Author Topic: Looking for Deposit Tutorial for OPEN.BTC  (Read 11566 times)

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Offline tbone

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From the looks of it, Yobit is just trading thin air. Doesn't even sound like they participated in the ICO:

Pretty shady if ya ask me. And I don't really get the excitement around Lisk, either -- isn't it just Crypti re-branded? These past weeks I've refused to buy into the ICO assuming it's overpriced for what is essentially Crypti 2.0, but apparently as long as something is new and has decent marketing it's immediately worth a $6,000,000+ ICO...

Maybe it's time to bring up the ol' "rebrand BitShares to Graphene" argument again...  :P

You posted that link, but not even the Lisk devs could possibly know if YObit participated in the ICO.  My guess is that they did.  And I really don't see much wrong with them issuing an IOU token to trade on their exchange, as long as buyers know the supply is limited and there is no way to withdraw any Lisk until after the main net launches.  On the other hand, if YObit is pretending that Lisk has launched and that they are the exclusive exchange for Lisk, then THAT would be shady.  Or if they take the money and run, that would be the ultimate in shadiness, although I seriously doubt that is going to happen.

As for your statement that Lisk is nothing but Crypti 2.0, that tells me that you didn't understand the potential of  Crypti to begin with.  But some of us *did* see the potential of Crypti.  Now almost all previous Crypti investors own LISK at a deep discount...and will therefore get rewarded nicely. 

Offline MarketingMonk

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Could someone please enlighten me with regards to what STEEM is please? (other than a new asset on the BitShares network)

Offline openledger

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one thing clear is that launch on exchanges will not be april 11th. Going out and selling something which is actually existing but just not released yet, allows me to think that its not the right way to offere before hand unless you could actually secure funds which seems you cannot.

What happens if LISK skyrocket to 1000x the price and whomever is offering the asset IOU initailly and sold it at 10 times the price. I am not saying it will happen, but it's human nature to consider options in such case and do accordingly. Is it worth it then to consider then, well i am not a fan of that, simply because it has a value already but stuck away somewhere and only released later on.

U can sell it based on what you have in your own possession, but you cannot really sell on a promise untill you have something to back it with.

Same way I will not sell digixdao on OL prior to release even through I could. I prefer to present on OL as OPEN.DGD with cold and hot wallets to go with it.

Same way with LISK, anyone who decides to offer an IOU of LISK prior to it to be released is doing it based on the assumption of getting the real thing in near future, provided the issuer does in fact have LISK to offer.

I prefer to do it the right way and let anyone else do it as what is posible on OpenLedger. Anyone can issue an asset, so it is up to all users to decide which ones to focus on.

I have four major assets I need to focus on in April as OPEN assets, and will try to keep my focus on those.

And one of them is what this thread is all about name ly steem.

All the ebst from here


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Offline Akado

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From the looks of it, Yobit is just trading thin air. Doesn't even sound like they participated in the ICO:

Pretty shady if ya ask me. And I don't really get the excitement around Lisk, either -- isn't it just Crypti re-branded? These past weeks I've refused to buy into the ICO assuming it's overpriced for what is essentially Crypti 2.0, but apparently as long as something is new and has decent marketing it's immediately worth a $6,000,000+ ICO...

Maybe it's time to bring up the ol' "rebrand BitShares to Graphene" argument again...  :P

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Offline nomoreheroes7

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From the looks of it, Yobit is just trading thin air. Doesn't even sound like they participated in the ICO:

Pretty shady if ya ask me. And I don't really get the excitement around Lisk, either -- isn't it just Crypti re-branded? These past weeks I've refused to buy into the ICO assuming it's overpriced for what is essentially Crypti 2.0, but apparently as long as something is new and has decent marketing it's immediately worth a $6,000,000+ ICO...

Maybe it's time to bring up the ol' "rebrand BitShares to Graphene" argument again...  :P

Offline tbone

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I am looking for someone to create a step-by-step guide with screenshots on how to deposit OPEN.BTC into your BitShares account.

These instructions will be used as part of a marketing push for STEEM that will direct users to BitShares which will start out as the exclusive exchange where STEEM is traded. 

If we play this right BitShares can ride the STEEM publicity and we can get some new traders into the exchange.

Having exclusive assets that people want to trade is one of the best ways of bootstrapping BitShares.

Ideally the guide would be done in MARKDOWN.

This will be great to have in place so we can be ready for LISK traders as well.  LISK launches next Monday.

Ronny (@ccedk): will we have LISK trading on the DEX when it launches?

Have asked Max for an update via skype.

FYI:  Apparently Yobit participated in the Lisk ICO and have already made YOBIT.LISK available to trade on their site.  Currently it is trading at 15X ICO price.  It's creating a buzz for Yobit, which might even put them on the map.  That's exactly what OpenLedger needs.   @ccedk

What a shame not being able to sell mine meh. We should have done as @Erlich Bachman said.

@ccedk have you thought about doing this?

If Ronny does this, he'd be distributing some of his own LISK.  But that's fine with me.  I'm mostly interested in the attention OpenLedger can get from this.  There is a LOT of buzz around LISK! 

Offline Akado

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I am looking for someone to create a step-by-step guide with screenshots on how to deposit OPEN.BTC into your BitShares account.

These instructions will be used as part of a marketing push for STEEM that will direct users to BitShares which will start out as the exclusive exchange where STEEM is traded. 

If we play this right BitShares can ride the STEEM publicity and we can get some new traders into the exchange.

Having exclusive assets that people want to trade is one of the best ways of bootstrapping BitShares.

Ideally the guide would be done in MARKDOWN.

This will be great to have in place so we can be ready for LISK traders as well.  LISK launches next Monday.

Ronny (@ccedk): will we have LISK trading on the DEX when it launches?

Have asked Max for an update via skype.

FYI:  Apparently Yobit participated in the Lisk ICO and have already made YOBIT.LISK available to trade on their site.  Currently it is trading at 15X ICO price.  It's creating a buzz for Yobit, which might even put them on the map.  That's exactly what OpenLedger needs.   @ccedk

What a shame not being able to sell mine meh. We should have done as @Erlich Bachman said.

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Offline tbone

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I am looking for someone to create a step-by-step guide with screenshots on how to deposit OPEN.BTC into your BitShares account.

These instructions will be used as part of a marketing push for STEEM that will direct users to BitShares which will start out as the exclusive exchange where STEEM is traded. 

If we play this right BitShares can ride the STEEM publicity and we can get some new traders into the exchange.

Having exclusive assets that people want to trade is one of the best ways of bootstrapping BitShares.

Ideally the guide would be done in MARKDOWN.

This will be great to have in place so we can be ready for LISK traders as well.  LISK launches next Monday.

Ronny (@ccedk): will we have LISK trading on the DEX when it launches?

Have asked Max for an update via skype.

FYI:  Apparently Yobit participated in the Lisk ICO and have already made YOBIT.LISK available to trade on their site.  Currently it is trading at 15X ICO price.  It's creating a buzz for Yobit, which might even put them on the map.  That's exactly what OpenLedger needs.   @ccedk

« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 04:38:08 pm by tbone »

Offline hdup

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Thank you so much for these tutorial vids Chris! I've shared all of them in my group of newbies to OL.
Now we're just waiting for one on how to interpret the trading screen, since that really seems to be a big problem for newbies.
We tend to make awful mistakes in our ignorance.

Offline Thom

That's some great work Chris, really like the full screen view with you narrating.

The only thing I didn't like is the quality of your audio. It was much worse on last Sunday's google hangout. The issue seems to be you have the compression set too high or the upper end of the frequency is set too low, resulting in a low frequency, muffled sounding tone.

I doubt it's your equipment, from what I can see it looks on the high end side with green screen effects that allow you to layer live video.

I do agree that the Openledger wallet will probably be the one most people will use initially, but your install + initial funding videos are well done and will also serve the BitShares community nicely.

Thank you so much for taking the initiative to crank these out, and for doing them so quickly.
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Offline Pheonike

Those are good, but I think you should focus it on web wallet. That's the one the majority of ppl are going to us.

Offline MarketingMonk

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Please find below 3 tutorial videos entitled:
1. Creating your first BitShares account
2. How to Backup Your BitShares Wallet
3. Funding Your BitShares Wallet with BTC

There are 2 variations of each video, giving a total of 6 videos.

The 2 variations are:
  • Screen Capture with Presenter
  • Screen Capture Only
YouTube Versions
Creating your first BitShares account -

Creating your first BitShares account (Screen Only) -

How to Backup Your BitShares Wallet -

How to Backup Your BitShares Wallet (Screen Only) -

Funding Your BitShares Wallet with BTC -

Funding Your BitShares Wallet with BTC (Screen Only) -

Download Links To Zip Files Containing .mp4 Video Files
Screen Capture with Presenter:

Screen Capture Only:

Use these in which ever combination you wish.

Offline MarketingMonk

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  • BitShares: marketing.monk
OK I officially accept this project.
Could someone please share with me what STEEM is?

It's a UIA I get that but there's little info on the exchange about it.

Offline openledger

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  • BitShares: ccedkbts
If I make this tutorial video, do I assume that the user already has a BitShares accounts?
Or does it need to include instructions on how to set that up first?
For me it would make sense separating the two, maybe titled
1) Wallet install and set up
2) Funding your BTS Wallet

What is wrong with the Tutorial no.1 and 2: Get Started Guide on OpenLedger Youtube channel?

I agree these should be two separate tutorials.
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Offline bytemaster

Code: [Select]
# First Steps for End-Users

This guide gives a quick introduction on how to trade STEEM:BTC in BitShares.

## Choose your wallet

To interact with the BitShares ecosystem, you can either

* [download the official Light Wallet](
* or access the network in the browsers via one of our partners:

## Create an account

In order to use BitShares, you will need to register an account.  All you need
to provide is

* an account name
* a password

The identicon at the top cn be used to verify your account name to third
parties. It is derived from your acocunt name and gives a second verification
factor. And this is how you register your account:

![Create a new account](

Note that, in contrast to any other platform you have ever used:

    Creating an account at one of our partners will make your account
    available at all the other partners as well.**

Hence, your account name can be seen similar to a mail address in such that it
is **unique** and every participant in the BitShares network can interact with
you independent of the actual partner providing the wallet.

## Backup your account

Since you are the only individual that has access to your account and funds, it
is **your responsibility** to make a secure backup of your registered account.

After creating your account, follow these steps:

1. Click the *Backup required* link in the footer
![Backup required footer](
2. Click "Create Backup"
3. Click "Download" and store the file safely. Make sure to **remember the passphrase** you provided when you created your wallet (above) as the downloaded file is encrypted with it.
4. (optionally but recommended) Note the `xxxxxx * SHA1` checksum to verify the backup

## Depositing Bitcoin

1. Click on **Account** in the top navigation bar to open up your account overview
2. Make sure it states `(Your Account)` below your account name
3. Click **Deposit/Withdraw** to open the corresponding page
4. Enable the *gateway* **CCEDK** which provide the most liquid `OPEN.BTC` IOU

   Note: OPEN.BTC is an *I owe you* (IOU) provided by CCEDK. This means that they back every `OPEN.BTC` token with 100% reserves!

5. Identify the `OPEN.BTC` row and use the provided Bitcoin address to fund your account with BTC
6. After reception and confirmation of your transfer, you will be automatically credited with `OPEN.BTC`

![Depositing BTC](

## Trading OPEN.BTC for STEEM

1. Clicking the **Trade** link in the top navigation bar will open the decentralized exchange of BitShares
2. Since any two assets can be traded, we first need to search for our `STEEM:OPEN.BTC` pair by clicking **Find Markets**
3. Search for `STEEM:OPEN.BTC` to trade `STEEM` for `OPEN.BTC` (the tokens you have received for depositing `BTC`)
4. Click on the search result below to open the market page

![Identify the STEEM:OPEN.BTC market](

5. Similar to other exchanges, you can now place buy and sell orders at your price.

   **Note:** In BitShares, placing an order costs a very small fee (sub-$cent) which get a 90% refund on cancellation. This fee can be payed in almost any asset including `OPEN.BTC`, `BTS` or `STEEM` and it is up to you to decide which asset to use to pay for the fee. Further percentage fees on filled orders may apply.

![Playing Buy and Sell Orders](

6. Once your order is matched, the corresponding asset will automatically be credited in your account.   

These instructions are "good",   should only give users ONE WAY to do things.  Every Time you give a user a choice to make they face anxiety and stop.

In my opinion, directing them to should be the default. 
« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 01:33:33 pm by bytemaster »
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