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Messages - svk

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Technical Support / Re: Question abut cryptofresh user dispaly
« on: May 06, 2017, 07:26:29 am »
The lightning bolt indicates that the user has purchased a lifetime membership, which reduces the amount of fees they pay (through a reimbursement mechanism).

Lifetime fees are simply the total amount of fees paid by that account.

General Discussion / Re: Mathematics Behind Bitshares
« on: May 05, 2017, 04:04:16 pm »
The cryptography is exactly the same as Bitcoin', with the one exception of bitshares having a slightly stricter definition of canonicality.

As explained by Xeroc, this is the reason for that:
Once we ensured that the signature is canonical, we derive the so called recovery paramter. It simplifies the verification of the signature as it links the signature to a single unique public key. Without this parameter, the back-end would need to test for multiple public keys instead of just one. So we derive this parameter, add 4 and 27 to stay compatible with other protocols and have now obtained our signature.

See this post for more details:

Technical Support / Re: Recovering protoshares.dat -> bitshares
« on: May 05, 2017, 01:48:18 pm »
I also helped a user recover PTS balances yesterday, the trick was to first create a Bitshares account since PTS keys don't belong to any account.

Technical Support / Re: Can't send on openledger
« on: May 04, 2017, 12:49:25 pm »
Check your api config, Settings -> Access. Make sure you're not connected to the testnet.

Technical Support / Re: openledger unknown account
« on: May 04, 2017, 12:48:22 pm »
"Unknown account" means that account does not exist on the blockchain, so you're most likely using the wrong account name. It could also mean you've connected to the testnet, but that seems unlikely.

Even with the backup you still need the password. Keep trying, there's no limit to have many attempts you can use.

Technical Support / Re: Recent hacking by doris-payne
« on: April 27, 2017, 03:50:40 pm »
TLDR of alt's comment: Remove compumatrix1 from your account auths if you have it..

You go to the settings and then restore using the private key directly.

So you did have your password and backup after all then!

Not sure why it freezes though, try simply unlocking your wallet by clicking the padlock in the top right.

It's a decentralized exchange which means noone else has your password or private keys. It clearly says so when you create an a count, and it stresses the importance of storing your password and backup since noone can help you recover the account if you lose those.

Please, invest in badass api nodes, raise the standarts. There is not much to choose from and it is super frustrating seeing init error.

Witnesses do not provide api nodes. They could of course do so as an additional service to justify their current high pay, but it's not part of the job description.

You have to remember that unlike Poloniex bitshares is a blockchain based exchange which imposes some limitations on what is feasible in terms of performance.

Most if not all the changes you're talking about here would require a hard fork, but I can't judge if they're even technically possible.

One idea that I like is being able to close your position by using the collateral you've already set aside, I suspect the reason for that is the lack or market orders. However, that could be worked around by an operation that placed a limit order with a high enough price that it would just walk the orderbook. It would need to be a fill-or-kill order so that it fails of it can't get filled completely.

Technical Support / Re: Is the referral link broken?
« on: April 20, 2017, 03:17:59 pm »
That is partially true, ref links are not sent directly to the server via the URL though, the query parameter is captured and stored client-side in localstorage. It is then sent to the faucet in the xhr request.

Technical Support / Re: Is the referral link broken?
« on: April 20, 2017, 04:05:47 am »
Not sure it should work written like that, you should put the ?r=x at the very end of the URL.

Can I ask about your plans? Frankly speaking, I'm starting to panic.

Why are you starting to panic?

I feel like the GUI is in pretty good shape right now, so while I'll certainly fix any bugs that crop up, I'll most likely be focusing on other stuff for a few months.

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