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Messages - hadrian

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General Discussion / Re: Draft Pitch for new
« on: November 07, 2014, 07:00:41 pm »
I dont think most people know what collateralized  is.
+5% I think most ads use the words 'backed' or 'insured', as in "insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC".

Good... that was bugging me too.  I will used "backed"

We could make it even easier to understand. Something along the lines of:

"Your money is safe - three times its value is held in reserve"

General Discussion / Re: If you just moderated my post, please send me a PM
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:21:31 pm »
Yesterday I tried to logon and got a message saying I was banned from the forum. I restarted the browser (thus deleting cookies) and all was fine. Dunno what that was about - probably not related?

General Discussion / Re: So you want to go viral...
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:15:50 pm »
Last night I remembered "Celebrity Death Match". I thought a match between supporters of Fiat, Bitcoin and BTS would be fun.

Then I watched Celebrity Death Match on Youtube - it wasn't as funny as I remembered!

General Discussion / Re: BitUSD is failing HARD
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:59:32 pm »
So, I have made it a habit recently of checking up on the BitUSD price almost every day just out of curiosity, and because you guys constantly claim about how you have this awesome pegging system that "works extremely well". So far, really not impressed. Every single time I look at the price, its anywhere from 97 cents to the dollar... to currently 61 cents!!.

I just had a look at bter trade history. Someone sold 0.05 BitUSD for 0.0305 USD (0.61 BitUSD per USD). This means nothing!

General Discussion / Visa Checkout Advertisement
« on: November 04, 2014, 08:53:56 pm »
Has anyone seen this ad?
Visa Checkout with Larry Fitzgerald

Just posting this up in case it gives anyone some useful ideas (not that there's much to it!)
That is all...

General Discussion / Re: So you want to go viral...
« on: November 04, 2014, 07:31:05 pm »
It says the money was refunded by the charity (don't know why), so they did this...
(tipped fast food workers $100)

Edit: Just saw this by one of the same guys, "If you like Star Craft, tell girls that you like Star Craft - who cares?!"
Which reminded me of this (bytemaster mentioning Star Craft)

General Discussion / Re:
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:38:57 pm »

Did you do your proposal on your knee? Or is that now considered and old fashioned way of doing proposals?

I proposed to tony,
With the question mark key,
I was down on one knee,
But, "Be more sexy" said he...

General Discussion / Re:
« on: November 01, 2014, 06:42:30 pm »

Hadrian...'I will give you a baby' (Chinese internet saying)...if you change the one-eyed robot of yours... to something more

There!!! I've put on some lipstick, cut off my antenna and grown another eye!


B.t.w. The work I've done on this image really puts cass to shame :P

General Discussion / Re:
« on: November 01, 2014, 06:17:13 pm »

...I'm nervous! :P

General Discussion / Re:
« on: November 01, 2014, 06:09:33 pm »
This thread is simply aiming at being the 5th best proposal for the day...

:)   ;)

@tonyk2...I'd like to make add another proposal of my own to the list. Before I do, I'd like to give you a bit of background information.

I've been around for a while on this forum. I lurked for months before registering. Eventually I signed up because I decided BitShares was for me. I enjoyed learning about economics, philosophy and all things BitShares. It was a real pleasure reading the thought provoking comments offered by my fellow forum members. There was a real community spirit.

Then you came onto my radar! Obviously you were under a different name back then. Anyway, I read a few of your posts, and it didn't take long for my opinion of you to form. Your dynamic really changed the atmosphere of bitsharestalk for me. I've decided that I can't sit back any longer and it just has to be said...will you marry me?

General Discussion / Re: Proposal.
« on: November 01, 2014, 05:46:07 pm »
I tell you what. You all do that, then I'll make the sacrifice of selling my BTSX. That way the price is guaranteed to take off! It's called sod's law

Not really!!! I think I'll join you guys/girls.

General Discussion / Re: Knowing when to stop
« on: October 31, 2014, 11:23:04 pm »
I like bytemaster's approach.

The BitShares rocket's ignition is on, but it has not taken off yet. It's a good idea to make changes now to give it enough fuel and the necessary systems to exceed escape velocity and get it into space. People are invested in, and watching the launch and having doubts because of these alterations. It would be too dangerous, though, to overhaul the rocket after lift-off when it's at full acceleration.

So I say make the adjustments now which will allow it to reach the stars. Fine tuning can be done later by spacewalking delegates.

General Discussion / Re: Please don't rebrand BTSX to just BitShares
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:31:47 pm »
BitShares is simple, unified, and captures what it is without extra overhead or the need to explain more.  It is easy to say, spell, and use.  It parallels Bitcoin nicely. 

X sounds eXtreme or "over hyped" or "advanced" or some other feeling that people don't get or like.

My feeling is that some people would see the "X" as a bit naff, aimed at youngsters, and with potential to become dated quickly. I'm thinking along the lines of products from the 1990's being described as "mega" or "super".

A change of name would also make it clearer to people on the fringes that the proposed alterations to the ecosystem have occurred.

Imagine if the name remained the same - when additional shares suddenly appear on coinmarketcap, potential investors who aren't completely in the know could think,"WTF, what are they playing at, suddenly increasing the supply to cheat?".

However, if the name changes at the same time as the available supply going up, people watching coinmarketcap could think, "Oh, BitShares has changed - I'll have to look into that".

Know what I mean?

General Discussion / Re: Why should I buy bitshares?
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:34:54 pm »
Here are my 7 reasons why you should buy bitshares:

1) Like Bitcoin, it is an implementation of the Blockchain technology: A decentralized ledger.

2) DPoS.   DPoS doesn't waste money through inflation in order to secure the network.  DPoS > PoW.

3) BitUSD.  BitUSD provides stability and solves bitcoin's problem where merchants dont want to hold it due to price volatility.  It even provides yield!

4) Paid Delegates.  Bitshares has the ability to fund its own development through paid delegates.  This allows Bitshares holders, by majority vote, to elect someone to be paid (through inflation) to do whatever we are hiring them for.   This gives us the ability to hire developers to improve Bitshares.  It could even result in us hiring many developers away from other projects where they wouldn't get paid, poaching the talent from any competition.  Not: Inflation caused by this is maxed at a rate lower than bitcoin inflation.  Realistically it will likely be more like 2% or so, which is quite low.

5) Speed.   10 second transaction times (or even lower) with DPoS is greatly superior to bitcoin's 10 minute transaction speed or Litecoin's 1 minute.

6) BitAsset Exchange.  Other BitAssets like bitGLD are useful to allow exposure to whatever price volatility you want.  Bitshares is an exchange, not just a currency.  Additionally, trading fees are used to burn shares of BTSX, reducing the overall supply (counteracting dilution!)

7) Other features.   Anonymity (TITAN), and Upcoming features such as VOTE, DNS, Turing complete scripting.

That's all well and good, but what if I need new trousers (pants)?

Edit: Let me edit this to add  +5% +5% +5% for you Ander - the reasons you give may lead to me having to wear shorts throughout winter. (I live in the northern hemisphere)

General Discussion / Re: Why should I buy bitshares?
« on: October 30, 2014, 10:31:07 pm »
I'm trying to persuade myself not to buy BTSX at the moment.


Because I need some new trousers (pants?). The pair I wear most has developed holes where there shouldn't necessarily be holes.

That is all.

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