Author Topic: Why are we Here? Why BitShares? Why this community? Why Me?  (Read 28897 times)

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Tuck Fheman

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Market fee of 50%?   :-\

I am for sure keeping them...forever.  :)

Thanks. btw

Actually you can increase it to 100%!!!! and make them the first true stealth in the receiver will never ever be able to see them!
That is a free feature btw, I am not even asking for 45,000 Green ones.

dude I haz no clue what I'm doing. what does "market fee" even mean/do?

and to stay on topic, I agree bytemaster. =)
« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 05:01:59 am by Tuck Fheman »

Offline tonyk

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Hey Tuck Fheman, here are the results of your tips...
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Created by hybridd

Market fee of 50%?   :-\

I am for sure keeping them...forever.  :)

Thanks. btw

Actually you can increase it to 100%!!!! and make them the first true stealth in the receiver will never ever be able to see them!
That is a free feature btw, I am not even asking for 45,000 Green ones.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 04:49:56 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline clayop

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We can also think that, why not BitShares?

BitShares has great devs, cutting-edge technologies, and a nice community. But why not?

I think it's because of stability. People, especially entrepreneurs love stable and predictable solutions. Uncertainty is the worst attribute for them.
BTS has been changing again and again. And it's changing now.

We have to make a stable product first. This will happen in some near future I think, not at the moment.
When we declares a stable version, which lasts at least a quarter, people can build many businesses on our product.

Just my 2 cents...
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Offline onceuponatime

Why Me?

OMG, there's a choice?


More seriously, I'm always looking for ways to enhance my capacity to say "NO!".

Offline btstip

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Hey Tuck Fheman, here are the results of your tips...
Curious about BtsTip? Visit us at and start tipping BTS on today!
Created by hybridd

Tuck Fheman

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#btstip "bytemaster" 1 FISTBUMP
#btstip "Thom" 1 FISTBUMP
#btstip "jaran" 1 FISTBUMP
#btstip "lovejoy" 1 FISTBUMP
#btstip "Xeldal" 1 FISTBUMP
#btstip "speedy" 1 FISTBUMP
#btstip "Ben Mason" 1 FISTBUMP
#btstip "38PTSWarrior" 1 FISTBUMP
#btstip "rgcrypto" 1 FISTBUMP
#btstip "CLains" 1 FISTBUMP
#btstip "roadscape" 1 FISTBUMP
#btstip "merockstar" 1 FISTBUMP

Offline luckybit

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The privacy is more important in the exchange. I think this proposal is only for transferring. Can we expand this proposal to market functions?

That seems technically impossible but also why would you want that? The market statistics seem essential. If you're using a masked account that you just created for the market, and then you transfer to a stealth account after, then wouldn't it be private?

Some traders do not want to reveal their positions. That's why.

How would anyone link it to a real person? | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline tonyk

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I'm a little confused at the purpose of this post.

The reason/purpose for this post imo, is that not many in the community were supportive of the stealth transfers workers proposal -,20104.0.html

It's a repeated behaviour pattern that occurs when BM wants to direct his focus to something but the community/shareholders would prefer him to work on something else.

When his currently preferred direction deviates from the community, it  results in him questioning his reasons for being here, as he is more of a creative leader than an employee. If he is unsuccessful at shifting short term focus to the above proposal, then the stakes are usually raised.

The reason I am still here?

Apparently deep masochistic desires! As in  being very very happy to see things done to about 80%... before a giant leap to a new thingy on mostly ideological grounds. This one is particularly nasty as it carries 45K price tag in addition to the ideologically support of not finishing the stuff started... once again.

After all it is your baby not mine...if you like it with one hand, 1 and 1/2 legs but well set on ideology...go ahead nock yourself, just do it!
« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 02:55:38 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.


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Such a refreshing thing to be reading from the bytemaestro. And to think I had my doubts about the longterm goals of this project. Bah. Shame on me.

I'm intentionally replying before I read the other responses because I want to compare my thoughts about this before and after taking in all the community's input.

I think most of the people here for ideological reasons rather than for profit motivated reasons can agree that there is a force at work which controls our lives in a way which may not immediately be apparent or understood. I think there is room for disagreement among the community, or if not, there definitely will be once we get the TV loving masses on board, about what the source of that control is. It feels more like we're being manipulated. Like our world-view is being shaped to align with interests that may not necessarily be our own.

Is this shaping force the government? Corporations? The plutocracy? Or is there zero conspiracy and this is what happens when the best that can be done by humanity gets averaged in with the lowest common denominator? I sure hope not. I'd like to think better of us. We could argue about that for many hours and still not budge each other. That's why these tools should be politically neutral, but simultaneously meet the needs of every viewpoint on the matter.

Why am I here? After becoming acquainted with Bitcoin as a user/non-holder, I realized during one of the bubbles that there's money to be made. That is what piqued my interest and got me to learning about it, and as I did, I realized that it was much bigger than just a safer alternative to liberty reserve, or just a way to buy some weed. When the blockchain clicked I saw that the implications for the world ran much deeper. This is about the time alt-coins first started arriving on the scene, and this is how I ended up here. It would be a lie for me to say that profit wasn't the original thing that got me interested in crypto.

Is profit an important factor in achieving the overall goal, to give people financial autonomy? That depends on whether or not you believe we can reach that goal without it. If not, then profit is priority number one, and tweaking the exchange and figuring out the most profitable role should be top of the list. If so, then profit will come, and we can focus on whatever gives end users more means for financial autonomy such as the bong bond market and anonymity.

This is what lends importance to the fee debate and the role debate. It's the assumption that the show can not proceed without a means to cover development costs. It sounds to me, BM, like you're arguing that we are now in a position, budget wise, where we can push forward without having to worry about how receptive businesses are, and can focus on the end user that we're ultimately trying to liberate. So I answer your question with another question, are we in such a position? Can the show go on if we opt to worry less about courting whales and more about giving people the tools they need to stand against governments/plutocrats/thugs/each other?

I think that either way Bitshares will grow and the infrastructure will grow with it. I think it's possible, nay inevitable that there could even come a point where there's enough interest that all the current devs could go retire and the show will go on. It's simply a question of mapping out how it will grow, and what it will focus on first.

I think BitShares can be a freedom platform without having to brag on that concept. Like a trojan horse, BitShares could be the thing hidden in plain sight that breaks us free of our shackles. But pitching it as such will surely hinder adoption from folks who can't even see those chains.

Sitting here mulling this over, trying to come up with a response to your post, I've realized that I think I disagree with the premise of it. Presenting the how and the what to the public isn't going to prevent people who can see the forest for the trees from coming aboard. But focusing on the why isn't going to convince people that we have a clear solution, nor will it bring the apathetic on board. Profit will.

Honestly, this new wallet works great. It's clearly going to be both a business game changer and a tool for revolution. It's only a question of what comes first, and honestly, I don't care. I know they're both coming.

Time to go read the rest of this thread now. Maybe I'll come back afterwards and declare everything I just wrote idiotic after seeing community input.

Offline Thom

Oh year if you ask 1000 people on the street if they like their government or not, 900 of them will answer not. But they will not pay you a fraction of cent to liberate them because a) they don't actually suffer from regime in most of the world (with very rare exceptions), they suffer from completely different things; and b) you can't give to those who actually suffer from regime any freedom anyway, my libertarian friend. WHAHAHA!!!

If they have a master they suffer. If they pay taxes they suffer. Getting used to the suffering seems to help some get by and these are the people you are describing.

So you're saying mental illness prevents people from fighting for their freedom. I agree. They are mentally ill and accept slavery because of their masters programming. However it is curable.

I'm not a Libertarian. I just don't see the need for a master and I can't ignore your or anyone else's master's atrocities and I can't live my life pretending it's legitimate or needed just to get by like others living with their programmed mental illness that allows them to not only accept their slavery but stand up for and promote it as you and millions of other sheep do publicly.

Embrace teh tyranny! Slavery is much easier! Consume! Obey! Conform! =/
Preach on brother Tuck!
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Offline clayop

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The privacy is more important in the exchange. I think this proposal is only for transferring. Can we expand this proposal to market functions?

That seems technically impossible but also why would you want that? The market statistics seem essential. If you're using a masked account that you just created for the market, and then you transfer to a stealth account after, then wouldn't it be private?

Some traders do not want to reveal their positions. That's why.
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Offline roadscape

I'm here because I believe P2P can change the world for the better.. before cryptocurrency I didn't see any feasible solutions for our growing systemic problems. Bitcoin was eye-opening but DPOS took it much further.

I'm not here for the dex in particular.. I want to see usable e-2-e encryption, better identity management, secure DNS, transparent governance & voting, micropayments & profitable open-source, DACs, reputation systems, etc etc... but we need to start somewhere and the dex & MPA's are a good foundation (or will be.. soon.. hopefully).

I'm excited about BitShares, Identabit, Muse and really any project that offers increased freedom/privacy/convenience, devs with strong vision, room for growth, and the ability to own a part. I'll contribute to projects like these that will help change the world (or at least an industry.. for starters).  |  witness: roadscape

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

So I ask each of you, Why are you here? Why do you support BitShares? And how does the Fee Debate, Exchange vs Payment Debate, actually support your Reason for being here?






The debates thus far have been points of minutia. We should be more focused on matters regarding improvements that will further the sustainability, security, innovation, freedom, and profit of Bitshares.

I am here because I believe BitShares can be the bridge from government fiat to people driven currency.
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Offline luckybit

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The privacy is more important in the exchange. I think this proposal is only for transferring. Can we expand this proposal to market functions?

That seems technically impossible but also why would you want that? The market statistics seem essential. If you're using a masked account that you just created for the market, and then you transfer to a stealth account after, then wouldn't it be private? | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline clayop

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The privacy is more important in the exchange. I think this proposal is only for transferring. Can we expand this proposal to market functions?
Bitshares Korea -
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