16/05/17 at 15:15 GMT
BitShares Market Cap: $100,000,000
SmartCoin Market Cap: $6,300,000
CryptoSphere Market Cap of: (As yet unknown at the precise time that the previous 2 figures were calculated, but 6 hours later it was $57,809,000,000)
BTS MCap / SmartCoinMCap = 15.8 BTS MCap is 15.8x larger than SmartCoin MCap
BitShares' market-share of the total CryptoSphere: ?
17/05/17 - 13:00GMT
BitShares Market Cap: $114,471,000
SmartCoin Market Cap: $3,243,000
CryptoSphere Market Cap: $60,785,000,000
BTS MCap / SmartCoinMCap = 35 BTS MCap is 35x larger than it's SmartCoin MCap
BitShares' market-share of the total CryptoSphere: 0.188%
As of 17/05/17,10:16GMT
bts price: $0.047863
bts mcap: $124,495,711 (Overnight increase of +$12MM)
Total cryptomcap: $61,711,186,636 (The total size of the cryptomcap grew +$3,901,260,756 overnight) +6% in USD terms
BitShares 2.0's percentage share of the cryptomarket is today: 0.201%. An overnight gain of +0.011% of the market.
BitShares grew faster than the general trend of the market.
As of 12:30GMT 17/05/17 (according to cryptofresh.com)
BTS Market Cap: $119,650,915
BTS TOTAL SmartCoin Market Cap: $3,243,884
Ratio of BTS-MCAP / SC-MCAP: 36. BTS mcap is currently x36 SC-MCAP
SmartCoin Market Caps ($USD):
CNY: $1,838,179 (56% of total bts-SmartCoin market)
USD: $1,057,100 (32% total SC-Mcap)
EUR: $113,237 (3.5%)
BTC: $108,173 (3.3%)
Silver: $64,849 (1.9%)
Gold: $34,472 (1.04%)
AUD: $18,074 (low volume) (<1%)
GBP: $4,466 (<1%)
CAD: $1,939 (<1%)
JPY: $1,277 (<1%)
ARS: $605 (low volume) (<1%)
HKD: $578 (low volume) (<1%)
MXN: $546 (<1%)
RUB: $159 (low volume) (<1%)
CHF: $134 (low volume) (<1%)
KRW: $46 (low volume) (<1%)
SGD: $25 (low volume) (<1%)
NZD: $22 (low volume) (<1%)
SEK: $3 (low volume) (<1%)
The Ratio of BTS-MCap: SC-MCap on the 16/05/17 was 15.8x.
After 1 day, the BTS:SC ratio is 35x.
The SC-MCap shrunk by 50%, whilst BTS-MCap grew by 14%.
This clearly suggests(?) that a large number of SmartCoin holders sold their SC in exchange for bts.
Did this change cause the bts price rise, or did the bts price rise cause the SC dump?