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Messages - donkeypong

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General Discussion / Re: Initial Witness Pay & Number of Witnesses
« on: September 22, 2015, 12:34:00 am »
I agree with some others that 17 is too low; outside perception may consider this overly centralized, and I don't think we're going to get a "do-over" this time. Let's get it right the first time, even if it costs a bit more to fuel that perception. I would go with 25 or 31.

General Discussion / Re: Things that make you go Ummm...
« on: September 21, 2015, 05:48:03 am »
Much faster.

I've never been so happy to fail.

Meta / Re: Google Ads
« on: September 18, 2015, 02:13:07 am »
Hey, why is the ad for Donkey Viagra following me around?

Amazingly cool. I'm struggling to keep up with all the innovations around here!

@donkypong, @Ander @anyone that knows @Erlich Bachman

Do the Larimers know this and making the system so it categorizes in the UI (User Interface) on the web wallet?

Are they integrating email addresses?

Unfortunately, I'm @someone who does not know a lot about their plans.

From the perspective of solving the problems that the technology needs to have solved, I think the DPOS system is the best thing out there. From the perspective of governance and long term behavior of the system, this is still a very early experiment. We have no idea how it is going to develop over time as the whole ecosystem grows.

The consuls in Rome always had power because they often were the biggest, baddest generals/warlords at the time or else they were the yes men for politically powerful senators. But of course, the Roman system provides great lessons.

And in the end, the voter also needs to decide how to yield the power of the ballot box. I tend to favor the trustee model (give the leaders some space to operate and let them do their thing, then decide after a period of time whether it's been good) over the representative model (leaders always checking with people, taking the pulse, doing what's politically popular), though some blend of the two is ideal.

Or you can say, fuck it, what we really need is a benevolent dictator. If he's a sonofabitch, we fork that shite! :)

The Hollywood stock exchange and fantasy sports and Kickstarter (and PeerTracks) barely scratch the surface. You are right; everyone will become a UIA in time. Free market whores, all of us!

Best thread in the universe.

I'll second that. Very nicely said, Ander. Thanks to you for all your contributions also; many of us have learned a thing or two from you about how markets work. And yet, unlike many traders, you always have kept the long game in your sights because you believe in what BitShares will become.

I might pay it. But I'm not clear on how it would work for you financially. First of all, your post title asks about a small monthly fee, but in the post itself you seem to focus on the $97. I think you might get more business if you let people do either one. The small monthly fee would be a pain in the ass to administer, but I'm thinking you might get more takers if the threshold is lower than $97. Then there are people like me who would rather just pay the full amount and be done with it.

Presumably, someone would pay the $97 because they see a chance of earning much more from the referrals. Does that work out for you financially, given the referral fees? I guess my real question there is, do you need some greater scale (lots of people paying in) or is each user essentially self-supporting?

You could call it a membership fee (or something similarly plain) just so that no one in government believes you are running a Ponzi type scheme. I actually have a healthy respect for pyramid structures when it comes to referral fees; to my knowledge, no one has come up with a more powerful marketing reward system, as all the Amways of the world figured out and many Fortune 1000 companies emulated long ago. But you have to be careful that no one thinks you're running an unsustainable Ponzi scheme.

Could there be any play as far as creating a UIA or doing some crowdfunding to kick this off, to the point where you had a big enough pool of money to fund/incentivize x number of participants?

Yes, good catch. But please don't assume you have a customer base already intact. You will need to market it and bring in the players. I think what you're saying is that the customers already trust the physical model, which is true. And I have more respect for your background than to believe you'd put this out there without marketing it. Nevertheless, I will say it: the BitShares and crypto world is a small and insular group of people with a limited amount of disposable cash. We will be your partners/owners/boosters and we will use it recreationally. But please look beyond this group to grow your customer base.

I rather buy more BTS than invest in this.

No need to choose just one. I'll take them both. Seriously, this Lotto thing looks like a good team with a good concept, so I am hopeful that they can succeed where earlier attempts have not (nothing in this space has failed yet; earlier attempts have not followed through). If this is built well, the business model is pretty well proven already and gamblers are getting a higher margin from the blockchain, so all they need to do is market the heck out of this and bring in some players who will spend. It ought to generate some solid returns.

Terrific news, guys. Looking forward to watching this develop and promoting it when the time comes.

We've tried Reddit here and there, but the crypto subs are a tough nut to crack. As far as appealing to other folks, it's been difficult to market this without a real product. That will come soon and so will the marketing. I would argue that our Reddit sub has not been the go-to place for BitShares members simply because we have a more active forum than most coins, and that is largely a credit to bytemaster and the dev team for keeping the community in the loop here and involving us in many of the most important decisions. Yes, it would be nice to have a more robust sub on Reddit, but I'd rather have a good forum. Soon, people will be finding this through Google, etc., and anyone doing their due diligence will see there's a lot more substance here than just a few Reddit threads. I continue to post on Reddit with hopes that we can have both.

DAC PLAY / Re: stuck at 55% 0.3.3
« on: September 12, 2015, 03:31:16 am »
Shorter term, if you know your account name and need to add to your stash, you might try .

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