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Messages - HackFisher

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 交易引擎撮合算法
« on: August 13, 2014, 05:16:48 pm »

应该是 101/3 = 33 个。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: bitROSE比特玫瑰首轮ipo
« on: August 13, 2014, 04:32:32 pm »

The google document can be commented and give revise suggestions by anybody, the BTSX bounty will shared by all the editors.

2000BTSX extra for outstanding proposals or changes.


Thanks luckybit! Ethereum could make all this possible, but problem with Ethereum is the blockchain bloat. A lot of the decisions should be done off-the-chain. And smart oracles are a perfect fit for that. Then a game session only records the results at the end and simple script verifies that it is legit, but doesn't need to verify every player move, just the outcome of a game.

Is there any solution or explain from Ethereum to resolve their chain bloat?

You should consider implementing smart contracts, where game rules are programmatically defined and ran by off the chain smart oracles.
+5% +5% +5%

Why not repurpose the delegate functionality as the oracles?
I think in your case you want to keep it simple. I am personally more interested in codium based solutions, but this will take a long time. You can keep an eye on those projects, and it may be possible down the road to do a hard fork, or just start a new DAC once it's clear how they work.

What I think is important is to create a platform, which will attract game developers. For that you need to make it possible to host a session and have the blockchain take care of the rest. Then game developers can define the rules for a game, and write the UI in HTML5/Javascript.

Why not just have a simple scripting layer via with an API? There are many ways to do smart contracts and to a certain extent Bitcoin itself can do it.

But if you want to do it with oracles I think this is a pretty good way to go about it:
Just recreate the algorithms:
Very easy Python code example.

Building this functionality might take some developer time but since the designs are already out there it's easy. Just look at the algorithms code and port it to C++, then allow us to write simply Python scripts to act as contracts just as in the above example.

Ethereum is overly complicated because they are trying to do a generalized solution. Smart contracts are very simple to implement and Blackcoin has the functionality with BlackHalo. Bitshares toolkit has delegate functionality who can act as the distributed oracles in Bitshares Play.

Bitshare Play will not handle all the stuffs of a Game, but only the economic system of the game. The best way is that make our DAC a dependency of the Game, and have APIs can be called directly from the game, e.g read chain db data from our DAC, like buy chips, sell chips, withdraw, deposit, transfer etc. We are acting like a public ledger for specific game, our advantage is we have a shares collateral for their chip assets. If the game developer really confident in their game, that would be a good approach for them to integrate.
Bitshares play is an excellent name. Wise decision.

We definitely need an API to connect to. That will be the most important part. A developer who knows HTML5, Ruby, Python, Javascript, should be able to communicate with the API.

The rules of the game could be a contract and the contract could be stored on the blockchain itself but that could be a later release. How much developer time do you think it would take to implement smart contracts?

Thank you for the materials, luckybit, I'll look into them recently.

I don't know how many developer time it will take before I totally understand them, but before that, Bitshares Play can still be launched first without them.

DAC PLAY / BitShares Play, Draw the Future
« on: August 12, 2014, 04:22:21 am »
Be on the way for a while, keep thinking what's the DAC we really need and want to make. Now we decide to adjust our direction, rebrand our DAC's name, only to make us more firm and steady with it.

The future is uncertain and full of imagination, let's draw it.

I think in your case you want to keep it simple. I am personally more interested in codium based solutions, but this will take a long time. You can keep an eye on those projects, and it may be possible down the road to do a hard fork, or just start a new DAC once it's clear how they work.

What I think is important is to create a platform, which will attract game developers. For that you need to make it possible to host a session and have the blockchain take care of the rest. Then game developers can define the rules for a game, and write the UI in HTML5/Javascript.

Bitshare Play will not handle all the stuffs of a Game, but only the economic system of the game. The best way is that make our DAC a dependency of the Game, and have APIs can be called directly from the game, e.g read chain db data from our DAC, like buy chips, sell chips, withdraw, deposit, transfer etc. We are acting like a public ledger for specific game, our advantage is we have a shares collateral for their chip assets. If the game developer really confident in their game, that would be a good approach for them to integrate.

General Discussion / Re: Dry Run 13: Apollo -- Bounty Inside!
« on: August 11, 2014, 09:25:36 pm »
built ok, all the errors I reported last time appear to be fixed (unable to cancel orders, orders being completed without the wallet being updated)! thanks - I can actually test the market now  ;)

Awesome! Now I just need to figure out wtf went wrong with my dev environment :).

For now, you may need to go to library/level_db, and do a "make" first, because I have this problem too.
We'll figure it out later, maybe need to update the CMake file.

General Discussion / Re: List of New Exchanges for BTSX
« on: August 11, 2014, 06:00:51 pm »
I think coinport (, an exchange in HongKong also support exchange of BTSX.

And they announce to have 100% proof of reserves, but I'm not sure whether it is based on the balance address, because TITAN will create a new address for each account the funds they receive, which could mean a lot of address need to publish.

General Discussion / Re: Dry Run 12: Call Me Maybe
« on: August 09, 2014, 07:08:18 pm »
The testnet init delegates seems down.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTSX商业交易心得 (原创)
« on: August 09, 2014, 06:55:56 pm »
 +5% 支持

DAC PLAY / Re: Vote for the name you want Bitshares Lotto rename to?
« on: August 09, 2014, 05:09:57 am »
What the fuck is BitShares G

Simplify of "Bitshares Game", just like Bitshares X


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