Main > Stakeholder Proposals

[Witness Proposal] neoreel-1 - Montreal (East-Coast USA-Canada)

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This is a World Map overlayed with the Technological Density data. I circled the areas with Active BitShares Witnesses. Notice how a new Witness in Montreal, Canada would cover a large area that is currently experiencing lots of latency. Notably: New-York, Washington, Boston, Toronto, Detroit, etc.

Please VOTE for a new Active Witness neoreel-1
Connect to our server now: wss://

Thank you!

I don't think there is a node in Vancouver... But now there is in Montreal! :)

The witness can be connected to using wss://
It is great to finaly have Low Latency! Currently at 111ms when I use to get 1500ms to 2000ms with all the other nodes.

Is there any witness node in Vancouver?

Can you please setup a testnet witness first, before applying for a main net witness? Thanks

I thought the Worker Proposal and Witness Proposal were going hand in hand... Oops...
Anyways, I've just registered to be an active witness in Canada. My local node was working fine already, but I'll install it on my dedicated server and ask for your votes.

I guess since I've already paid for the Worker proposal, I'll convert that into a Bitshares French documentation translation... That is something lacking for us frenchies! :)

Thanks for helping me out!


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