"Woah there, hold your horses and please not only read, but COMPREHEND THE INTENSTIONS of the OP OK. WE won't use the word: “PONZI”
We will let the market and media figure it out for themselves. That was the whole plan: to teach the market that BitShares (and BitUSD) beats NuBits. And if there is a better way, than to put them head to head on the BTSX blockchain and have a highly publicized duel to the death where we can gamble on the winner like a fun time Las Vegas Friday Night Fight at the MGM grand, then, where do I pay to see this Battle Royal!"
The media doesn't give 2 btsx about "figure it out". They only care about views. And the headline I think they would roll with is "I3 creates ponzi scheme and invites people to partake!"
Yea in a perfect world where people didn't spin things to fit their agenda this would be an amazing idea. Sadly we don't live in that world.
I have no doubt Dan is a genius. How does that saying go? Ah, crowds are smarter than the smartest individual in them.
There might be things Dan has missed or not thought of. It is good to have someone challenge his ideas (even if they are right).