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Messages - marketp2p

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Transaction ID mellability 并不是真正的双重支付, 不会影响投注。


IPO成本10%PTS+10%AGS IPO成本太高了,估计采用3I方案的DAC会很少。


这10%换来的是一批初始PTS用户,是新平台最缺少的东西。 应该是很合算的。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Freetrade 的山寨币投资指南 (翻译)
« on: January 21, 2014, 11:44:05 pm »
看来作者对 scrypt 算法是深恶痛绝地,不知是什么时候结下来的仇恨 ;)


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 25号迈阿密比特币会议
« on: January 16, 2014, 12:11:46 am »

公司发展再好还没跟你分成果?这么多PTS都是大众开个电脑挖出来的,白给公司未来的股份,不想分享还不简单,做成ripple的样子。或者想MSC, 不花钱的没份。这样还不算分享成果还要怎样?获得捐赠也是用于开发和宣传提高PTS价值,自己不留钱,这样不算分享你还要哪样,把AGS分给你得了。

实际在AGS出来前,我一直在纳闷3I的 PTS 方案像是 too good to be true, 公司应该不会白当雷锋的。

果然, 天下没有免费的午餐。


捐款的形式可以是美元,也可以是谷歌股票。 一半一半。 捐款收到的钱主要都花在民工和contractor们的身上了。

项目大家都看好,但谷歌股票却从270跌倒了140, 为什么? 你该咋办?

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTS = AGS+PTS, 3I公司直接取走50%
« on: January 14, 2014, 04:50:14 pm »
1 pts的持有者大部分BTC是重仓,同时3i拿到BTC后实力强大也会增加pts持币者信心,从而惜售。
2 避免了3i再一次从市场上换购BTC所引起的价格下跌。
3 避免了PTS矿工大户的大量低成本pts的投标。因为BTC的价格经过了更长时间的市场检验,相对更加清晰。
4 最主要的是如此大的PTS定向流动到一个相对中心化的组织,按现在的速度200天每天3000个.非常不利于pts的进一步扩散。

问题是据3i所说, 拿到PTS之后主要不是为了持有, 应该主要用于研发费用, 大部分研发工作人员拿到BTC, PTS 还是要换成法币支付生活费用。

General Discussion / Re: Is it like you don't care about PTS?
« on: January 14, 2014, 04:28:33 pm »
Transparency is good, I don't mind seeing Dan spending more time on the board and letting others do more coding, than feeling being left in the dark.

That being said, my biggest concern is how much it really worth for a so-called  Social Consensuses (a.k.a Social Contract). Setting aside the arguments whether any promise has been broken between late November and today, it's clear the motivation for the change was for Invictus to get more funding to get projects done.

From an investor point of view thought, this represents a change from a very generous offer to a not so great offer. I can understand there might be some flaws in the original plan -- if the company don't have enough funding to get things done, everybody lose.

However, the investment community can only tolerate one or maybe two changes of course, beyond that, most investors' confidence will be gone except the most gullible.  A company can make and learn from many mistakes on the technology side, but when it comes to issues with the implication of redistributing profit among community groups, tread with extreme caution.

Even with all the rules and regulations put in place by the governments, many management teams of public traded companies can find ways to dilute shares, enrich themselves and make their companies "lifestyle companies".  With DAC model, the constraint is even weaker, greed and other human natures make investors in an even more vulnerable situation.

Trust and transparency,  the lifeblood of successful DACs.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Founder ID Registration Process
« on: January 14, 2014, 06:06:39 am »
0.5.2 version worked, got my founder ID registered. 

Public key: 5LApxANciLHSX36561eLAL8xnCVLQL3Y64hX6j4SazAoUwYWrz

Please, dont. Paying him you are encouraging more people to shout and cry.

I am doing this to help silfax out because his courage of staying here cleaning up the mess is commendable. I also feel partially responsible because I created this thread, probably a little bit prematurely.

I believe very few can reach the level of annoyance TwoKoolFourSkewl achieved, it feels like a school kid just lost his lunch money and made a big scene out of it.

Anyway, I am locking this thread so for future cry babies, please take your matter elsewhere.


Sure marketp2p, I have no problem if you want to take on Silfax's responsibilities.  Send 44.89080537 protoshares to PqNMYYkjagWKaxShxpX4ussz7mkmcu7mpN and 0.0000463 bitcoin to 1KHzhFDZv7wzc95TCcGEkh4TrCLirbi5z7.

I'll pay if:   
  a) You stop whining about this on this forum.
  b) Silfax can confirm this is the correct amount he owes you.

Also, I don't think paying 0.0000463 btc makes any sense because it's less than the required network transaction fee.

Well said, bitshirehashaway.

At this point, I don't believe this is a self-directed show made by silfax, I have to give him some credit in handling this situation.

@TwoKoolFourSkewl:  Money is not everything, please don't overplay your victim card.
Put up your address, I'll pay for him, if that can make you shut up. 

marketp2p - there was a notice to cancel your orders before withdrawing, but I see that your order is still there, so I'll send you a PM about you getting that back.
PM replied. Thanks.

The question is, did Silfax include the open orders as part of the balances. That may explain the discrepancy what I thought my btc balance was and what actually showed up after the site was restored.

Marketplace / Re: [WTB] 5,000+ PTS @ 1.5 PTS per LTC
« on: November 26, 2013, 10:57:07 pm »
Trade no longer needed,  I am closing this thread. 

Thank you for your interest.

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