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Messages - santaclause102

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General Discussion / Impressions Inside Bitcoin Conference Berlin
« on: February 14, 2014, 02:17:50 pm »
I was at the Inside Bitcoin Conference in Berlin the last two days. There was nothing groundbreaking new but some sitenotes might be of interest to you all. Here we go...

Mastercoin guys were all over the place wearing white Mastercoin heads.
One Bit Angels guy (I look up his name if anyone is interested) is planing on doing a fund for DACs building on top of Ethereum.

Same BitAngels guy and Paul Snow (also associated with Ethereum) promoted the Texas Bitcoin conference this summer. They will do a Hackathon to attrackt dev. talents as part of the conference. Might be interesing for you....

Talked to Paul Snow a bit. He kept on calling it PayShares (meant Bitshares)... We came to the conclusion that POS has all advantages over POW except that you dont know for sure exclude the possiblity that someone or a group of people buys a hughe amount of the POS stake at the begiinning to a degree dangerous for security. Because POW gets deluted over time you would have to keep this up also when the coin is very popular / expensive. An argument for POW was that Fees didnt matter that much to the success of the service. We disagreed a bit on the importance of these arguments.

More institutional investors seem to plan to come to the space but main focus seems to be on supporting a way to buy bitcoin like you buy company shares.

Three NXT guys where there with NXT T-Shirts.

Mastercoin and Ethereum seem to popular with the Bitcoin "elite" (those with money and connections). Give those guys some free PTS/AGS ;)

Wirelesss was a mess. Organizer guy said it had to do with the audience (wallets, mining?). He didnt know... MAybe something to look at twice for the Beyonf Bitcoin Conf. you are planing.

General focus was on bitcoin comanies, bitcon itself. More general potential of DACs was not the narative...

Forgot the rest. Ask if you wanna know anything in particular... :)

General Discussion / Re: Nxt Forging Discussion
« on: February 14, 2014, 06:33:03 am »
In the case of TaPOS there is no bias toward individuals with larger balances getting more of the fees and therefore it is just as profitable to solo-mine as it is to put it in a pool.  You don't get penalized for being offline (for less than a year) and thus when you do get online you can collect more fees when you do solve a block. 

Without any profit motive, trusting your coins to a 3rd party seems like a big risk to take.

that makes sense.

Did you check out the links and posts that were posted in the nxt thread as an answer to my question?

General Discussion / Re: Estimated Price of 1 Bitshare
« on: February 14, 2014, 06:30:26 am »
So, now the cost of BTSX is 2$ a share at most (AGS funding via BTC).
Toast has pledged to prop it up to at least 5$. (I would probably do the same)
That's a 150 % gain in 4 weeks with the only risk being bytemaster & Co. doing the runner with 3 million $ worth in Angel funding ;)

Has everybody run out of BTC or why are Angelshares so cheap at the moment?

you mean cheap compared to their future value or cheap compared to what they were 2 weeks ago?  :P

Deutsch (German) / Re: Skills & Qualifikation (D-CH-S)
« on: February 14, 2014, 06:00:05 am »

Skills: Texten; Ökonomische,spieltheoretische Analyse.
Erfahrungslevel: Internet Start up gegründet (Vertrieb, Business Dev.). 
Personalverantwortung: nein.
Cryptowelt: Sehr intensiv seit Dez. 13. Ziel: Crypto Projekte mit großem langfristigen ROI Potential früh (!) entdecken.

General Discussion / Re: Ethereum IPOIPO
« on: February 14, 2014, 05:10:13 am »
Why just an offer oyu can take or not. The offer in itself is not rediculous...

Deutsch (German) / Re: Wann kommen die Bitshares?
« on: February 14, 2014, 05:05:13 am »
Vielleicht sollten wir uns mal Gelegenheit zusammensetzen und mal schauen, ob wir nicht hier in D auch was die Beine stellen können für I3!

Sind ja echt nen paar deutsche hier sehr aktiv. donschoe, sy, xeroc, delude etc....

Da steckt ne Menge Potential.

Zumal wir auch viele Bereiche abdecken würden

haha der lude? :)

General Discussion / Re: Proof of stake and Bitshares distribution
« on: February 14, 2014, 04:53:00 am »
Equal opportunity is one perception of fairness. Others might feel different. There is not right or wrong. The average perception counts.
Also BTS critics will instrumentally use everything against bitshares, including a different perception of fair...

But of course there are limitations the fair distribution. I agree. Just not sure whether there are ways to make it better.

There was equal opoprtunity with nxt and the small group of whales is their biggest problem right now (no technical one).

The other thing is that if there is a way to proof that not too much is owned by a relatively small group the market gets more confident that a cartel and a 51% percent attack will be very unlikely. Is a proof possible?

How many % in stake woult it need for an attack with TaPOS?

And another small question which doesnt fit in here but I never found an answer to: How long is the block creation / transaction processing time? (relevant for much fast can I make a bet)

General Discussion / Re: Nxt Forging Discussion
« on: February 14, 2014, 04:29:28 am »

General Discussion / Re: Nxt Forging Discussion
« on: February 14, 2014, 04:00:27 am »
I know that they claim that they are resistant against a 90% (or more) attack. The reason for this would be intersting. I could only find the claim: OP here

Descrits claims to be resistant to a 99% attack

There exists financial incentive for people to pool their funds in one account which will then forge blocks and pay rewards because people's computers are not always online. Such a pool already exists.
Will such pooling also be possible in TaPOS? That is again a form of centralizing "mining" / transaction processing.

To increase the confidence in TaPOS that the formation of cartels is not possible/likely it would be good if there was a way to proof what the distribution is like (x people own y% of the stake). Anyway to do that?

Why not post your thoughts to the NXT thread? For the bounty and for more insights... Provoking people a bit gives great insights  :)

Marketplace / Re: 1200 PTS - New Invictus Website Ready to Deploy [ACTIVE]
« on: February 14, 2014, 03:37:05 am »
I thought the conclusion (somewhere else) was that +5% will not be an option anymore.
Bitshares depends on a social consensus to peg prices so anything that can cause scam accusition (promisis that sound too good to be true, litle explanation, a lot of claims etc. even if that all is possible) is realy bad and can make Bitshares not work. There has to be some traction / consenus at the beginningof pegging prices... TRUST in invictus is VERY important here.


General Discussion / Proof of stake and Bitshares distribution
« on: February 12, 2014, 11:52:13 am »
Given decentralized distribution is a crucial factor for a POS system to be secure:

How is it made sure that bitshares is distributed enough (no too big players or groups of players have too much stake) and that the user base is wide enough?
What could be measures to (further) improve on this?
And most important: How can the distribution be measured?

Also flat distribution and a wide user base are quality attributes to any DAC / crypto currency apart from security reasons because it will be perceived as more fair.

Technical Support / malleability
« on: February 12, 2014, 11:28:05 am »
What is your assessment on the recent malleability issues?

And what exectly is the reason why bitshares with TaPOS would not have these issues?

General Discussion / Re: [2014-02-12] Berlin - Inside Bitcoins
« on: February 11, 2014, 01:20:53 pm »
I will be there...

General Discussion / Re: The Significance of what we are doing...
« on: February 11, 2014, 01:57:27 am »
I believe that consensus technology can make both civil and penal law irrelevant.   For starters, it can make it possible to come to a consensus about who-dun-it.  Then they can be cut of from economic life.   The police wouldn't dare harm someone or attempt to lock someone up because if they are wrong the market can hold them personally accountable. 

> Such a common consensus would put public opinion above all individual rights (human and civil). The need to objectively prove someone's crime is a good thing. Imagine a case where a member of a minority group is suspected to have committed a crime. If society is heavily split into opposing groups there is no justice and no neutral court to decide (neutral court is an approximation). And who votes? Everyone (in the world, in a nation, in a town?) has to vote or do people only vote when they want to? 

A violent person would eventually be put down in an act of self defense, but everyone always has an opportunity to pay restitution and get back in good standing. Imagine how much crime there would be if every time you enter a business and attempt to buy something they get an instant criminal record and if they do business with you they become liable for paying back your restitution as well?

> The latter example with the business and the reputation makes a lot of sense to me. But its limitation is in that that would be total surveillance again. Everyone knows what bad things you have done. Doesn't feel free probably.
When does self defense begin? If someone would walk around your neighborhood and shoot people (that happens sometimes and reputation loss is the least thing that would keep people from such actions) and there is no entity that is given the right by the community to use force and only self defense is allowed you would have to wait until that guy comes to your house. If you defend your community and bring the violator down because he is a threat to others that is the same acceptance of violance as now its just not centralized. How do you then judge of the "extended self defense" was justified (the example is obviously but what if someone just steals something from an innocent person?). So as long as the is violence there is a need to counter it. If there is no central authority with the unique rigth to use violence everyone has to have the right to use it. Then who restricts the individual's right to use violence?
Also who would arrest the person which the consensus majority thinks has commuted the crime? 

A violent person would thus be in a virtual jail, living in poverty, until they voluntarily check in to a work facility that provides them food, shelter, and clothing while they work to pay off their restitution.   

> I think any violent action (physical or psychological) is irrational in the sense the it worsens your conditions and still people do it. People use violence against themselfs (eg. by abusing drugs) and against others. All conditions are in place today to make that make sure that (mostly, in terms of violence at least) you are very bad of when you harm society. And still people do it. This is not rational and can often not be countered by rational incentives.   

Bottom line is that I believe there are market solutions that eliminate the need to use violence in any way except immediate self defense.  I believe that insurance systems can make victims of violent crime whole while the insurance company focuses on collecting the compensation from the perp.

> Overall my advocatus diabolo position here would be the one of Hobbes. He lived in a violent society in the 17th century with a lot of opposing groups all seeking to achieve the power over the other ones. He gets abstract and describes a situation where everyone has to be afraid of the other one (or the other group) because everyone is equally capable of killing the other one (no one is physically superior enough to dominate the others which can form coalitions if needed). In that situation you better kill the other one before he kills you (preventive self defense). The only solution then is for everyone to agree to give away the individual right to use force to some entity. Nation states are based primarily on this concept and i think it works if that entity is heavily controlled / restricted / supervised. But it is not an optimal concept and I would like to get convinced (by some practical examples/applications that are broken down to the individual's incentives (material or immaterial incentives).

General Discussion / Re: The Significance of what we are doing...
« on: February 11, 2014, 12:31:44 am »
I am very excited about the potentials for society and you gave a great talk on that radio station yesterday! Everyone should listen.
Some differentiation: Would you agree that consensus technology can make civil law (partly) unnecessary but not penal law. Or would you want to challenge the centralization of the right to use force by the state? If so how would you want to make sure a violant person (for example a killer) gets arrested?

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