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Messages - dannotestein

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General Discussion / Re: New Release and Hard Fork for March 23, 2016
« on: March 24, 2016, 04:29:27 pm »
Not quite the place...but whatever:

I have started to think that, the lack of marketing for BTS is intentional. Among the direct competitors, BTS has the best proven-on-live-network-TPS, best block time. It has a working DEX backend, with a better-then-before front end.
It has a solution to a real world problem: hacking of centralized exchanges
It has the ability to undergo a hardfork smoothly :)
It has ongoing development.
Well you can even say that, with the gateways alive, it has fiat on blockchain.

Only reason I can think of, for the lack of marketing, is that some future businesses are accumulating while it is very very cheap. And they do not want price to go up for now.

I know it may sound like a tin foil hat conspiracy theory... What do you guys think?

Is the price suppressed intentionally, or are you (not counting myself as i am not that active as a community member) not capable of marketing?
There's been a history of marketing errors for BitShares going back a long time, and there's a fairly limited amount of marketing now,  all done by individuals with their own funds.

General Discussion / Re: BTC to BitBTC
« on: March 23, 2016, 07:58:41 pm »

OPEN.BTC and METAEX.BTC charge 0.3% not 3% but that is still alot just to deposit.

BITBTC is not liquid enough to provide a low fee bridge right now either.

What would be best for you would be have your own exchange and issue your own UIA for example CYBER.BTC

you could charge 0%
Actually there's no deposit/withdrawal percentage fees on the "crypto" OPEN assets such as OPEN.BTC, OPEN.ETH, etc. The only deposit/withdrawal fee is an extremely small fixed price fee to pay for the transaction itself. OpenLedger only profits from market trades done with the assets.

Meta / Re: Forum profile information
« on: March 23, 2016, 05:36:32 pm »
good ideas, especially the proxy info

General Discussion / Several workers voted out, please support
« on: March 23, 2016, 05:24:33 pm »
A number of important workers have been voted out after the latest hardfork changes took effect. Please review and vote for the workers you support, or consider proxying to someone who matches your own voting beliefs:

General Discussion / Re: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token
« on: March 22, 2016, 06:41:12 pm »

Pre-Sale addresses:

BTS - ccedk.escrow2

BTC - 12MsrWqBFGt3g4NSciXGW56KLbh35Jm99w

ETHER - 0xef8c0106069be72b0b92184ebab893fa6dd0a3b6

Error: Account '0xef8c0106069be72b0b92184ebab893fa6dd0a3b6' not found!
The ETHER address is fine.  ETHER addresses don't contain any checksum so there's no way to verify if an address is valid (assuming it's a valid hexadecimal number) other than to see if there have been any transactions to that address. Apparently takes the position that an address isn't valid till it sees such a transaction. For a contrarian view on that (one I share), see

Anyways, I think it's safe to assume that if someone actually sends some ether there, will decide it's a valid address...


Do you think blocktrades is in a position to help with BitEUR/USD/CNY liquidity?
Possibly, but first, we need to get our market makers tested and operational on graphene. Most of the code is written, but very little of it has been tested yet as we've been sidetracked a few times by other work.

Any plans to trade (@blocktrades) OPEN.USD into USD and OPEN.EUR into EUR? with a reasonable spread? :)
We don't plan on supporting any type of fiat transfer until our backend software is capable of doing bank transfers on a fully-automated basis. After we've completed our public offering, that will be our next focus. The other part of the picture we will need to add is AML/KYC support, which we're beginning as part of the work being done to support automating the public offering itself.

Sorry, that was ambiguous of me. I meant into Bit{EUR,USD}.
Oh, yes, we do plan on supporting bridges between those asset types. I'm about to test some changes related to supporting those bridges soon. The spread will mostly be dictated by the market, however, so that's not really under our control.

Any plans to trade (@blocktrades) OPEN.USD into USD and OPEN.EUR into EUR? with a reasonable spread? :)
We don't plan on supporting any type of fiat transfer until our backend software is capable of doing bank transfers on a fully-automated basis. After we've completed our public offering, that will be our next focus. The other part of the picture we will need to add is AML/KYC support, which we're beginning as part of the work being done to support automating the public offering itself.

Why should blocktrades take OPEN.EUR ?

They never should. OPEN.EUR is a ccedk IOU. It is acknowledgement of ccedk debt to OPEN.EUR holder. If you hold them, you can exchange them for EUR at ccedk, or sell to someone else who wants to cash out through ccedk. This is the idea behind fiat IOUs.
As a practical matter,  we do already accept OPEN.USD, and we plan to add support for OPEN.EUR before too long.

We've re-enabled Ether on OpenLedger and BlockTrades after porting our custom changes to the go-based ether client.

The fiat IOU assets have their place, even in a world with heavily used Bit Assets. Sometimes you need to be able to convert your bit euros into real euros. One way to do this is to exchange your bit euros for OPEN.EUR and send them to CCEDK in exchange for euros.

General Discussion / Re: issues
« on: March 16, 2016, 05:38:30 pm »
I think the simplest and easiest way to improve the experience for new users would be some more information in the "startup" page to tell them how to do basic things such as funding their wallet and performing a simple transfer.

The Ether wallets for BlockTrades and OpenLedger have been periodically losing sync since today's Ether hardfork. We've restarted the wallets several times, but they seem to drop out of sync again after a short period of proper operation. Therefore we're temporarily disabling the wallets until we've resolved the problem.

Update: Wallets re-enabled on both systems using geth instead of eth client.


@Xeldal  Please bear with my blondness, but I don't know how to look for liquidity in those markets.
Then I also need to know if there is a minimum amount of BTC/Satoshi that one has to send or not.
There tends to be a minimum to cover the transaction cost of sending you the UIA equivalent of your BTC (e.g. OPEN.BTC). So as long it's around 10 cents or more USD value you shouldn't have a problem.

Another option is you can directly purchase BTS with your BTC from the BlockTrades bridge and have it sent directly to your account. This can be done in the wallet under BlockTrades tab, or for the most control, you can visit the website:

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