Author Topic: Developer delegate: dev.bitsharesblocks  (Read 110562 times)

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Offline Riverhead


You have my vote for sure.

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Offline xeroc

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Offline svk

We live in exciting times! As I write this we are only hours from the BTSX -> BTS hardfork that will usher in a new era for Bitshares. As we all know this brings about a change in the delegate pay structure, and it will now be possible to properly reward delegates for their hard work which should help push BTS to the next level! I hope to be one of those delegates!

As discussed in this thread: , I will be launching a new delegate to support my work on as well as future projects in the Bitshares universe. The payrate will be set to 100% as this was the general consensus in the above-mentioned post. The new delegate will be a sub-account of the bitsharesblocks account:
  • dev.bitsharesblocks
I will also provide a free 0% payrate delegate that will be hosted on a separate server and reliably provide feeds and stay up to date. It will be called:
  • free.bitsharesblocks
I’ve been running delegates since launch, so by now I have plenty of experience doing so and aim to remain one of the most reliable delegates out there.

My mission
If I am elected I commit to making the BitsharesBlocks front-end code open-source by the end of the year. This will allow you to help me improve the code and add features, and also importantly it will allow you to track the work being done.

If you want a feature added you simply create an issue on github, and track its progress there. This has the added benefit of providing another “in” for aspiring delegates to prove their worth, as they will be able to propose commits to the site and you can easily judge the quality of their submissions.

I also commit to keeping BitsharesBlocks always up to date, and to do my best to make it as awesome as possible!

Short-term Development Plans
I’ve recently updated the site for the BTS hardfork. Below is a list of things/features that I want to work on next:
  • Preparing the code for open-sourcing
  • Add a translation framework to easily integrate translations
  • Post bounties for major translations: Chinese, German, Spanish (French I’ll handle myself)
  • Post a bounty for a logo/icon set for BitsharesBlocks
  • Add transaction search by transaction type (cover, short etc..)
  • Add inflation tracking for BTS
  • Squash bugs!
  • Cover tracking
Long-term Development Plans
I plan to work with Cass on a delegate presentation site, where delegates will be able to create accounts to easily present their work and make the case of why you should vote for them. I would like to make this open-source as well. More info will be available on this project when we get started for real.

I also want to make an Android version of BitsharesBlocks. The easy way out for this is to simply provide a web viewer wrapped in an app, something I’ve already done and could be launched once I have the necessary icons. Ideally though the app would be a native implementation with it’s own feature set. I could do this myself, or if we see the rise in market-cap we’re all hoping for I could even hire someone to do this for me.

Finally, if I ever find myself short of work (not likely!), I would like to port RippleCharts to Bitshares.

I’ve been delighted with all the support I’ve gotten so far from the community and hope you will keep believing in me! If you like what I’ve been doing and would like to see more, please vote for me!

Worker: dev.bitsharesblocks