Author Topic: Please vote for KenCode's delegate  (Read 38065 times)

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Offline kenCode

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- Is such innovative person a good PR for Bitshares or not?

Simunitions (the ammo we used in the Glock) come in lethal (they will go right thru you like butter) and non-lethal versions. Primer, gun powder, projectile, the real deal. My competition (and his sheriff buddy) was pissed that we got approved for it too. The few customers that he got were forced to stand out in the weeds in the hot florida humidity. Not fun. He was an ex-cop himself, yet another reason why he was so pissed at the way I built up our business so quickly. Thousands of customers, hundreds of 5-star reviews on google (except for his 1-star review lol)- that says a lot about the safe, comfortable atmosphere that our school provided. It's impossible to get women to go to a gun school if it's gonna be a scary experience. You have to make them feel safe first, comfortable, then educate. For some of them, it was their husbands that *made* them come to our school too, but after leaving, they were our greatest sales force. Show them the value in a safe comfortable setting and they become your greatest assets.
Actually, you can see that they still have Gun School listed on their website ( Our entire staff had to be interviewed, trained and certified for its use and the police officers that worked for me had to go thru the exact same requirements. The shooting range that I had built had 3 lanes in a large carpeted room (to keep the noise down, comfort, etc). I was also having these custom bullet traps designed for the sim rounds, but the photo doesn't show those bullet traps. Anyways, if you have ever fired a Glock 9mm, you know it's no joke. We used their "FX" (non-lethal) and "CQT" rounds (lethal) both.
I'll say it again, like I said it at last nights BitShares Munich meetup: I have NO desire to be interviewed by the media. I will continue to bring media to BitShares as an Agent, but I would much rather have Stan, Dan or fuzzy close them. I doubt they have a rough past like me; something that a media person could use against us.
My "job" here at BitShares is pretty obvious. I'm working here over 12 hours per day, 7 days per week. Look at my Delegate Proposal, look at my threads here, my twitter, disqus and g+ posts. Just the wiki's and video work alone I'm doing will bring us the international communities that I don't see any other crypto startup aggressively pursuing. Go wide, not niche. It's easier to get your numbers up when your audience is much larger. The harder I work, the more we all will come out on top. That's what I do, I build successful companies, I bring the numbers. I've done it, I'm doing it, and I don't think it's too much to ask for a vote of confidence, a little love in return.
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
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OK I got that kenCode made a 15 feet (almost 5 meter long)  'carpet fortified' room and called it  'air-conditioned indoor-range' all in a fair effort so his trainees can shoot  blanks (at a target ??) and more importantly so he can print money.

The part I am not so clear about is:

- Do you consider (as a community) such behavior - good business sense or deceiving practices?

- Is such innovative person a good PR for Bitshares or not?

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If you have not enemy's out there... then you are probably not good enough...

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 997D

Offline kenCode

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Nailed it.
Thanx for the tip on Precious Metals, too, but that guy was just in a bad mood or something, he pushed me out the front door so fast I had no chance to present him with anything. I have a feeling I'm not the first crypto guy to enter his shop. Next time, I'll take the Web Wallet with me and show him. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right angle to pitch a certain demographic or market sector.
Ya know, anybody who has built up successful businesses in the past, knows what it's like to have ugly competition. Most stick to themselves and just do their best to build their businesses honestly, building their reputation in the community and such. It can be a vicious, dirty game sometimes however. A competitor will do whatever they can to slander you and call you names, but in the end,
Those of us who do good, work hard and show our efforts are the ones who are ultimately rewarded.
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Ya know, this might be good a time as any.. Precious Metals.
Until just a few years ago, they were our best alt for freedom.
I also know however that the primary mines are owned by just a few families.
I walked in a PM shop a few weeks ago and the guy practically ran me out of the store as soon as he heard the word "crypto". It was insane, the guy said crypto has no value, you "can't even hold it in your hand" blah blah blah, he basically assaulted me, pushing me out the door.
How do I turn a hardcore PM supporter to crypto?

Follow the money? Tell them you are going to increase their sales.. they will listen. :)

Regarding the materials online about Kens past dealings.. I have read through a lot of them myself.. the reddit thread is probably most telling of others who questioned him on the same stuff and in the end they did not find him to be 'scamming' anybody... also this is gun Ken.. not lotto Ken.. though they have same name, one is on the other side of the world.

Having been through a media hurricane myself.. I mostly came out of it on top.. but I saw first hand also how the media can sometimes not always been 'investigative' in their reporting and tell one sided stories that caused a few pieces about me to come out looking nasty.. I just had to wait it out until I was able to win in court and turn it all around... and I did in a big way.. even my local Chamber of Commerce was raving to all members about the recent news of my court win so everyone knew the nasty version few months prior said about me was not true.

For Ken.. sounds like his situation didn't allow for that.. or perhaps he didn't find the right channel.. either way.. look at the whole story and judge for yourself.. I can understand trepidation of some.. but remember that Walt Disney himself went bankrupt several times before finally creating Disney Land.. failing doesn't make you a scammer.. but the internet certainly gives vehicles to competition to do nasty things like you see here today.. and at the end of it all.. we just have to keep our wits about us to judge fairly with all things considered.

Before anybody suggests I am partial because we are managing the delegate server resources.. I would have no problem canceling on him and shutting down service if I had reasonable grounds to believe he was doing wrong and would bring harm to bitshares.

Given what is following him here I think all of us can agree we will be keeping an even closer eye on him.. so if he is sticking around under that kind of scrutiny.. then don't relax.. just keep it in mind in judging fairly towards him and what he is doing with bitshares.

Hope this make sense to others.
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Offline kenCode

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Ya know, this might be good a time as any.. Precious Metals.
Until just a few years ago, they were our best alt for freedom.
I also know however that the primary mines are owned by just a few families.
I walked in a PM shop a few weeks ago and the guy practically ran me out of the store as soon as he heard the word "crypto". It was insane, the guy said crypto has no value, you "can't even hold it in your hand" blah blah blah, he basically assaulted me, pushing me out the door.
How do I turn a hardcore PM supporter to crypto?
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise

Offline kenCode

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The gun is a model Glock G17T and here is what Simunition ammunition is:
Look, Gentso1 (whoever you are), what are the things that you are doing to help BitShares grow?
Hmmmm? That's what I thought.

Nevermind, you sell PM and that's pretty cool, you have my vote :)
Peace, Love and Anarchy. -Jeff Berwick
« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 05:39:37 am by kenCode »
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
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Offline cube

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Same Ken?

My guess is that those posts are from Keith. I talk about him quite a bit in my bio. He was my competitor a couple years ago, and good buddies with the local left-wing media:
It's easy for someone to call someone else a scammer. Especially when my business buried his business.
I certainly hope my actions here at BitShares have shown you what kind of person I am, however.

So just to be clear your stance is that it's lies? Does that include the news reports as well?

The video seems to show you.

Issuing licenses to hold a real gun while being trained with a simulated/toy gun? Seriously??
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Offline Gentso1

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Thanks for taking the time to explain and tell your side of the story.

It should be up to the users to vote you in based off your current and past actions and now each person can make as informed a decision as possible with all parties to tell their side of the story.   

Offline kenCode

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kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
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Offline kenCode

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So just to be clear your stance is that it's lies? Does that include the news reports as well?

Here's a quick synopsis of my bio ( regarding the left-wing anti-gun "news" you mention.
I started a Gun School in florida and ran it for about 3 years. Self-funded.
Hundreds of 5-star reviews on google, #1 on google, over 3,600 students in less than 3 years.
Small town, seasonal business. 
Corrupt sheriff (flying you know what in and out of his own, taxpayer funded airstrip).
I was never a cop. I hired cops (and a non-cop martial arts black belt) to train the populace in police tactics.
It turned out the sheriff and my biggest competitor were buddies.
The sheriff also had his thumb on all the local media.
The sheriff had a multi-million dollar (PUBLIC) gun range that we were not allowed to use.
I held a protest, they locked the gates.
In my bio I also show the sheriff's lies, all documented.
I also link to my letters to top florida officials exposing him.
He sent his goons to shut me down because I switched to police-issue Simunition ammunition which florida statutes fully supported.
This allowed me to build my own indoor shooting range, fully to spec, florida statutes.
Since they had nothing, he stepped it up and had the div of licensing revoke my personal license.
They tried to steal my students records, find out who owned what guns, barged in numerous times busting up our classes.
Strange phone calls.
It got worse from there, so I grabbed my family and we got out of dodge.
It is my belief that the us government is coming for all the guns and gun shops in america.
I didn't back down which made it worse.
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise

Offline Gentso1

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Same Ken?

My guess is that those posts are from Keith. I talk about him quite a bit in my bio. He was my competitor a couple years ago, and good buddies with the local left-wing media:
It's easy for someone to call someone else a scammer. Especially when my business buried his business.
I certainly hope my actions here at BitShares have shown you what kind of person I am, however.

So just to be clear your stance is that it's lies? Does that include the news reports as well?

The video seems to show you.

Offline kenCode

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kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
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Offline kenCode

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Same Ken?

My guess is that those posts are from Keith. I talk about him quite a bit in my bio. He was my competitor a couple years ago, and good buddies with the local left-wing media:
It's easy for someone to call someone else a scammer. Especially when my business buried his business.
I certainly hope my actions here at BitShares have shown you what kind of person I am, however.
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
Matrix/Keybase/Hive/Commun/Github: @Agorise