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Messages - svk

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The backup file is encrypted with your password, so even if it leaks the malicious party would need to either brute force your password or also know your password somehow.

Brain keys are tied to wallets, not accounts. Wallets can hold multiple accounts. When you create a new wallet a brain key is generated for you (unless you supply one), and any accounts created with that wallet can be recovered with that brain key.

Technical Support / Re: How to create worker proposals?
« on: June 03, 2017, 06:19:53 am »
Creation is only available in the cli, proposals are visible in the GUI under Account > Voting > Workers.

If someone interested - you should import wallet first using .bin

In other words : use the wallet model, not the password model.

Technical Support / Re: Help porting from desktop to online wallet
« on: May 31, 2017, 09:22:55 pm » and the light client are identical, so your experience of how fast it is just depends on the API node you're connected to.

You might need to switch to wallet mode, you might be trying to log in with the password model.

Technical Support / Re: SBD withdrawal to poloniex doesn't work
« on: May 31, 2017, 09:13:11 pm »
Ok you should ask them to just send it back to you and then you can use the withdrawal function.

Technical Support / Re: SBD withdrawal to poloniex doesn't work
« on: May 31, 2017, 05:07:25 pm »
Just write to poloniex support. Money is not gone, poloniex have them.

Sorry @shortcut but no, most likely they do not. The poloniex account on Bitshares does not belong to Poloniex, which is why they use poloniexwallet and the Bitshares GUI warns you to not send money to the poloniex account.

On the Steem blockchain however, Poloniex does control the poloniex account, which is why your Steem Dollar deposit account is poloniex. In order to deposit OPEN.SBD to Poloniex you MUST use the withdraw functionality, you cannot send your OPEN.SBD to an account on the Bitshares blockchain.

Are you using the correct login model? I'd you're using an account name plus a password you need to use the password model, not the wallet model.

I was seeding this but must've accidentally removed it, I've put it back up now.

Like lakerta says it's not about how the order book is kept, it's about preventing front running and manipulation of order matching by centralized entities.

Waves marketing says it offers a decentralized exchange, but in reality it does not as the Waves blockchain does not have order matching on the blockchain but instead uses centralized servers to match orders.

Bitshares on the other hand offers fully decentralized order matching on the blockchain.

Good to see you figured it out. I've made some modifications locally that ensure the sync-error screen gets shown properly, I just want to test it some more before I push it in a live version.

Now I can move back to the virtual machine I normally use for bitshares. I'm not all that comfortable having bitshares in my day-to-day  use browser, or desktop for that matter. Any suggestions how to safely remove the bitshares wallet from firefox, without destroying my profile? I've become rather sentimentally attached to it and it's impressive history.

You can delete the wallet in the settings under Wallet, then navigate to the account you want to track and click Follow, that will make it look the same as when you had the private keys in the wallet.

Abit suggested to me this was an issue with your local clock being ahead of the actual time, I'll be taking a look today to see if I can reproduce it.

Technical Support / Re: Import Problem
« on: May 11, 2017, 06:48:25 am »
Can you be a little more specific than "it did not work for me"? Where did you get stuck? Did you encounter any error messages?

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