Author Topic: USD, EUR, and CNY Gateway Agreement Reached  (Read 56118 times)

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Bears going really mad or can their behavior be explained?

All altcoins had a major pump the last week but some people insist on ignoring this fact. The bitshares bears that were caught with their pants down tried to convince themselves that it was not their fault that they lost money but someone else was to blame! (It happens all the time, its not my fault I'm telling you! HE has to be blamed!)   so they created a nice little fairy tale story that makes them feel better. There is nothing wrong with that, I can understand their pain.

The fact that all altcoins are down today is also ignored because this makes their little cute fairy tail sound stupid.

In my opinion this pump probably had nothing to do with bitshares, for one moment I thought that we had some kind of a mtgox incident and people were trying to get their funds out in the form of altcoins but I don't believe this is the case. In any case I foresee a major rise in the bts price a few months(1-3) after the early June announcement, probably...


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I don't understand why all the concern over these dinky short term ups and downs anyway. Insider trading or not, if you've been watching crypto for longer than a year then you know that this is par for the course as a newborn crypto matures, and you know that no matter what you do you're not going to out-trade the whales, whoever they may be.

jay, don't you see the long term potential? if you buy and hold you aren't going to give two shits someday if you bought at 3 cents or 50 cents. that my humble opinion at least. That's how I can stomach the thought that I've lost money on my overall investment so far. I don't give a shit, early bitcoin miners lost a lot of money on their electricity costs just to produce 10,000 bitcoins that at the time was worth 2 pizzas when a price finally got established.

this is a game of patience.

Offline mint chocolate chip

No... They sold after the announcement when the price rallied to $.008 after acquiring it lower and running up the price throughout last week.  Just a coincidence that the buyers disappear within hours after the announcement?? Ok

Wtf is wrong with people here... You bitch when price falls and you bitch when price rises. You bitch when there's a new release and you bitch about the current release.

Bunch of angry bitches

Offline xeroc

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It was an opportunity that showed up on our radars for the first time earlier this month
... thanks to @cass ... (at least that's what I guess has happend) :)

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Interestingly, this wasn't even part of what we have been not-so-subtly hinting at in our newsletters and staff meeting reports for the past two months.  This was not originally part of our planned Summer Announcements.

It was an opportunity that showed up on our radars for the first time earlier this month, got negotiated, and announced within one hour of the final agreement.

Those who ridiculed the early warnings about other impending good news are now the ones who are complaining that they had no early warnings. 

I'd suggest you go back and read all the posts that we have made in the past two months. 
Only the terminally skeptical nay-sayers missed out.

And all the planned good news is yet to come.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 02:29:44 pm by Stan »
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Offline lil_jay890

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No... They sold after the announcement when the price rallied to $.008 after acquiring it lower and running up the price throughout last week.  Just a coincidence that the buyers disappear within hours after the announcement?? Ok

Offline bytemaster

Well look at this... Giant run up in price prior to a bunch of announcements, then a small pump after the announcements by the last suckers buying, followed by a 25% dump within a day.  Sold to you...

But just remember that there was no info disseminated privately before the announcement to a privileged few...

It would seem that if there was info and people bought on it that they lost money and those that sold without knowledge of the info made money.

Ultimately people will see what they want to see. 
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Offline lil_jay890

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Well look at this... Giant run up in price prior to a bunch of announcements, then a small pump after the announcements by the last suckers buying, followed by a 25% dump within a day.  Sold to you...

But just remember that there was no info disseminated privately before the announcement to a privileged few...

Offline sudo

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hope that is not big thing 2.0

Offline ag

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Bitshares technology is clearly superior to Ripple labs XRP ledger. From the consensus / security protocol to the bitshare (share not token). And where Bitshares is going: BitAssets. I'm still a believer. Congratulations to the bitshares team for doing the convincing.

Having fiat gateway won't solve the problems of  bitAssets which is on the creation / supply side. But that's okay for now. Bitshares is making up for lost ground.

This is Awesome  +5% +5% +5%

Tuck Fheman

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BitShares, your only friend when stranded in a deserted economy.



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There has GOT to be a great caption for this picture...

BitShares, your only friend when stranded in a deserted economy.

Offline onceuponatime

There has GOT to be a great caption for this picture...

Growing a pair of balls....... half way there!

Offline yellowecho


Tuck Fheman

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There has GOT to be a great caption for this picture...

not what you're looking for / brain tangent ...

"Aha. Look what I've created. I have made DAC's!"

"Hey, you want to hear something funny? My dentist's name is James Ripple."