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Messages - bytemaster

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I am going to set the fee to 0% for the next week to compensate everyone for downtime and bugs.

All of my unpaid (and paid) balances were wiped clean upon transition, even though I'm not sticking multiple miners on the same address anymore.  Is this the same for everyone?

I migrated the database and have a backup of the state it was when I shut down.  I will make you whole if you provide me your pub key.

General Discussion / Re: CHAIN FORK COMING....
« on: November 10, 2013, 02:45:39 pm »
Very risky move. If you look at how protocol changes in other altcoins have been handled, where has always been a grace period of at least a couple of days. This gives all miners the time needed to update to a newer version.

What is going to happen if you don't get the majority of miners to adopt the new protocol in time?

That said, I've updated my miners (300+ cores) to the new protocol version. Lets hope that we get through this smooth.
i hope this community will get what it intended to get, but if it not get enough adoption its going in wrong centralized direction which is not what P2P currency mean.

My plan is to decentralize everything, so I am actively looking into decentralized mining pools.   

General Discussion / Re: CHAIN FORK COMING....
« on: November 10, 2013, 02:40:54 pm »
Very risky move. If you look at how protocol changes in other altcoins have been handled, where has always been a grace period of at least a couple of days. This gives all miners the time needed to update to a newer version.

What is going to happen if you don't get the majority of miners to adopt the new protocol in time?

That said, I've updated my miners (300+ cores) to the new protocol version. Lets hope that we get through this smooth.

I have a pool with 3000 miners that has migrated and the other major pool has too.   

Solo mining already takes a week so only 10% of the solo miners will be effected because the rest would not have found anything anyway.  If the difficulty adjusted as planned pre-fork, then only 2.5% of the solo miners will lose a block and with the orphan rate you would have to assume that only 1.25% of solo miners will lose.

On the other hand the fork gives these solo miners a chance to win more over the longer term rather than having it all go to early adopters who know how to spawn up VPS cloud mining.

NEW pool got many rejects

My home machine, which is mining on the pool, has had 0 rejects on the new server.

Hard forking like this is pretty messed up considering it gives a huge advantage to the initial miners, like magnitudes worth. This is wrong. If anything the fork should be a brand new blockchain.

early bird gets worm

At the rate we were going 50% of the money supply would have been mined out in the first 2 weeks...  not only is this bad for late comers, it was bad for Invictus because our mining strategy was based upon a longer mining window.  Perhaps that is selfish, but Invictus is ultimately the one providing backing to ProtoShares.     THe chain was operating outside of spec, this is a bug fix.

Ah gotcha.  well thats alright with me.  I'm just excited to be part of a new "type" of coin all the different altcoins have some potential but ultimately I dont see them being better than the original of that "type" of coin.  so the introduction of SHA512 to the mix is cool to me, and then can't wait for the bitshare...merger, changeover, w/e you wanna call it.  I think thats supposed to be in Jan of 2014?

BitShares will come as soon as we can, but we are not going to rush it because there is too much on the line.   Keyhotee ID launches Jan 01.  BitShares beta will probably be closer to march unless I can get some good devs to join the team!  The point of ProtoShares was to bootstram the community and give everyone an interest in the success of BitShares :)

Hard forking like this is pretty messed up considering it gives a huge advantage to the initial miners, like magnitudes worth. This is wrong. If anything the fork should be a brand new blockchain.

early bird gets worm

At the rate we were going 50% of the money supply would have been mined out in the first 2 weeks...  not only is this bad for late comers, it was bad for Invictus because our mining strategy was based upon a longer mining window.  Perhaps that is selfish, but Invictus is ultimately the one providing backing to ProtoShares.     THe chain was operating outside of spec, this is a bug fix.

Hard forking like this is pretty messed up considering it gives a huge advantage to the initial miners, like magnitudes worth. This is wrong. If anything the fork should be a brand new blockchain.

Actually, this fork is designed to slow the block production rate to give late comers more opportunity and to prevent early miners from running away with it all with 30 second blocks!



./pool_miner  YOURKEY

For those who skim and didn't catch my earlier post.

I am moving the pool to as part of this transition... so I can clone/scale as necessary.   

The pool machine was being overloaded anyway, please take some time to update your miner scripts to point at the new pool location.

the current script only needed (for example)


so will it be  this \/\/ now?



New pool is active at:

Working on updating the-iland...

I am moving the pool to as part of this transition... so I can clone/scale as necessary.   

The pool machine was being overloaded anyway, please take some time to update your miner scripts to point at the new pool location.

General Discussion / Re: CHAIN FORK COMING....
« on: November 10, 2013, 02:00:47 pm »
Due to the rapid increase in demand, we are increasing the rate at which difficulty can adjust from 4x ever 4032 blocks to 32x every 4032 blocks.   

If you are mining in my pool, you will automatically be upgraded to the fork.

New windows and mac binaries will be available for download shortly.

If you have any reasons why we shouldn't fork and would like to object you have about 2 hours to do so.
When will this fork occur? If you are going to do a fork then you need to give pools times to fix software not 2 hours. You are charging a large fee so how do we know this isnt a ploy to control the network for several hours while the other pool owners are still asleep?

I am charging a 3% fee... so get your facts straight.

I have already talked with the other pools, they will be good to go.
Why did you edit my post instead of simply replying?

LOL.. because I am so frazelled... I hit modify rather than quote :)   my bad. 

I am just stressed right now due to unwanted downtime.   

unable to connect....
help me ~~~~~

You could read the past couple of posts.... and know exactly why.

************** ATTENTION *******************

We are preparing a hard fork that would allow the difficulty to increase by 32x every 4032 blocks.  This is the fork that will be honored by Invictus Innovations as the foundation of future block chains.

We will post new Windows and Mac binaries within the next several hours, hopefully before the next difficulty adjustment.

Those in my pool will automatically be updated to join the new fork. 

I believe that there is enough hash power and market forces to support such a fork. 

If there are any solid objections, speak now.

When's it out Master?

Windows and Mac binaries are posted now at our website.

Building on mining pool server now, unfortunately not enough memory on the box to compile and run the pool at the same time.

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