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Messages - svk

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General Discussion / Re: Bitshares Bank UI
« on: June 14, 2016, 01:01:56 pm »
I do agree an alternative, simpler interface is needed. Perhaps you'd like to build something on my recently released new wallet template?

Just a heads-up that I've made several improvements to the library recently.

First of all I've extracted the websocket rpc connection code into a separate library, graphenejs-ws. See this post for more info:,

Secondly, I've taken a page from Steemit's book and added a login class that uses account name + role + password to generate private keys. I've since used this login class to create a new basic wallet template:,22660.0.html

General Discussion / [ANN] Bitshares simple wallet template
« on: June 14, 2016, 12:59:38 pm »
Using my graphenejs-lib I've made a new very basic wallet template. This wallet makes use of a new feature I've added to the graphenejs-lib: Account login. This is the same type of login used by Steemit, where a private key is generated on the fly from your account name and password. This means nothing is stored in your browser, and no private data is sent over the wire. This login feature could be reused by any number of wallets and you could then login everywhere using the account name and password.

Since your account name and password become your brain key in this case, it is important that you use a very long password, 16 characters at least. Remember: there's no centralised method of recovery so make sure you remember your password!

For more info, please see this post on steemit:

You can find the source here:

And a live preview on the testnet here:

I've extracted the websocket rpc connection code from my graphenejs-lib in order to provide a minimal rpc library for graphene chains. In doing so I've made some improvements to the original code, and I've managed to reduce the dependencies so that the minified browser build is now only 12kb.

The library does one thing: lets you open a websocket connection to a BTS or other graphene node, and perform api calls. There are examples included in the github repo as well as several tests that show how the library can be used.

Technical Support / Re: HOME DOESN'T OPEN
« on: June 08, 2016, 06:03:26 am »
Can you go into the wallet management console under settings and check if you have multiple wallets there? If so, try changing between them and do a refresh to see if your account comes back.

When you only see the "Create account" button instead of Home, it means you have a wallet but no accounts.

Technical Support / Re: BitShares UI is a disaster.
« on: June 07, 2016, 06:59:35 am »
Hyperbole much? Disaster is a strong word, if you want to be taken seriously you could work on being more constructive in your criticism..

I'll grant that the deposit withdrawal buttons are slightly different sizes, it's an active/not active class thing that can easily be fixed. The wallet management console I suppose we could improve the layout of, but it's low priority for sure.

The Account menu I'm not even sure what you mean, they all have the same alignments as far as I can tell.

In an attempt to make Bitshares/Graphene development more accessible for JavaScript developers, I've extracted the api and crypto libraries from the graphene-ui repo into a separate package. This package will allow anyone to easily connect to and interact with the Bitshares blockchain through either a public or local API server.

All the transaction creation/signing code used by graphene-ui is included, which means you can easily create a trading bot in node.js for example using this library. That bot would only need access to a private key and an api server, no cli_wallet required. This library should also make it very easy to implement alternative front-ends for Bitshares.

The library is available through NPM using
Code: [Select]
npm install graphenejs-lib.

The open source code is available here, this repo also includes some basic examples:

I intend to expand on the examples, so if there's anything you'd like to see an example for let me know.

Stakeholder Proposals / [Worker Proposal] GUI development
« on: June 06, 2016, 10:32:35 am »
I've decided to continue working on the Bitshares GUI for the time being, so I've made another worker proposal that will last three months, starting Sunday 12th of June. Details can be found here:

As always, your support is much appreciated.

Technical Support / Re: Open Ledger won't let me trade
« on: June 03, 2016, 04:49:54 pm »
No the wallet already handles fee pools and lets you pay the fee either in BTS or the asset you're looking to sell. If you have enough funds then I'm not sure what's going on here, perhaps try to switch the fee asset back and forth?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Where do you see the "fee asset"? It doesn't give me the option when I try to place an order and I don't see anything similar in the settings section except "Preferred Unit of Account" (which I thought would only affect what "equivalent value" I have for each asset I hold).
Click on the asset name where you see the trading fees, it's a selector.

Technical Support / Re: Open Ledger won't let me trade
« on: June 03, 2016, 12:18:38 pm »
No the wallet already handles fee pools and lets you pay the fee either in BTS or the asset you're looking to sell. If you have enough funds then I'm not sure what's going on here, perhaps try to switch the fee asset back and forth?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Technical Support / Re: brainkey in wallet is currently broken.
« on: June 02, 2016, 10:25:55 pm »
You can just ignore the verify thing, it doesn't actually do anything, just checks if you've typed the same as what was shown to you. As long as you write down the key and store it safely you're good, you have your backup.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just click ignore and install anyway, it works fine.

Technical Support / Re: Importing from OpenLedger to CLI
« on: May 31, 2016, 12:49:32 pm »
Yes the documentation is conflicted in more than one way ...

Anyhow I managed to setup the wallet and now bitshares-2 is syncing. When I do get_account bytemaster I can get the details so thats great. However I have an account registered for ex. bitshares3030 and it has a balance of 200+ BTS (account name is not real, just an example)

When I do get_account bitshares3030 account I can't see it. Should I upgrade my account to another type of membership to see it from my CLI and run my faucet on it? IF so how do I go about doing that? The account is accessible on

Thanks again

If you're still syncing it could simply be because that account hasn't been created yet at the current state of your blockchain.

General Discussion / Re: Merger of STEEM and BTS
« on: May 31, 2016, 05:51:47 am »
A straight merger will never happen, just forget about that. What could happen however is Bitshares deciding to adopt some of the features developed for Steem once they've proven that they work, like rate limited free transactions, market maker incentives and possibly the new pegged asset model.

One of the main issues Bitshares faces right now is the lack of interest around the market pegged assets; although the peg works fairly well the generation process through shorting/borrowing is failing to generate enough supply to make the assets viable. Steem has a new solution for this problem that could be ported to Bitshares if it turns out to be more successful. Bitshares currently does not have an ETH asset, perhaps a bitasset 2.0 could be implemented first using ETH, that could generate a lot of interest and would make it very easy for ETH holders to come trade on Bitshares. Anyway, we first need to see the new model in action in Steem, which will happen after the 4th of July..

svk, the new Steem model could not possibly overlap our market and become a competitor...
And it surely can't be used by BitShares...

I wanted to make sure Steem didn't compete with BitShares market.  In fact, one of the reasons I was willing to help with Steem was that its feature set is fundamentally incompatible with BitShares and we could not hardfork BitShares to implement what Steem does.

I never said anything about Steem becoming a competitor.

There's nothing stopping us from paying CNX through worker proposal to add some features from Steem if they work out well though, like the rate limited transactions. Steem is based on Graphene so the code changes needed would not be overwhelming. What features to implement is a discussion for another day though, I'm just saying it's an option that we should consider.

Technical Support / Re: Importing from OpenLedger to CLI
« on: May 30, 2016, 11:39:37 am »
Thanks for the help!

In the guide that xeroc posted it says that I should run this code

Code: [Select]
git clone
mv graphene/ graphene-testnet
cd graphene-testnet/
git branch testnet
git remote set-url origin
git push origin testnet

Is this the right one or should I continue with Bitshares-2.0? I have also compiled from bitshares-2.0 before and had the same issue.

That example is only for the graphene testnet, it's a different blockchain used only for test purposes. If you're looking to connect to the Bitshares blockchain, you need to use the bitshares-2 repo I linked.

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