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Beyond Bitcoin [closed] / BBx Dev Hangout w/ HackFisher (BitShares PLAY)
« on: November 03, 2014, 07:50:26 am »

Just to inform.  This is a highly edited version!  It was done this way to help increase the flow and ease of understanding for those listening.  I hope everyone will understand!

Please ask and vote on questions for HackFisher (of Bitshares PLAY) at the following link: Beyond
Bitcoinx SubReddit

Or better yet--Join us! Follow the twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin
Follow the Discussion on our #BeyondBitcoin IRC

Or even listen to us directly at the Beyond Bitcoinx Community Site

For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Beyond Bitcoinx Mumble Server!

Always remember--your voice is needed!

Please ask and vote on questions for HackFisher (of Bitshares PLAY) at the following link: Beyond Bitcoinx SubReddit:

Or better yet--Join us! Follow the twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin
Follow the Discussion on our #BeyondBitcoin IRC

Or even listen to us directly at the Beyond Bitcoinx Community Site

For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Beyond Bitcoinx Mumble Server!

Always remember--your voice is needed!

General Discussion / *Reminder*BBx Hangout Changed to 11AM EST!
« on: October 31, 2014, 10:46:52 am »
Please see initial announcement!

General Discussion / Number of Accounts per Day
« on: October 31, 2014, 06:14:39 am »
Notice the trend... 

My prediction:  If within 2 weeks of the time when the marketing push is supposed to begin, Pitchforks will be sharpened.   

Please ask and vote on questions at the following Beyond Bitcoinx SubReddit:

Or better yet--Join us! Follow the twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin
Follow the Discussion on our #BeyondBitcoin IRC

Or even listen to us directly at the Beyond Bitcoinx Community Site

For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Beyond Bitcoinx Mumble Server!

Always remember--your voice is needed!

Please ask and vote on questions at the following Beyond Bitcoinx SubReddit:

Or better yet--Join us! Follow the twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin
Follow the Discussion on our #BeyondBitcoin IRC

Or even listen to us directly at the Beyond Bitcoinx Community Site

For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Beyond Bitcoinx Mumble Server!

Always remember--your voice is needed!

General Discussion / The Case for Delegates as Multi-Person Cooperatives
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:31:27 am »
Some on these forums "believe" it would be more transparent and "honest" to have a single person being funded by each delegate. 

This is absolutely terrible if you want to minimize collusion among delegates and large shareholders.  Let's give a simple example of why this is a bad idea. 

Let's say "someone" (let's call him Rune) shows up one day making thousands of posts an hour about how our community has been gifted with the most incredible technology of all time.  Let's now say he has a lot of support by a forum veteran who somehow states that he doesn't know him (even though Rune says he brought him here). 

Now lets just say for a moment that this hypothetical guy goes into the Mumble server and tells the Community Event Organizer (CEO)(Not Community Manager) that he is going to be the "Most Powerful Person in Bitshares".  Let's also say that he tells the CEO that he needs to quit his day job and work full time, run a delegate and get it into power.  Then let's say he asks this CEO to speak privately with him after a Mumble Hangout...where he tells the "CEO" of his plans to advocate complete transparency of funds for everyone's accounts under the pretext of honesty and transparency (so he can identify the largest account holders).  Now let's imagine this person saying "I know you aren't going to like this fuzz, but we need to get a group of people in charge of the largest BitShares accounts and form a power block" with them.  We will all have to have secret meetings....

Secret...meetings....  but I digress...

Then Let's imagine this happens.  This "hypothetical guy", who "hypothetically" says he was "brought here" by Methodx, tells me to quit my job, makes a post on the forums saying I need to be the Community Manager, making 10-15k PER MONTH.  Let's say hypothetically, my conscience is overruled by PURE GREED, and his efforts gain my support.  I fight the battle I fought in my heart and mind over the past week and make the WRONG decision to really join forces and dance with the devil (a battle rarely won).  I support his plan to have one person per delegate...and that is just the beginning.

Well now we start having our "secret meetings" and I serve as the public face to this secret group...helping them ascertain which delegates are the ones they want in power--without them ever having to publically say a word.  They use greed to control delegates and when one of them decides to go against the will of this "secret group", they are voted out of power.  If they try to come onto the Mumble Server, they find that the CEO followed Rune's advice and made it so ALL QUESTIONS MUST GO THROUGH HIM--as opposed to the currently structured Open Forum--and that person's questions/concerns fall on def ears (remember, I am now "hypothetically" on the side of my secret group of friends).  So that person tries to post things to the forums to inform others of potential collusion...but the "Community Manager" and other insiders attack them.  Or worse....the community Manager deletes all posts and bans him, citing a false narrative. 

ALWAYS remember----It is FAR easier to control that one-person-owned-delegate because there are no witnesses...and the secret power block has one of the most trusted members of the community (the "CEO") in their pocket.

However, if each delegate has multiple participants, it is FAR more difficult to get all of them to secretly collude.  It is also FAR more difficult a task for the "Community Manager" to control them. In case the quotation marks around every instance of the word "hypothetical" failed to denote my sarcasm...This was NOT a hypothetical situation--it actually happened.   

I have said it once in this thread: 

I am sorry Ghensto.  I let you down.  I am not an infiltrator...I am a person with an honest heart who is terrified at what humanity is capable of when "profit" is on the line.  I have attempted to do as you said, even sent emails to both of these hypothetical figures telling them they could be on the Beyond Bitcoin Delegate slate so I could gain more money--to use as a tool to fight these people...but I can't do it.  I have to do what is in my heart...and that is what I have always done, be it popular or unpopular. 

Let the f'ing "politics" begin.   :(


Bitshares VOTE...needed yesterday.

DAC PLAY / List of Competitive Free-to-Play Games
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:29:08 am »
Please stop by the following thread and give us your opinions on the best free to play competitive games:

We are looking to create a crowd-sourced list of the Free-to-Play Competitive Video Games.  Though I cannot reveal exact details at this juncture, I hope everyone will add a game they believe fits into this.  Examples could be First Person Shooters (FPS) like Team Fortress, Real Time Strategy (RTS) like Age of Empires, Online Arena Battle like DOTA and many more.  Please post at least one choice. 

This thread will be locked 1 week (7 days) from this day, on 4 NOV 14, so please make sure to post your favorites today!  Don't forget they need to be competitive!

*Note* is a good starting list to choose from. 

Stakeholder Proposals / Delegate Hangouts--Reach out to Your Community!
« on: October 23, 2014, 03:37:28 pm »
It is time to open up Delegate Hangouts.  I will do this free of charge--for all delegates who wish to run for "delegacy" and want to let the community see their vision in taking us "Beyond Bitcoin". 

In order to have these, Please contact me to schedule one (I'll try my best to work with your schedule) and we will invite the community to join up, record and ask questions.  I will edit the sessions, polish them and even promote your delegate using the "quick link" to vote your delegate into power as you tell them of your ideas to improve the BTS Ecosystem!   

Check back to this sticky for future updates.  They are coming.  :)

Please ask and vote on questions at the following Beyond Bitcoinx SubReddit:

Or better yet--Join us! Follow the twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin
Follow the Discussion on our #BeyondBitcoin IRC

Or even listen to us directly at the Beyond Bitcoinx Community Site
For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Mumble Server!
Beyond Bitcoinx Mumble Server

Please ask and vote on questions at the following Beyond Bitcoinx SubReddit:

Or better yet--Join us! Follow the twitter: @Beyond_Bitcoin
Follow the Discussion on our #BeyondBitcoin IRC

Or even listen to us directly at the Beyond Bitcoinx Community Site
For updates on upcoming events, attend, record and report live from our Mumble Server!
Beyond Bitcoinx Mumble Server

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