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Messages - CoinHoarder

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I'm not a Larimer, but I read a good theory yesterday. Basically.. the Alibaba IPO is sucking money out of the ecosystem. A lot of the price support has been coming from China, and they are mostly interested in getting a piece of one of China's biggest and most successful companies. If one of our bilingual friends from China could weigh in on this theory, I would appreciate it.

well,Alibaba IPO is sucking money from the Americans......Chinese can't buy American stock even if they want to ....

Anyone in the world can buy American stock on the NYSE or NASDAQ.

Maybe there is some silly law, regulation, or restriction that makes it challenging to do so.

Dear Mr. Larimer,

I would like your take on what's currently happening to the price of Bitcoin and where you think it's headed or will you discuss this in the Beyond Bitcoin Hangout, thanks


I'm not a Larimer, but I read a good theory yesterday. Basically.. the Alibaba IPO is sucking money out of the ecosystem. A lot of the price support has been coming from China, and they are mostly interested in getting a piece of one of China's biggest and most successful companies. If one of our bilingual friends from China could weigh in on this theory, I would appreciate it.

General Discussion / Re: My "explain it like I'm five" attempt
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:54:36 pm »
Like it!

The only thing I see that might spook a lot of people believing in Bitcoin is what you mention as the kind of inevitable death of Bitcoin in the future if it doesn't reinvent itself and the way you say that Bitshares has already done harm to Bitcoin. I think you're right, but I also believe a firm Bitcoin believer could argue.

I can already imagine the reactions if that was posted on Reddit...

Cool, thanks. I guess I have never been one to beat around the bush. Perhaps I should of toned it down a bit. :)

I have been debating Bitcoiners for days now, trying to get them to change their minds about PoW and added features being unnecessary gimmicks. Bitshares is a good example to use to make that point. Maybe we will gain some supporters if I can change some people's minds about things!

General Discussion / My "explain it like I'm five" attempt
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:05:09 pm »
All criticism is welcome. :)

This is more directed at people that already know about Bitcoin. It is bullish on BTSX but with a touch of realism that respects Bitcoin, yet it still highlights the fact that Bitcoin is not perfect.

BitShares is a family of DACs (Distributed Autonomous Corporations) that analyzes, designs, develops, and operates cryptocurrencies as businesses. The Bitcoin "business" is ran at a huge loss every year due to the amount of coins minted to pay for the security of the network and all the electricity burned in the process. Due to the number of coins minted to pay for the security of the network, it dilutes Bitcoin's value by inflating the cryptocurrency and requires the influx of new money to the tune of millions of dollars a year to retain its value. Even when all Bitcoins will have been mined (around the year 2140), we can only speculate as to whether the transaction fees will be incentive enough for Bitcoin miners to continue to secure the network as the amount of electricity burned makes it expensive. The value will need to go way up and be widely adopted, or the transaction fees raised (which is unfortunately one of the selling points of Bitcoin.)

Whereas Bitshares DACs are profitable for its share holders, or in other words people that own the Cryptocurrency. It makes the Cryptocurrency model profitable by adding features that generate revenue in the form of fees which are subsequently destroyed which creates a truly deflationary money supply, by eliminating the wasteful use of electricity required to keep a PoW network secure by implementing a new PoS variant named Delegated Proof of Stake, and by not printing more Cryptocurrency to pay for others to secure the Blockchain as they are also paid with a percentage of the fees that are generated by use of the Cryptocurrency and its profitable features. The BitShares DAC business model is one of the only truly deflationary Cryptocurrencies and that is how it turns its profit, as no new Cryptocurrency is ever printed and the fees generated from transactions, features and services on the block chain are destroyed.

The first DAC of the Bitshares DAC family is BitsharesX. It has a decentralized exchange allowing the trade of market pegged assets that resemble the value of their real life counterparts which are named Bitassets (read: derivatives.) This allows someone to store their Cryptocurrency without the volatility that goes along with them by storing them in FIAT derivatives, and also allows them to diversify their Cryptocurrency portfolio into commodity and stock derivatives such as Gold, Silver, Oil, Apple stock, and Google stock. Allowing users to store Cryptocurrencies in more stable assets is a good way to hedge against bubbles, and that can help support the price of the Cryptocurrency as no money exits the ecosystem when purchasing Bitassets.

Along with providing stabile assets and allowing diversification, Bitassets allow someone to gain more leverage by going “short” on any of the Bitassets if they are bullish on the short term value of a certain Bitasset. By getting more leverage, you are taking a risk that the value of a certain asset will go up in regards to the collateral you provide. Bitassets also accumulate interest by being granted a portion of the trading fees that are collected by trading each Bitasset. The interest is currently around 1.5% APY, with the ability to grow if BitsharesX and Bitassets are more widely adopted. The Bitassets are backed by 200% of the value of each particular Bitasset in the BitsharesX Cryptocurrency, so there is no fractional reserve banking or printing of Bitassets without collateral. The Bitassets and the BitsharesX cryptocurrency can all be used (sent, received, spent, or traded) in the same way Bitcoin can but with several advantages.

BitsharesX uses as free of a free market approach to keep the Bitassets close to the value of their real life counterparts. It is basically a free market with “training wheels” to protect users from possible market attack vector dynamics and to keep the market pegs as close as possible to their real values. You will also be able to use any Bitshares Bitasset or Cryptocurrency as payment for features and services in other DACs as all Bitshares DACs will be interconnected. There are DACs currently planned for decentralized voting (makes voting fair, open, and honest), domain name services (not subject to domain seizure and domain name squatting deterrent), music (invest in artists you like and own royalties on their music by funding recording and other expenses), and gambling (provably fair gaming and removal of counter-party risk via trusted third parties.)

The base Cryptocurrencies that the DACs operate off of are inherently better currencies than Bitcoin and most other Cryptocurrencies. One of these advantages is that it has 10 second block times, which is much better than Bitcoin's 10 minute block times. Even with it being much faster, it has been redesigned from the ground up for that 10 second confirmation to be more secure than 1 Bitcoin confirmation which takes 10 minutes, as one confirmation means it has been confirmed by 60% of the network by its Delegates. This allows them to scale better by being more efficient, and makes transactions faster. The wallet makes users to use "Bitcoin's best privacy practices" by generating a new address for every transaction using deterministic public and private keys, which greatly increases financial privacy whether someone is privy to the best financial privacy practices or not. There is also an optional alias system that allows users to register account names, so the long nonsensical addresses are never seen or used if someone doesn't want to use them. You can send the base currency or any Bitasset to "Coinhoarder", and the network automatically generates a new spending and receiving address for both parties behind the scenes.

In my opinion although Bitshares DACs are revolutionary, at this point in time the features and improvements thus far will likely not be enough to overtake Bitcoin’s network effect, infrastructure, community, and thus its value. I believe that it will still grow to be very large serving niche markets and it is even possible for them to overcome Bitcoin with an expanded feature set more DACs will provide, a fully developed infrastructure, more development on the base currency and features of the DACs, and a larger community and user base. Bitshares DACs are developing at a fast rate with extremely talented and dedicated developers, and a supportive community. If Bitcoin sits back and does nothing to improve upon itself, I think it will likely see its market share slowly dwindle down to the point that it is no longer the Cryptocurrency to beat. I see innovative cryptocurrencies, and the DAC model, as potential Bitcoin killers at some point down the road. That is unless Bitcoin starts improving itself at a quicker rate, and stops criticizing all block chain innovations and features as unneeded gimmicks. Projects like Bitshares DACs are potentially Bitcoin killers, and it may make Bitcoin zealots feel better to call them “scam coins” but they are truly revolutionary. They are certainly a leap in the right direction for Cryptocurrency as a technology, and many would argue that it is a much better solution than Bitcoin already.

General Discussion / Re: NuBits
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:54:13 am »
We'll see.  Sunny King is no dummy and the group working on nubits has been basically doing most of it in the dark of night.  We honestly have no way to know what is coming (thus, BM's "buy the rumor sell the news"). 

As far as CoinoUSD: it is a sad, sad attempt at trying to compete with a project that has proven it cares more about innovation than simply making bank off of a crypto-fad.  NXT has been consistently losing my respect the more I read about their "assets" and the lack of accountability for rip offs. 

BitShares and bitUSD are so much more than most people can even comprehend at this juncture.  The implications are really going to be something spectacular.

Sunny King is not involved with the project from what I can tell. Jordan Lee is the project's lead developer. Anyways.. I guess I read the announcement wrong, I thought this was the news. It is unclear to me if they will have a decentralized exchange, or if everything will be done with a market maker on a centralized exchange. If it is on a decentralized exchange, it seems they are going to put a market maker on a centralized exchange to claim their market peg works better than any other solution. On second thought this could be very bad PR for us if the latter is true.

General Discussion / Re: NuBits
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:16:55 am »
All trading bots carry risk on the operator.  Bots can only automate processes people can do by hand.

The economic incentive needs to be sound.   If you rely on bots to perform then it is fundamentally broken. 

If a low net worth individual is unable to use the same strategy then it is broken. 

With nubits, buy the rumor sell the news

I agree. It seems BitSharesX remains the superior solution compares to Nubits, and Nxt Dex/CoinoUsd. Peer coin got pumped x2 its value on this news... I bet it gets dumped right back to where it was a few days ago.

General Discussion / Re: NuBits
« on: September 18, 2014, 10:34:39 am »
Lol I hate the "pump wait" time going on here...I want to know what the hell it is already!! And if it can actually compete with Bitshares...that quote you provided sounds a bit odd to me. What is it telling us??

It sounds like BitsharesX heavily laced with counter party risk to me... maybe I am wrong. I was expecting Nubits to be a much better solution than this. I was expecting something similar to what Nxt did.

General Discussion / Re: Top 100 richest BTSX address?
« on: September 18, 2014, 10:30:16 am »
Could you expand why? So that it's out there for everyone to see...

I don't think that it's necessary for him to explain himself as IMO it's obvious, and secondly it's none of our business. My speculation is that he is a long term BTSX bull, but not bullish enough (possibly a short term decision due to market variables) to redeem his BTSX and go short.

Maybe I am wrong, but this seems likely.

I can answer a couple of your questions.
Weather you can or you cannot answer some/all of his questions is beyond the point.
The question is - should you or shouldn't you answer those question... before he explains his DAC working, that is...

I have no clue what you're talking about.  ???

General Discussion / Re: *** Official grassroots marketing parent thread ***
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:55:56 am »
Good job Gamey, I am impressed.  :D

 +5% +5% +5% +5%

I can answer a couple of your questions.

Another question which comes to mind is, if I were to create additional accounts with a separate wallet for each now while it's impossible to properly restore wallets containing multiple accounts, would it be possible to one day consolidate those accounts into a single wallet file once the backup restoration issue is resolved?
Yes, you can later consolidate your wallets by using the wallet_dump_private_key <account> and wallet_import_private key <private key> commands.

Lastly, should it be the case that this problem isn't a priority with the development team, is there a way to maybe vote for which to-do items get prioritized? I imagine I could post a bounty to get it completed by foo date if it's on the back burner, but if it's going to be fixed within a reasonable amount of time anyway, I'd rather save my BTSX/PTS.
I'd imagine the problem you mentioned earlier is a very high priority as a lot of people, me including :(, have funds stuck in Bitsharesland that they can't access right now. I have faith they will be able to get it fixed soon, although I haven't tried restoring my wallet with the latest release yet.

In the meantime I think the community should focus on bringing awareness to the things you can do to prevent these things happening to you such as not using the same account on more than one computer, using more than one wallet on the same computer, or restoring your wallet with an old back up.

I think you bring up a good point about the community being able to vote on which bugs or improvements should be prioritized. I think it would be good to see everyone's opinion and where people are having the most problems, so that the developer's time can be focused towards the biggest issues.

I am on the fence about whether bombing these services with emails is a good or bad way to go about this. Some of the services don't have general inquiry emails, only support helpdesks or support emails, so I am not sure if it is a good idea to spam them.

I have emailed one exchange with the above letter, BTC-e. I received a very short reply back "Hello no planned."  >:(

I tweeted all services listed in the OP, including one in which I personally have had prior correspondence with the owner and follow on twitter/facebook friend.. coins-e. He didn't respond back either.

I also posted on all services Facebooks, and I received a reply back from only saying "Cool we'll look into it." Hopefully that amounts to something..

Can I get some feedback on how we should proceed, if we should do mass emails or not, or possibly post on their Bitcointalk forums?

I think when contacting the exchanges it is good to push the ability of their exchange to become a commodity exchange via bitGLD etc, and expand their current business models. Also the point about bitUSD and other bitFIAT possibly not being subject to money transmission or money service business laws, and fees/taxes that come along with exchanging cryptos to FIAT.. basically improving their bottom line.

General Discussion / Re: Old Bitcointalk threads prophesized BitsharesX
« on: September 18, 2014, 12:03:40 am »
Quote from: anonymous
The big mac blockchain pegged to the average price of a mcdonalds big mac ?



I thought this was a neat idea too, but after thinking about it I am certain a Big Mac costs more and less in certain countries as compared to others due to multiple dynamics so I am not sure it is plausible.

Guys, Do not read those old post... you might find clues that BM is indeed satoshi..

Lol :)

How many Bitcoins were stolen in the MtGox heist? Was it enough that it could crash the price if the hackers involved were to start selling their stash?

Bitcoin might not be a good investment considering the unusual incentives combined with centralization of ownership of the Bitcoins themselves as well as hashing power.

From memory, there was over 700,000 Bitcoins stolen/missing from Gox. I could be off on that though.

General Discussion / Re: Old Bitcointalk threads prophesized BitsharesX
« on: September 17, 2014, 11:29:18 pm »
On résiste à l'invasion des armées; on ne résiste pas à l'invasion des idées.

:)  +5%  +5%

I still need to thoroughly dig through the threads to see if there could be an idea that could improve BTSX in some way. I kind of just scanned through it all last night.

I thought it was cool these things were being discussed back in the day.. I didn't get into Bitcoin until 2012, so I had no clue.

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