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Messages - BTSdac

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英文区 有关跨链的帖子 里面很多跨链的想法。
有个跨链的想法估计和MSC 有点类似,但不知道和楼主是不是一个想法。
1.所有的ALT DAC 有关BITUSD 的交易都必须有BTSX 上的地址或者绑定X的地址
2.所有ALT DAC 有关BITUSD 的交易必须同步广播到X链上,并随时监控X的的打包入块情况
3.所有ALT DAC 有关BITUSD 的账户余额验证都根据X链
4.所有ALT DAC 有关 DAC shares /coin 和bitusd 的交易都 要同一个交易同时向X链 和本地链广播,两个链同时被打包确认才算完全确认。
5.ALT DAC 完整节点客户端包含完全X链 和本地链
不知道为什么BM 基本上鸟都没有鸟过这个提议,我猜他早就想过这个了,估计不入法眼,但这绝对不是盲目崇拜。

General Discussion / Re: Proposed Allocation for Merger
« on: October 21, 2014, 04:36:08 pm »
I support  +5%

General Discussion / Re: IMPORTANT: BTS Merger (Poll)
« on: October 21, 2014, 11:38:19 am »
first I had a little crack,  but I so support it after mull , and I also think that people in community  have smart enough to deal with this . +5% +5% +5%

I was happy with 10/10/80.

The problem with this averaging out stuff is that one can make the argument for PTS.  Then people will say but no, PTS obviously had value shaved off during snapshots and future value leading up to snapshots.  Who really knows?  We can get into nested arguments all biased on what we want.

Try to correlate what the value of BTSX was pre-scare and do that with PTS.  Assume efficient markets.  Then chop it up like that.


10/10/80 as simple and straightforward.  It will save a lot of bickering and people will move on.
sounds fine with me.
also fine with me

没有III的开发, 就算你去年持有BTC, 到现在也会亏掉大半,更不要说其他大片亏掉90%山寨币了. 这并不说这样就应该让III随便增发,这次III的增发是用来补偿PTS和AGS,并不是自己进腰包.
增发补偿是按什么标准呢?按照一个PTS 15元的价格补偿,现在PTS市价还16元呢? 增发最大的好处是BTS持有者,原来他们是不能享有后续DAC的分红的,现在通过增发享有了,就像一个兄弟说的,你丫敢按照2.28的价格回购PTS和AGS吗?
我也是PTSER, 我也理解里面的苦衷但你要想清楚几个问题
1. 第三方开发者会给PTS 10% 或者更多, 但如果没有BM的帮忙第三方开发者是什么水平.  看看光头强就知道了. 没有BM帮忙的第三方DAC 价值会大大降低. PTS的价值也是大大降低.
2.III 所有的自己开发的DAC 会给PTS 10% 的股份,现在也是给PTS 10%的股份.  没有任何稀释.

没有III的开发, 就算你去年持有BTC, 到现在也会亏掉大半,更不要说其他大片亏掉90%山寨币了. 这并不说这样就应该让III随便增发,这次III的增发是用来补偿PTS和AGS,并不是自己进腰包.

食堂的股东难道不希望这个城市只有一个食堂吗? 我们是 BTSer+PTSer+AGSer 

BTSXer+PTSer+AGSer ,    ags(22.8前)/ags(22.8后)=0.12

如果发现程序有一个BUG,程序员需要马上去更改掉,BUG有程序本身的逻辑的BUG,也有公司/DAC发展上的思路的BUG。 BTS现在的发展思路有点BUG,BM现在意识到了,需要改掉它。有人反对很正常,这个世界从来不缺少反对者。但如果是长期的投资应该是可以容忍这点短暂的痒疼。毕竟这近一年来,BTS是给我唯一带来收益的虚拟货币。更重要的是要是分析这次变动的本质。本质是专心的开发一个产品,做成规模效应。
I love the new proposal! +5%

General Discussion / Re: Proposal to Resolve a Million Issues at Once
« on: October 19, 2014, 04:00:48 pm »

      BM try to make long-team plan to make bts stonger and stonger ,but there always are confuse.  do it  +5% +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: Proposal to Resolve a Million Issues at Once
« on: October 19, 2014, 02:10:17 pm »
we konw BTSX is a very very grand project. BM is one of most smart man I have konw. but grand project need money for continual devoloping. I don`t konw if it is a problem now, but  is there a long plan to resolve this problem , should I suggeste as follow:
1.BTSX can inflate 10% per year (first year 10%, 5% or small after this, 1% will become a huge money if BTSX develop well), compare with BTC ,it is small. but the differrent is that this BTSXs are not consumeed by POW, this BTSXs are belong to delveloping fundation. it will been used for BTSX developing and push btsx out of solar system ':P :P :P. I suggest it is controled by BM,because he is the father of BTS. and other hand a predictable inflation can give invester a big confidence without a unpredictable dilution.
2.BM and delvelop team list plan of BTSX developing and how much money them need per quarter . list each expenses of fund as AGS.
and develop team also can select burn btsx out of developing using if needed .

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BM提议:一次性解决所有问题
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:26:41 pm »
这样不靠谱,III 自己都没有挖到多少PTS, 能够一直将BTSX发展下去,已经很厚道了,你让开发者没有资金开发,BTSX不能快速发展,你持有再说的BTSX也没有多少价值。而如果BTSX发展顺利,那么就算你手中的BTSX减少10%,你的收益也会大大增加。
如果是增发10% 能让BTSX经济重量增加100% 对现在的BTSX 投资者来说都是大赚。如果这次解决了这个问题,BTSX 应该可预期的增值很难估计。

General Discussion / Re: Proposal to Resolve a Million Issues at Once
« on: October 19, 2014, 05:41:38 am »
great ,I like it

General Discussion / Re: VOTE DAC Just Got More Interesting 2.0
« on: October 18, 2014, 11:47:32 am »
So bytemaster, when are you planning on letting us in on the details of this brilliant new way of doing the Voting DAC? The teasing is so painful.

I'm assuming the self-funding for the project will come through dilution of Vote shares? (something that could have been done with BTSX as well if we weren't so foolish to promise a 2 billion BTSX hard cap)

I'm still finding the fact that this could have larger (or even comparable) market cap than BTSX very hard to believe, but I guess I will have to wait for the details. I assume the market cap comes from the demand for BitUSD (I am surprised the only BitAsset planned for that chain is BitUSD). Not sure where the demand for BitUSD comes from though? I don't see how holding more BitUSD would (or even should) give one more voting power in elections. I'm assuming and hoping the Voting DAC is still going to be designed with the capability of supporting traditional elections where each unique human has one vote.

The other thing I want to mention (which may very well not be relevant at all) is that if the DAC's purpose has changed to not just be about voting but to also to act as a decentralized bank and exchange AND means of paying for goods/services in the real world (essentially making BitShares X obsolete), then in my opinion it is only fair for that DAC to snapshot off of BTSX instead of PTS/AGS. But if its purpose truly is only for voting and BitShares X is the DAC meant for a store of value and to hold the BitCurrencies that the world standardizes around to pay for goods/services in the physical world, then the current snapshot of Voting DAC is fair.

1) BTSX hard cap of 2 billion is going to limit its growth potential.
2) BTSX is multi-asset exchange and there will be many clones of it for many different assets... this VOTE DAC cannot support the transaction volume of all of those assets *AND* do everything else we want it to do... thus it will not be competing with BTSX as a store of wealth or exchange with derivatives. 
3) This new DAC will be funding features that will help BTSX holders... ie: my plan to fund BTSX growth without diluting BTSX.   BTSX is just swapping its tech for BitUSD for the tech funded by the other DAC and both sides win.   As a result BTSX development funds will mostly be used for "bug fixes" and "porting features" rather than developing new features.
1). Diluting BTSX you mentioned in MAY this year , there were many opposer. but now sultation is change , BTSX was lunched successly .all inverster of AGS get profit.  recently after discussed with many BTSX holder in Chinese community. most of us can accept diluting BTSX for developing.
2).BTSX was lunched , if it value can grow up rapidly ,it can attract many people by without devalued by one of this clone.
3).I think most of BTSX holder can accept diluting BTSX for developing.

General Discussion / Re: Should we continue to funding mining of PTS?
« on: October 17, 2014, 03:53:43 pm »
I think it is like 11.5 is  snapshot date that snapshot all dac in further.

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