Author Topic: AN UPDATE ON THE MARKETING CAMPAIGN....can you tell us what's up???  (Read 22810 times)

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Offline cube

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My motto has always been: Don't f.... wait for things to happen, just f..... do it!!!

Let me guess.  Nike?  ;D
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Offline Murderistic

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Sounds great. We don't need Porter Stansberry.

They need us Donkey :D

They wouldn't hurt though, their list is huge.

It's just a part of marketing...but I hear ya on the fear angles.....

This kind of talk is super encouraging. Yeah their list is massive and their audience would be receptive to BitGLD.

Stansberry is a bit too paranoid for me. But many of his suggestions are right on, not to mention his deep research, which I'm sure his audience appreciates. I guess we could buy some lists at some point, but for now I like what I see as far as bringing in traffic.

Offline bluebit

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My motto has always been: Don't f.... wait for things to happen, just f..... do it!!!
BTSX TipMe: bluebit

Offline Method-X

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I think a lot of people think I'm advocating targeting only the crypto crowd as opposed to a larger pool of people. That's not what I'm doing at all. I'm saying we need to clearly define who an early adopter is and who he isn't. So far the target demographic seems really fuzzy and there is no strategic reason to keep everyone is the dark about that.

An early adopter != only cryptonerds

Early adopters for disruptive technology are the same sort of people who adopted the PC or the Internet before anyone else. I really hope the marketing team has the common sense to target early adopters before the early majority because the early majority follows the lead of the early adopters. Establishing that foundation is essential to our eventual success with the mainstream.

First thanks for posting the vid it was great.

I am trying to give your argument some deeper thought So let me throw some numbers out at you?

As I can find bitmit and SR are 2 of the biggest(in terms of revenue generated) somewhat similar market places I can find.  SR, in its time 1.9 million a month bitmit was harder to find numbers for but I would guess it was much much less. I won't throw companies like ebay into this mix because whether we like it or not crypto's are not mainstream and to use a company that accepts fiat would completing blow the numbers out of proportion.

So lets say each did a even  2 mill for a total of 4 mill a month of business done. I would suggest that in the bigger picture this really isn't that much money and it will take some time for OB to be doing that much business. This doesn't even touch on the fact that many of the cool features won't be implemented until after release (put at not by the end of the year). While OB may seem like low hanging fruit, the time it would take for multi-sig may make said fruit not low at all. Lets be honest multi-sig really matters most to use but probably won't matter at all to mainstream because they won't be using OB or conducting transactions that would take advantage of it.

How much in revenue do you think OB will do in the next 4 months? I say 4 months because I am gathering thats plenty of time for bitshares to ink bank deals, and release a nicer client. With those things done they will start these "funnels", and if the funnels are done correctly we should be sitting a few cents higher.   

I understand your argument about building a foundation of users (cryptonauts) that will help produce this network effect when a mainstream marketing campaign is launched. I think we could have done some cheap marketing to make people in the crypto community more aware  of bitshares to help build this foundation. Do I know how many foundation user's it will take to get that perfect mix of cryptonauts vs new blood, no. Do I think it would be nice to have more cryptonauts, absolutely. Do I think at the current adoption of cryptonauts it will STOP new blood from trying it, the answer is no.

I think the marketing plan is a all-in move.I think its success will be based very much on fiat-on and OFF ramps(the second part will bring more crypto users on board). I also think a low fee debit card, pretty UI and reasonable decent funnels will work just fine, if done in a timely fashion.

On a side note I tried looking into other projects Brain has worked on to try and see his marketing in action. I was a bit stumped on finding info on them (this is not a insult). Not that I am the best  finding this kind of info I just wanted to see what kind of style we could expect.


I haven't mentioned anything about OB in this thread... But since you brought it up:

Did PayPal stay contained within eBays ecosystem? Nope. It acted as an advertisement for the utility of PayPal. It's vertical growth (one ecosystem) vs. horizontal growth (many different ecosystems). If BitUSD were to become the standard on OB, the infrastructure that would eventually stem from that would be both significant and free.

TL;DR OB would be an advertisement to influential people within the crypto world for the utility of BitUSD. That's how you kickstart network effect.

Offline Gentso1

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I think a lot of people think I'm advocating targeting only the crypto crowd as opposed to a larger pool of people. That's not what I'm doing at all. I'm saying we need to clearly define who an early adopter is and who he isn't. So far the target demographic seems really fuzzy and there is no strategic reason to keep everyone is the dark about that.

An early adopter != only cryptonerds

Early adopters for disruptive technology are the same sort of people who adopted the PC or the Internet before anyone else. I really hope the marketing team has the common sense to target early adopters before the early majority because the early majority follows the lead of the early adopters. Establishing that foundation is essential to our eventual success with the mainstream.

First thanks for posting the vid it was great.

I am trying to give your argument some deeper thought So let me throw some numbers out at you?

As I can find bitmit and SR are 2 of the biggest(in terms of revenue generated) somewhat similar market places I can find.  SR, in its time 1.9 million a month bitmit was harder to find numbers for but I would guess it was much much less. I won't throw companies like ebay into this mix because whether we like it or not crypto's are not mainstream and to use a company that accepts fiat would completing blow the numbers out of proportion.

So lets say each did a even  2 mill for a total of 4 mill a month of business done. I would suggest that in the bigger picture this really isn't that much money and it will take some time for OB to be doing that much business. This doesn't even touch on the fact that many of the cool features won't be implemented until after release (put at not by the end of the year). While OB may seem like low hanging fruit, the time it would take for multi-sig may make said fruit not low at all. Lets be honest multi-sig really matters most to use but probably won't matter at all to mainstream because they won't be using OB or conducting transactions that would take advantage of it.

How much in revenue do you think OB will do in the next 4 months? I say 4 months because I am gathering thats plenty of time for bitshares to ink bank deals, and release a nicer client. With those things done they will start these "funnels", and if the funnels are done correctly we should be sitting a few cents higher.   

I understand your argument about building a foundation of users (cryptonauts) that will help produce this network effect when a mainstream marketing campaign is launched. I think we could have done some cheap marketing to make people in the crypto community more aware  of bitshares to help build this foundation. Do I know how many foundation user's it will take to get that perfect mix of cryptonauts vs new blood, no. Do I think it would be nice to have more cryptonauts, absolutely. Do I think at the current adoption of cryptonauts it will STOP new blood from trying it, the answer is no.

I think the marketing plan is a all-in move.I think its success will be based very much on fiat-on and OFF ramps(the second part will bring more crypto users on board). I also think a low fee debit card, pretty UI and reasonable decent funnels will work just fine, if done in a timely fashion.

On a side note I tried looking into other projects Brain has worked on to try and see his marketing in action. I was a bit stumped on finding info on them (this is not a insult). Not that I am the best  finding this kind of info I just wanted to see what kind of style we could expect.


Offline tonyk

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I think a lot of people think I'm advocating targeting only the crypto crowd as opposed to a larger pool of people. That's not what I'm doing at all. I'm saying we need to clearly define who an early adopter is and who he isn't. So far the target demographic seems really fuzzy and there is no strategic reason to keep everyone is the dark about that.

An early adopter != only cryptonerds

Early adopters for disruptive technology are the same sort of people who adopted the PC or the Internet before anyone else. I really hope the marketing team has the common sense to target early adopters before the early majority because the early majority follows the lead of the early adopters. Establishing that foundation is essential to our eventual success with the mainstream.

Who is in the target audience for money?
Who are the early adopters of money?

If you answer those question you will see that the usual rules do not apply...
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline Method-X

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I think a lot of people think I'm advocating targeting only the crypto crowd as opposed to a larger pool of people. That's not what I'm doing at all. I'm saying we need to clearly define who an early adopter is and who he isn't. So far the target demographic seems really fuzzy and there is no strategic reason to keep everyone is the dark about that.

An early adopter != only cryptonerds

Early adopters for disruptive technology are the same sort of people who adopted the PC or the Internet before anyone else. I really hope the marketing team has the common sense to target early adopters before the early majority because the early majority follows the lead of the early adopters. Establishing that foundation is essential to our eventual success with the mainstream.

Offline Empirical1.1

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We wanna hit the lake...the people in the pool will find us regardless...and the ocean is the next stop.

2015 - A New Year. A New Economy.

Stepping outside the young male (High risk tolerance, tech savvy) current alt-coin demographic is a very hard sell indeed.

I also think it seems illogical not to have gone harder after the low hanging fruit in this interim period regardless of a mainstream push coming up. However the result of that dearth of alt-coin marketing is that BTSX is probably the most under-valued I've seen it right now relative to the stage it's at. So it's almost guaranteed to explode to the upside with the marketing push.

So if you did want Baby Boomers on board. I would say it would also be a good idea to get in touch with some traditional investment research and stock recommendation services.  If BTSX is tipped to Western Baby Boomers as the next Bitcoin just before the marketing push, BTSX will be on their radar and when they see it go from 60 Million to 200 to 300 etc. it will be hard with those kind of gains for even Baby Boomers not to want to jump on the BTSX train.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 03:09:46 pm by Empirical1.1 »

Offline hpenvy

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OB integration is not happening and we will most likely show up late to the party because of the amount of work that it would take to implement multi-sig, which OB said is basically mandatory.
Many of us think this is a huge mistake considering OB is not only a great idea but a very good hot topic right now. When you try to put things in context what tasks do you but your devs on? Wallets, polishing UI, MM bots....insert long list of important technical stuff here. Is it more import to make the UI look simple and pretty so that when you create these new user funnels, users will have a positive experience? Should you corner the guys and  explain that bitUSD,cny,gld etx all are not useful other then as a experiment if we don't have liquidity which a bot will greatly help?It is unrealistic to ask them to complete everything all at once and now.So what they are focusing should tie into who they are marketing to. I say this because I understand if you wait until everything is done the passengers will have all ready left on another crypto train.

What is the current list's of tasks for the dev's, in order of priority?
If you are going after the crypto crown OB is the obvious answer and that would make multi-sig a must have and first on the list?
If you are going after the retirement crowd it may be a better use of time to polish the UI to give them that bank like experience?

I3 has said more then a few times they want to focus on the non crypto crowd. The word balsy comes to mind. They are going to try to cast as big of a net via these funnels into the ocean of people that have never been exposed to crypto before. This could easily make the "to da moon" look laughable as we sling-shot past Uranus. I see it as a very all-in approach which I am fine with.

We wanna hit the lake...the people in the pool will find us regardless...and the ocean is the next stop.

2015 - A New Year. A New Economy.
From my perspective I think they are going from pond to ocean skipping everything in between. Look at the current funnels, I have seen a ad on youtube and that's it. You know how I found this place? I was a miner looking to get on the the ransacking of pts when it was easy to mine and great to sell. I did, thank god stop and take some time to read on it a bit and sold my gear to get on board. The point is many people find this place by accident. I feel like we are the janitor in Good Will hunting. A complete genius solving mathematical algorithms at night when no one is watching and going to be discovered and brought to light almost on accident.

I just saw the recent OB video, I think it's a mistake pass this up (I understand development resources are scarce).  It's great the official marketing team is going after larger markets, but OB would allow the grassroots to do their job as well.

New OB video
btsx address: hpenvy
Tips appreciated for good work

Offline Gentso1

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OB integration is not happening and we will most likely show up late to the party because of the amount of work that it would take to implement multi-sig, which OB said is basically mandatory.
Many of us think this is a huge mistake considering OB is not only a great idea but a very good hot topic right now. When you try to put things in context what tasks do you but your devs on? Wallets, polishing UI, MM bots....insert long list of important technical stuff here. Is it more import to make the UI look simple and pretty so that when you create these new user funnels, users will have a positive experience? Should you corner the guys and  explain that bitUSD,cny,gld etx all are not useful other then as a experiment if we don't have liquidity which a bot will greatly help?It is unrealistic to ask them to complete everything all at once and now.So what they are focusing should tie into who they are marketing to. I say this because I understand if you wait until everything is done the passengers will have all ready left on another crypto train.

What is the current list's of tasks for the dev's, in order of priority?
If you are going after the crypto crown OB is the obvious answer and that would make multi-sig a must have and first on the list?
If you are going after the retirement crowd it may be a better use of time to polish the UI to give them that bank like experience?

I3 has said more then a few times they want to focus on the non crypto crowd. The word balsy comes to mind. They are going to try to cast as big of a net via these funnels into the ocean of people that have never been exposed to crypto before. This could easily make the "to da moon" look laughable as we sling-shot past Uranus. I see it as a very all-in approach which I am fine with.

We wanna hit the lake...the people in the pool will find us regardless...and the ocean is the next stop.

2015 - A New Year. A New Economy.
From my perspective I think they are going from pond to ocean skipping everything in between. Look at the current funnels, I have seen a ad on youtube and that's it. You know how I found this place? I was a miner looking to get on the the ransacking of pts when it was easy to mine and great to sell. I did, thank god stop and take some time to read on it a bit and sold my gear to get on board. The point is many people find this place by accident. I feel like we are the janitor in Good Will hunting. A complete genius solving mathematical algorithms at night when no one is watching and going to be discovered and brought to light almost on accident.

Offline Riverhead

We wanna hit the lake...the people in the pool will find us regardless...and the ocean is the next stop.

2015 - A New Year. A New Economy.

Offline donkeypong

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Things are going well on the marketing campaign.  We are getting further on funnel and page development.  We are close to making a good deal for offramp on the funnel, so we have onramp - funnel, offramp.

We will be targeting people that are in lateral markets for the time being, while working on mainstreet funnel for 2015.  Our goal is to not go after everyone right now, but to expand past crypto fans right now.  To go after crypto only is like hitting on our sister or cousin.  You might bag em, but you really run out of options fast.  Like the analogy?  It is an incestuous circle, as I mentioned to people while in Las Vegas this week.  Going after crypto only right now only gets us so's like playing in a public swimming pool, that is located next to a lake...located next to an ocean.  We wanna hit the lake...the people in the pool will find us regardless...and the ocean is the next stop.

Thanks for making clear the objective.  I like the idea of going beyond the crypto sphere.  Too many altcoins are just focusing on this small circle.  I would love to hear more how we are going to swim into the lake.  I wonder how is the water there.  ;)

The ocean, you mean? Once you get beyond the waves, discounting the occasional squall, it's smooth sailing over crystal blue waters.

Offline cube

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Things are going well on the marketing campaign.  We are getting further on funnel and page development.  We are close to making a good deal for offramp on the funnel, so we have onramp - funnel, offramp.

We will be targeting people that are in lateral markets for the time being, while working on mainstreet funnel for 2015.  Our goal is to not go after everyone right now, but to expand past crypto fans right now.  To go after crypto only is like hitting on our sister or cousin.  You might bag em, but you really run out of options fast.  Like the analogy?  It is an incestuous circle, as I mentioned to people while in Las Vegas this week.  Going after crypto only right now only gets us so's like playing in a public swimming pool, that is located next to a lake...located next to an ocean.  We wanna hit the lake...the people in the pool will find us regardless...and the ocean is the next stop.

Thanks for making clear the objective.  I like the idea of going beyond the crypto sphere.  Too many altcoins are just focusing on this small circle.  I would love to hear more how we are going to swim into the lake.  I wonder how is the water there.  ;)
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 +5%. I really don't understand why baby boomers are so change-averse, but from my observations it is pretty much always the case. I feel like I'll still be open to new ideas when I'm 60...or will there come a point where I'll transform into an idea-fearing old coot as well?

That is truly terrifying.

Because we have spent our entire lives getting the world just the way we like it?  :)
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