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Messages - davidpbrown

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DevShares / 0.7.0 DVS or straight to BTS?
« on: March 17, 2015, 09:55:09 pm »
I'm seeing
Latest BTS Version: refs/tags/bts/0.7.0
Latest DVS Version: refs/tags/dvs/0.6.3

Are we expecting to upgrade DVS first .. there hasn't been a DVS update for a while.. are DevShares still working in the way intended.. is the network valuable to the devs or is there a question about whether it was worthwhile?..

General Discussion / Re: Are people really this ignorant of BitUSD?
« on: March 16, 2015, 09:40:15 pm »
One obvious useful task to put PR/marketing to, would be to contact all those central to blockchain tech development and suggest where BitShares is up to. Those people should be easy to find.. core devs of all the key projects etc. That would need to be done in a careful way that is not at all critical of others but a simple statement to pique their interest and perhaps also note a standing opportunity to work with BitShares, where that can be useful to all sides - perhaps there are devs with time to spare who might get drawn in. Such a statement could then be technical beyond the normal blurb. There must be devs out there looking for opportunities. Blatant selling re delegates perhaps would not go down well but a friendly handshake might work. Perhaps marketing can resolve the mailing list and bytemaster could be writing then to Sunny et al.

I expect there must be certain elements of many projects that could be made easier pooling experience, network stability might be one. Perhaps that's already happening behind the scenes but having seen other Bitcoin devs talk at the London conference, as if they are ignorant of BitShares, there might be a easy win to be had there educating them about BitShares.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Developer delegate: dev.bitsharesblocks
« on: March 15, 2015, 10:08:22 pm »
I was just wondering a graph of total number of accounts over time would be interesting as an indication of change. Paired with market cap perhaps might help to show the real effect of efforts to grow.

General Discussion / Re: What going on?
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:56:32 pm »
Yeah the silence is weird.

Its like we've massively overcompensated and gone too far in the other direction or something.

I'd rather just see the milestone falling away .. that's the best statements that devs can make.

And while a snapshot is a nice feature.. just doesn't seem all that trustless to me.  How can you trustlessly prove that you are holding on to the correct snapshot with any degree of certainty?

Perhaps it's more complex than I'm imagining but I would expect it's no different to any block proofing. So long as the history is available and distributed widely, most nodes will see the benefit. Those that play host to the history perhaps do not even need to hold all of it. I wonder it must be challenging otherwise BTC and others would have suggested it before now..  :-\

General Discussion / Critique of 0.6.2
« on: March 14, 2015, 01:24:19 pm »
I'm surprised the forum doesn't have place that is dedicated to feedback and issues related to the clients, so I'll post here.

Returning to the client having not used it for a while, I notice that it is very slow and rather unresponsive. Such software that does occupy itself 100% with what it's doing, rather than watching for user's interaction, can be frustrating. I don't know, enough of the limits of programming, whether the client can be forced to always be available to the user, in order that quitting the client is not badly delayed.. even a simple please wait while the client catches up would be good indication that it's not stuck.

Because it was being so slow initialized and reindexing, I left it to continue and returned to find that the client had stopped itself - though not obviously crashed. So, restarting then was fine but it's taking much longer that expected to catch up what is only 21days.. perhaps it's necessarily validating what's received but I wonder that having options to jump onto trusted seeds might provide faster catchup? I wonder also that such delay will only get worse and then how Bitcoin and others manage that issue.

I noticed that I was only connected to 2 peers, so restarted it again and now have 11 peers but still it's not any faster.

It's all good otherwise  8)

Is there a roadmap for what 0.7; 0.8; 0.9 will include?

General Discussion / Re: Removing BTS inflation after July
« on: March 09, 2015, 03:12:55 pm »
How could you possibly sell Bitshares as a savings account with a feature like this?

It would give our competitors a field day. Inactivity fee was a massive negative in my mind when I first checked out this community.


Average user will consider that BitShares is already too complex without it adding obvious negatives. If you have to punish people to use it, then that's likely to push more people away than the numbers that will understand the subtlety. If there is a fundamental problem that calls for warping the money, then there surely must be better approaches that allow the number of tokens in an account to be unaffected. It's daft but simple psychology of number matters more than value of it.. see people's reaction to bank charges in fiat and what that does for brands.

General Discussion / Re: The Value of Public Relations
« on: March 08, 2015, 10:21:30 pm »
If PR is to replace "free-wheeling interactions" and open discussions, then it will need to punch its weight. Ideally that PR will go beyond maintaining a perception and will be real marketing. Also, investors like to have insight and confidence follows from knowing what the risk is or more importantly isn't .. PR is just talk.. and crypto has a lot of talk already.

General Discussion / Know your audience..
« on: March 07, 2015, 03:23:22 pm »
This was just on reddit: When designing Bitcoin products, we should always keep in mind that the VAST majority of people are like this. Despite that being from 2009, it's a good reminder that most people's interest is never going to be BitShares but that they still might use it.

The products that do win will likely not be those that are pure perfect outputs but functional in a simple way - dare I say like AOL was.. browser for noobs comes first?

So, is BitShares simple enough?.. Can it be made easier to use.. ABC rather than XYZ. BitShares potential users are perhaps one step beyond the public but going mainstream, is not the same as designing a perfect product that is functional. What we have now I feel is more functional that fool proof. Perhaps rather than focusing on marketing in the PR sense, there can be more efforts put to ensuring that people who's main interest is not BitShares, can still use it without having to commit time to understanding the product first.

A problem that has me recall that Ubuntu declared bug #1 -- 'Microsoft has a majority market share'. BitShares bug #1 undefined atm??

The other aspect that prompts this, is that if your are good at sales and say get 10% of those you market to, then the marketing that reaches out beyond the 10% IT literate, might do well.


Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Developer delegate: dev.bitsharesblocks
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:10:45 pm »
Trivial display error: DVS delegate earnings detail talks of BTS rather than DVS.

General Discussion / Re: Where are people buying BTS these days?
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:03:25 pm »
Also, if for whatever reason you still trust BTER, it looks like they are bringing trading back online next week:

Ah! Now that is good news. I'm very sympathetic to bter, having had no trouble in the past with them, I'm glad to see they are working through this.. not only because I had some coin left on there. Hopefully they will rise again as a major player - until decentralised alts do away with them of course ;)

Nevertheless maid took a big dive after the post, not unlike what happened to bts.

Doing what some expect the market might want, is one of the great fallacies of our time. Knee-jerk pop-politics and businesses looking simply to maximise stocks value, creates a world of trouble. Better to be authentic and genuine, if you are pitching at long term success.. let the market follow.

General Discussion / Re: Dead forum...
« on: March 05, 2015, 01:19:58 pm »
It's become harder to engage the forum now the preview of recent posts was removed. Still unclear who did that and why but there's been no obvious response in the Meta thread..

Also, I'm not liking the move to PR when BitShares is only at 0.6#.. if devs must be muffled, then wait till 0.9 or v1.0 for the 'normal' PR speak dull sales-message-only default. A little difference among devs is a sign they are engaged. A move to PR looks weak to me, especially given that no PR I've seen has delivered. Perhaps a symptom of talk where there is no product yet but still if BitShares is to find its way and navigate through choppy waters, better than any other random offering that hides its activity behind marketing, then it needs to be adhering to what makes Blockchain technology work.. transparency is part of that.

General Discussion / Re: Bytemaster and Mumble - A Proposed Solution
« on: March 01, 2015, 04:36:17 pm »
..the various PR blunders that we have experienced in the past year
My proposal to bytemaster and to this community is that he consider continuing to hold mumble sessions with us, but that we do not record them.

I haven't time atm to catch up with this but it seems a change for the worse.

Talk of PR blunders .. meh .. I've seen none that matter more than providing raw insight that maintains support. Not recording mumble sessions is just a way to frustrate a good insight into what really is going on. Who in their right mind relies on PR!?.. My experience is that marketing tends to be full of flunkies, who will say and do whatever is in their interests and usually that maps to the shortterm. Obviously not necessarily true of all and some will have good intentions but the reality of normalising all messages, does that.

My advice would be, if you want to action strict PR, do it at v1.0 - careful craft and action the marketing from there on in. Doing it now, neutralises what will attract devs and early investors. Bare in mind that devs and shortterm investors love to big up the reality but we are early on and there a way to go yet.


General Discussion / Re: Should Bytemaster's Hangouts Continue? (POLL)
« on: February 26, 2015, 09:54:36 pm »
I don't know why they should not continue. Surely the benefits far outweigh any downside.

BitShares, like all other Blockchain offerings, will succeed or fail relative to its utility; developers; community. Those are not distinct from one another. The community takes confidence from the competence of the developers. That raw talent, is not something that can be communicated through intermediaries; any PR dulls the message.

If you are going to attract new talent and real savvy investors, who in turn will amplify the message, then you need to provide sight of what they are signing up to. If you only provide sight of the community and utility, allowing vague allusions and speculation on reality, rather than giving sight of the nuanced way that the devs are thinking, then you substantially weaken the attraction.

BitShares at its root should be about what makes Blockchain technology's potential - devolved power driven by real talent. Without open discussion about what is best, users are not encouraged to think about what is best and why they are committed to BitShares over an alternate that does hide its developers behind good PR.

If the users are truely in control and if BitShares is to be distributed, then you need to respect those users and provide them clear sight of the state of play; both so that they can understand and learn from that and so they might contribute.

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