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Messages - roadscape

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General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh Block Explorer + MUSE now available
« on: December 02, 2015, 04:49:57 pm »
Similar to the rich list site, could you sort the Hodlers list at the bottom of the page into a table whereby I can click on the column headers to sort ASC or DESC by that column?
This way, I can sort by account name, last trade, and the amount they hold, ASC or DESC.
When it comes to monthly payouts, this will make it much easier for our accounting on assets held.
Please and thank you :)

Rich lists can be kinda tacky :P but I'll reach out to you on Skype to discuss further :)

Bug report: - page not found.

Thanks cube.. I failed to save this one before it disappeared.. but I might have a way to recover it

General Discussion / Re: BTS Wallet Best Practices and Danger Areas
« on: November 30, 2015, 04:38:32 pm »
I have imported keys manually (who here hasn't? the 0.9.x balances).. is it enough to back it up once after that?

As mine stands now, there's a bunch of imported but unclaimed balances, and a few claimed balances.. I backed up the wallet (the .binf ile) after importing the keys.

Are the funds safe this way?


There is no need to create a new backup after claiming balances, because there are no TITAN keys to worry about.

If you've created a new account to claim to.. then you want to make a fresh backup.

If you have added (unclaimed) balances and want to ensure they stick around, you will want to backup.

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh Block Explorer + MUSE now available
« on: November 24, 2015, 06:16:56 pm »
The workers page is now split into 3 tables: upcoming, active, and expired workers.

The budget page is now tracking accumulated fees over time:

Unfortunately, it's missing some historic data, but it will look better going forward. Currently it tracks the BTS value of accumulated fees using settlement price at the time of measurement.

General Discussion / Re: Better API - Please Help Define It
« on: November 24, 2015, 06:03:35 pm »
 - get_market_history via RPC & in the CLI wallet appears to return the first 200 buckets, not the most recent 200 buckets.

 - Consistency in returning object ids from the API - tx's, ops, accounts, etc. Ideally whenever an object is returned, its id is included.

 - More/bigger batch methods. Until the API is more fleshed out, simply making it easier to pull data in bulk from witness_node can really help fill in the gaps. e.g.:
   - get_account_history - ideally could return more than 100 items
   - get_full_blocks(start, limit) - would be nice to have this. blocks can only be pulled 1 at a time

 - Returning virtual ops where expected (get_block?). Many virtual ops are only seen in get_account_history, and never show up in get_block

 - Governance features: important for this data to be as rich as possible.. for example, the ability to query how much a worker has been paid *in total*. Currently we can only pull the "un-withdrawn" balance object.

 - Would be nice if proposals were not removed from the db, until we get the plugin architecture for this stuff. And to be able to see if a proposal was in actually approved or not, after the fact.

I could come up with a lot of "nice-to-haves" but in the short term just exposing as much data as possible helps a lot.

General Discussion / Re: New Stealth Transfer Worker ($1000)
« on: November 24, 2015, 01:56:24 am »
Thank you onceuponatime, very awesome of you to make such an offer! And it has opened a new way of looking at the issue of how to fund features.. IMO it feels strange to have "privately funded" features on a public chain but I do see the merits of it

Actually I am kind of a fan of a step less than that [It very well be my conservative thinking; or inability to see things as liberal as most here]

But free to everything BTS related should have been enough. I really do not want other chains (MUSE, PLAY, player X) getting the stuff that BTS holders paid for, for free.

If you want it - make yourself a DAPP on BTS, or pay to CNX or whoever developed that particular feature. The idea it to generally prevent even the thought of milk-cowing BTS, passing anybody's mind.

Anyway, definitely better than the current state, in my view.


Yes, well done.. definitely better.. BUT, while BTS is still trying to figure out it's business model, maybe we should be a little more conservative. I'm concerned about fragmentation of the network effect, and to some extent leeching, as tonyk mentioned.

That concern is only for the (c++) core... as for BSD'ing the GUI... Excellent!! Thank you!!


I've realized that open-sourcing everything is simply the right thing to do. Good move.

Getting to 80% is my strength, finishing the last 20% is my weakness and has long been the case even before BitShares. BitShares is the single project I have stuck with the longest in my life and which has actually reached a usable product in the hands of thousands of users.   

Everyone wants us to focus on "ONE THING" and I largely agree with that. It had better be the right "ONE THING" though or we are dead. 

My personality type is INTJ ( and I am constantly challening my beliefs and understanding to make things better. I have a very hard time working toward a sub-optimal solution and what is optimal is constantly changing as knowledge increases.  I am smart enough to recognize the value of focusing on one thing as well as the futility of pursuing something to completion that will be outdated by the time it gets there.

I would say that to put my skills to their best use, I should solve problems, prove the concept, and hand it off to people that are good at taking it all the way. 

Anyway, BitShares is a lifelong project that will evolve in the direction this community takes it. It must become bigger than CNX and bigger than me.

That is why we are moving toward open sourcing everything.  Once we open source it, we can continue to improve / develop it together. I have long term plans for it, but obviously need to blend it with short terms needs.

At the end of the day, complaining about others is the least effective means of change. Either do something to help, shut up, or leave.  CNX will do everything we can to avoid being the bottleneck to progress and give the community room to do what is necessary.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts... I agree BitShares needs to become bigger than CNX. This can only happen with more outside developers, and that can only happen with your help. We're very lucky to have a dev team that's helped us get so FAR so FAST. But IMO, the only way to maintain this momentum is to now help get BTS in the hands of outside devs... only then will you start to see the fruits of your labor multiply.

Here are some thoughts, speaking as a hypothetical app developer:
 - BitShares does MANY things, and it does NOT need to be the best exchange.
 - The built-in exchange is QUITE USEFUL for users of my app, but NOT critical (unless I need MPAs).
 - The BOND market is low priority... it's an end product, useless to outside devs.
 - Developers choose BitShares because of DPOS (efficiency & flexibility), network effect, MPAs, and a nice GUI wallet (which can also be customized for any app).

So finishing up any missing functionality/API, should be the primary focus. Making things easier for developers (especially the GUI devs!!) and market markers NOW, will pay dividends later, while you're working on Bond markets, PlasmaOS, or what have you.

Another way to look at it:
What are the easiest tweaks/features we can implement/finish that will let us start poaching Ethereum devs, ASAP?

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh Block Explorer + MUSE now available
« on: November 23, 2015, 05:50:54 pm »
Feature request:
add a second curve that adds the profits from collected fees as well (in BTS terms)

Yes.. seems to be getting more urgent.. I'll add it today or tomorrow

Epic. Great work!

Thanks Riverhead!

Started building this as a debugging tool, and it's turning into something more interesting.
It's a little rough around the edges, but we thought you might enjoy a preview:

Dude, I go to your website almost everyday. Great work. I wish many referrals will come your way overtime. :-)

All I can do now is give you a token of my appreciation:
#sharebits "roadscape" 1 THANKYOU

Thanks rg 8)

Technical Support / Re: About reducing supply of UIAs
« on: November 23, 2015, 05:44:00 pm »
Is there a mac version of the CLI?

You can build it on OSX without too much hassle:

Most (if not all) dependencies are available via brew

General Discussion / Re: Discussing the problems with bitUSD (smart coins)
« on: November 23, 2015, 05:38:56 pm »
I had an idea how to create depth and liquidity for MPAs

There should be an option on the trade page that says buy or sell at live price feed which will place an order on the books at the settlement price but crucially your order will move with the price feed so you don't have to keep updating it.

Is this what you're thinking?

Technical Support / Re: Web Wallet - Add New Websocket API
« on: November 22, 2015, 10:48:18 pm »
Are you using OpenLedger, or running your own wallet?

If you're on OpenLedger, your best bet is to use the default:


So if that's not working, I'm not sure why. I'm not seeing issues on my end..
Best bet is to reload the page and see if the problem goes away.

If you *need* to enter a new socket API just feed it the endpoint URL, for example:

ws://localhost:8090/ws (if you're running your own node)

General Discussion / Re: Benefits of Blockchain Technology
« on: November 22, 2015, 10:41:18 pm »
Blythe Masters

Wow, how have I not seen this before... Great talk, and the language she uses to describe blockchain technology is... masterful. ;)
distributed ledger technology is the most widely used phrase in her talk I believe.
Thanks for sharing!
Actually, I am not a fan of the term "distributed ledger" .. simply because every kind digital data can be distributed .. git is a distributed ledger aswell just for code commits/history

I'd prefer to distinguish between:

* blockchain as an immutable database of "the past" events
* a protocol that describes how the blockchain "evolves"

The protocol may contain:

* the business model
* a finite state machine for any kind of "data transitions"
* how transactions are interpreted
* how transactions are bundled to a block
* how bundles transactions

if the last question is "decentralized" .. then the protocol also contains a

* distributed conensus finding scheme

Hence, a blockchain has nothing to do with "being decentralized" and only the
"consensus scheme" can be decentralized (assuming the blocks are broadcast
publicly, else it would be a private chain, which can also be decentralized BTW)

Yes, thanks for these good points.

Since both public and private chains can be decentralized (or maybe more accurate to say "distributed"), would you say that the main difference lies in if they are trust-free? Or private chains just do not let you read the raw blockchain state? Or is it that the full nodes of a private chain are picked by a central authority?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Stealth Transfers Worker Proposal
« on: November 21, 2015, 12:08:28 am »
A 9x markup represents how much longer it would take to audit the code and ensure it is free of bugs. It represents the time it would take to implement all the extra tests required to increase the quality of all of the code to the level of perfection demanded by some.

We can expect a much more polished & documented product from each of these new proposals than what we got at launch, right? With better communication?

The 4 weeks post-launch weren't very confidence-inspiring for some, leaving them in a low-expectation mood, and causing sticker shock I think. Personal expectations are up to us, but we still need to recalibrate occasionally and get on the same page.

If this new worker model means CNX can give it 100% I'm all for it.

> We never funded the fee pool and yet the network pays tx fees in BTSFCX, where does the BTS come from when we pay tx fees with BTSFCX ?

When you register an asset, 50% of the fee goes into the fee pool. So you should have started off with 2,500 BTS in the pool.

> How can we choose to pay tx fees with BTS by default ? Disabling "Charge Market Fee" ?

I'm not sure if the GUI wallet supports this yet. It will soon iirc. "Charge market fee" only deals with trades, not xfers.

> What is the "Pool Balance" ? Why does his value is 234 578 127 ?

GUI bug, the decimal point is missing. It's in BTS (which has a precision of 5) so Pool Balance is actually 2,345.78127 BTS

> What is "Unclaimed Issuer Income" ? Why does his value is 15 421 874 ?

This value is also missing the decimal point. It's measured in BTSFCX (precision = 4) so the value is in fact 1,542.1874 BTSFCX

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