Author Topic: Does the data exist for a graph of total SmartCoin-cap vs btsmcap over time?  (Read 5077 times)

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19/05/17 - 10:15GMT
bts price: $0.0603

BitShares Market Cap: $157,000,000

SmartCoin Market Cap: $4,060,000

CryptoSphere Market Cap: 66,098,000,000

BTS MCap / SmartCoinMCap = 38 BTS MCap is  38x larger than it's SmartCoin MCap

BitShares' market-share of the total CryptoSphere: 0.237%

SmartCoin Market Caps ($USD):
CNY: $2,691,000
USD: $1,060,000
EUR: $72,000
BTC: $123,000
Silver: $68,000
Gold: $37,000
GBP: $4,000
MXN: $530
JPY: $1000
CAD: $2100
ARS: $570
AUD: $25,000
JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?

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  • BitShares: krimduss
18/05/17 - 21:45GMT
bts price: $0.054

BitShares Market Cap: $140,000,000

SmartCoin Market Cap: $3,212,000

CryptoSphere Market Cap: $63,390,633,000

BTS MCap / SmartCoinMCap = 43 BTS MCap is 43x larger than it's SmartCoin MCap

BitShares' market-share of the total CryptoSphere: 0.2208%

SmartCoin Market Caps ($USD):
CNY: $1,826,000 (48% of total bts-SmartCoin market)
USD: $1,061,100 (27.9% total SC-Mcap)
EUR: $120,000 (3.15%)
BTC: $104,000
Silver: $71,000
Gold: $35,000
GBP: $4,000
MXN: $530
JPY: $1000
CAD: $2100
ARS: $570
AUD: $19,000

JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?

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  • BitShares: krimduss
18/05/17 - 11:30GMT

bts price: $0.0532

BitShares Market Cap: $138,553,000

SmartCoin Market Cap: $3,200,000

CryptoSphere Market Cap: $62,171,000,000

BTS MCap / SmartCoinMCap = 43 BTS MCap is 43x larger than it's SmartCoin MCap Today

BitShares' market-share of the total CryptoSphere: 0.22%

Conclusion: Since yesterday the Market Share of BitShares has risen to 0.22%, this indicates that the large increase in the price of bts has been pumped up by traders selling their other crypto's in order to buy bts. As opposed to investing new fiat-capital
« Last Edit: May 18, 2017, 10:37:05 am by Permie »
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  • BitShares: krimduss
16/05/17 at 15:15 GMT

BitShares Market Cap: $100,000,000

SmartCoin Market Cap: $6,300,000

CryptoSphere Market Cap of: (As yet unknown at the precise time that the previous 2 figures were calculated, but 6 hours later it was $57,809,000,000)

BTS MCap / SmartCoinMCap = 15.8 BTS MCap is 15.8x larger than SmartCoin MCap

BitShares' market-share of the total CryptoSphere: ?

17/05/17 - 13:00GMT

BitShares Market Cap: $114,471,000

SmartCoin Market Cap: $3,243,000

CryptoSphere Market Cap: $60,785,000,000

BTS MCap / SmartCoinMCap = 35 BTS MCap is 35x larger than it's SmartCoin MCap

BitShares' market-share of the total CryptoSphere: 0.188%

As of 17/05/17,10:16GMT
bts price: $0.047863
bts mcap: $124,495,711 (Overnight increase of +$12MM)
Total cryptomcap: $61,711,186,636 (The total size of the cryptomcap grew +$3,901,260,756 overnight) +6% in USD terms

BitShares 2.0's percentage share of the cryptomarket is today: 0.201%. An overnight gain of +0.011% of the market.
BitShares grew faster than the general trend of the market.

As of 12:30GMT 17/05/17 (according to
BTS Market Cap: $119,650,915
BTS TOTAL SmartCoin Market Cap: $3,243,884

Ratio of BTS-MCAP / SC-MCAP: 36. BTS mcap is currently x36 SC-MCAP

SmartCoin Market Caps ($USD):
CNY: $1,838,179 (56% of total bts-SmartCoin market)
USD: $1,057,100 (32% total SC-Mcap)
EUR: $113,237 (3.5%)
BTC: $108,173 (3.3%)
Silver: $64,849 (1.9%)
Gold: $34,472 (1.04%)
AUD: $18,074 (low volume) (<1%)
GBP: $4,466 (<1%)
CAD: $1,939 (<1%)
JPY: $1,277 (<1%)
ARS: $605 (low volume) (<1%)
HKD: $578 (low volume) (<1%)
MXN: $546 (<1%)
RUB: $159 (low volume) (<1%)
CHF: $134 (low volume) (<1%)
KRW: $46 (low volume) (<1%)
SGD: $25 (low volume) (<1%)
NZD: $22 (low volume) (<1%)
SEK: $3 (low volume) (<1%)


The Ratio of BTS-MCap: SC-MCap on the 16/05/17 was 15.8x.
After 1 day, the BTS:SC ratio is 35x.

The SC-MCap shrunk by 50%, whilst BTS-MCap grew by 14%.
This clearly suggests(?) that a large number of SmartCoin holders sold their SC in exchange for bts.

Did this change cause the bts price rise, or did the bts price rise cause the SC dump?

« Last Edit: May 18, 2017, 08:43:47 pm by Permie »
JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?

Offline Permie

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  • BitShares: krimduss
Does the historical data exist for a graph of total SmartCoin-cap vs btsmcap over time?

Also, does the historical data exist to plot
Code: [Select]
(bts marketcap / total value of the cryptomarket) * 100 so that the market share BitShares has had over time is easily visible?


For future reference:
As of 21:00GMT 16/05/17, according to
US Dollar price of bts: $0.043429
BTC price of bts: 0.00002489
Total USD value of the entire crypto market: $57,809,925,880
Total bts in circulation (released from Reserve Pool): 2,601,040,000
USD market cap of BitShares: $112,960,566
BTC market cap of BitShares: 64,733BTC

16/05/17 BitShares' market share of the cryptomarket in USD: 0.19%

I'm very interested in seeing how this % fluctuates during this big cryptoboom(/pump)

Also, when will the market cap of BitShares be equal to 21,000,000BTC?
As of 17/05/17,10:16GMT
bts price: $0.047863
bts mcap: $124,495,711 (Overnight increase of +$12MM)
Total cryptomcap: $61,711,186,636 (The total size of the cryptomcap grew +$3,901,260,756 overnight) +6% in USD terms

BitShares 2.0's percentage share of the cryptomarket is today: 0.201%. An overnight gain of +0.011% of the market.
BitShares grew faster than the general trend of the market.

JonnyBitcoin votes for liquidity and simplicity. Make him your proxy?