Topic: KeyID v0.0.3 - MANDATORY UPDATE - key graph and updated fees  (Read 13981 times)

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Offline xh3

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Anything that can be done to make this tech seem less complicated should be done.  Anything that can be done to make the development seem more decisive should be done.  The tech, ideas, and talent are on point... But from the outside and as a non-programmer, this whole endeavor has seemed to fly by the seat of it's pants.

I think that the long-term success of these projects will require every aspect to become simple, elegant, and common-sensical.  The pure tech is not enough.  Eyes are already on bitshares, impressions are being made, and all the great ideas generated here are open source.  Let's add some diligence, let's think about how this tech fits in with the actual future and present world and who will use it, let's dial back the arrogance and think critically about what needs to happen before bitshares projects can attract huge market capitalization.  Let's pour on the genius guys :-)

Offline janx

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Yep... I am positive posting here greatly improves the compiling speed of toast's machine...

Ok I've been meaning to write a full post about  this.....but I will try to keep it short and sweet. Please correct me if I'm out of line, I'm basing my judgement on what it looks like from the outside, but.....

Where the fuck is the dev-ops engineer????
And a full time QA????  Can we have at least one?????

We've donated millions of dollars to the AGS fund to build the industry.  Can we not scimp on CRITICAL manpower and infrastructure?

We are throwing money away every time toast needs to do a build (and enhancing developer stress levels).  Time equals money and this is grunt work of a lower paid specialist.  I get that finding blockchain developers is difficult, and this is cutting edge stuff.  But testers are a dime a dozen, and a local dev-ops engineer should be easy enough to find too.

The rate that we have seen bad builds, builds for particular systems not ready, bugs that break markets, just looks like amateur hour.  Its irresponsible to be developing multi million dollar software that wants to be multi billion dollar software, and to not have reliable, trusted builds, that won't require immediate patching because of showstopping bugs.  Geez if I told the customers in my industry that they had to build from source, they would probably say 'fuck off, we're not paying you.'  The members of the forum are still customers - not an internal test team.

//end rant


Offline toast

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Do not use this post as information for making any important decisions. The only agreements I ever make are informal and non-binding. Take the same precautions as when dealing with a compromised account, scammer, sockpuppet, etc.

Offline sschechter

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Also, beyond typical smokescreen tests before a checkin, having developers QA their own code is a recipe for disaster.  The harder a developer tests, the more work he creates for himself.  This creates an incentive to cut corners and not test as well as you should.  A dedicated tester (or team) is as much about checks and balances, and offering a different perspective.  There ought to be an additional layer between developer and end user.  I am saying this as a programmer by profession, not a spectator.  I would be worried if no one had my back at my day job - and if my boss put me in that position, he would hear about it.
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Offline sschechter

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The members of the forum are still customers - not an internal test team.

For 0.0.x releases I feel that's exactly what we're signing up for. You are correct your customers would fire you but you also wouldn't release 0.0.x software to your customers.

So our choices are understand this is pre alpha open source software we're helping to develop by lending a hand testing and posting issues or wait for the 1.0 version that's polished.

I don't buy this pre alpha thing - this is no longer the test network.  You spent/trade/lose your funds, they're gone for good. Pre alpha software doesn't house millions of dollars worth of equity.

Every hour toast spends doing stuff like builds, is an hour not spent of developing non-critical functionality. Opportunity costs are just as wasteful as expenses. Poor first impressions also have a cost.  Oftentimes, saving money today will cost you in the long run.

Toast - don't think I am directing this specifically at you.  These resources should have been available months ago working on BitSharesX.  Development funds for DNS should go to developing DNS specific features.  Testing and configuration should come from AGS funds, because there is much overlap in common architecture between DACs (ie supporting the industry).

If I3 is having trouble recruiting non-blockchain personnel, than you guys ought to give serious consideration to relocating the office to a tech hub.

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Offline clayop

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The members of the forum are still customers - not an internal test team.

Imho, we're prosumers (producer + consumer). As community members, we help development and will enjoy the fruits as consumers. Personally, I'm enjoying testing pre-alpha version and seeing the progress.
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Offline Riverhead

The members of the forum are still customers - not an internal test team.

For 0.0.x releases I feel that's exactly what we're signing up for. You are correct your customers would fire you but you also wouldn't release 0.0.x software to your customers.

So our choices are understand this is pre alpha open source software we're helping to develop by lending a hand testing and posting issues or wait for the 1.0 version that's polished.

Offline toast

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I'll have a process in place before 0.1.0 - perhaps I should paste "advanced users only" everywhere until then.

I wasn't even thinking of producing binaries tbh, though now I realize it's necessary since non-technical people are already moving shares around.

You're right, it sucks. The DNS dac can afford a qa/devops guy, by the way. Any recommendations?

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

Do not use this post as information for making any important decisions. The only agreements I ever make are informal and non-binding. Take the same precautions as when dealing with a compromised account, scammer, sockpuppet, etc.

Offline sschechter

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Yep... I am positive posting here greatly improves the compiling speed of toast's machine...

Ok I've been meaning to write a full post about  this.....but I will try to keep it short and sweet. Please correct me if I'm out of line, I'm basing my judgement on what it looks like from the outside, but.....

Where the fuck is the dev-ops engineer????
And a full time QA????  Can we have at least one?????

We've donated millions of dollars to the AGS fund to build the industry.  Can we not scimp on CRITICAL manpower and infrastructure?

We are throwing money away every time toast needs to do a build (and enhancing developer stress levels).  Time equals money and this is grunt work of a lower paid specialist.  I get that finding blockchain developers is difficult, and this is cutting edge stuff.  But testers are a dime a dozen, and a local dev-ops engineer should be easy enough to find too.

The rate that we have seen bad builds, builds for particular systems not ready, bugs that break markets, just looks like amateur hour.  Its irresponsible to be developing multi million dollar software that wants to be multi billion dollar software, and to not have reliable, trusted builds, that won't require immediate patching because of showstopping bugs.  Geez if I told the customers in my industry that they had to build from source, they would probably say 'fuck off, we're not paying you.'  The members of the forum are still customers - not an internal test team.

//end rant
BTSX: sschechter
PTS: PvBUyPrDRkJLVXZfvWjdudRtQgv1Fcy5Qe

Offline mtang

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DNS delegate mtang & delegate-mtang updated
BTSX:wallet_approve_delegate btsx.outofcontrol true
DNS :wallet_account_set_approval mtang true
感谢给我们的受托人团队“失控”btsx.outofcontro以及she.bitrose投票。请关注FUND数字资产运作计划//立足兢兢业业的standby delegate//weibo ID:汤O包


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Offline tonyk

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Yep... I am positive posting here greatly improves the compiling speed of toast's machine...
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline robust8

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Tuck Fheman

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block 107500  (~2 days)

you know what to do

Actually, I don't.  :-\

I tried to find v0.0.3 on but it's offering up v0.0.2 still. So I ventured over to and still no luck finding the Windows client v0.0.3 compiled.

Offline liondani

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updated  ;)

Code: [Select]
default (unlocked) >>> wallet_publish_version delegate-liondani
TIMESTAMP           BLOCK     FROM                TO                  AMOUNT                  MEMO                                        FEE                 ID     
2014-10-13T22:22:14 PENDING   delegate-liondani   delegate-liondani   0.00000 DNS             publish version v0.0.3                      0.10000 DNS         c56d574c