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Messages - NewMine

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This is one of the great threads. Put it up along with the "merger proposal" thread.

The irony of this proposal and that thing called dpos.

what happened to the whole Stock market side of BTS? Overstock just got ok to issue shares on the BTC blockchain with Medici or whatever. I guess BTS will be a second mover in that department

That part of BTS is done already.

Anyone can issue a UIA backed by a share of Berkshire and open a market up and make money like Overstock is doing with their "trust us" version of blockchain based security sales. This is very old news man. 

google "user issued asset". and i will completely blow you. f'n mind

(but not knowing where you are currently in terms of base knowledge, you might need to google "google" first)

I know you've only been around a few months and you spend most of your time juggling your multiple accounts here, but there was this event that happened over a year ago that sent this submarine on an uncontrolled unrecoverable dive. Don't edit my quote, unless you like it being done to you.

hope fav take a ton of BTS for working in forum , and his blog.

i stop doing blog and forum and spread the word since @Bitmaster decide all i do is worth 10k brownies. yeah the fisrt motherfucker come to make marketing earn 30 milions BTS for do nothing, all the rest doing real things take shitty brownies. jajajaja okok all for you.

Good luck finding slaves to spread the word and mantain forum and comunities.

Well said, kind of. Had me laughing. I never got any brownies if that makes you feel better.
- snip -

Fuck it. You win. I'm out.
Damn, pushed another away.
hope fav take a ton of BTS for working in forum , and his blog.

i stop doing blog and forum and spread the word since @Bitmaster decide all i do is worth 10k brownies. yeah the fisrt motherfucker come to make marketing earn 30 milions BTS for do nothing, all the rest doing real things take shitty brownies. jajajaja okok all for you.

Good luck finding slaves to spread the word and mantain forum and comunities.

Maybe you should have asked for a job or position where CNX or I3 at the time would pay you for your efforts as it seems you were working and expecting something in return in the first place.
You can't expect everyone doing blog posts and spreading the word to be paid. It's already in your best interest to do so.

Who's best interest? They can't even get the garbage referal program working.

This is one of the great threads. Put it up along with the "merger proposal" thread.

The irony of this proposal and that thing called dpos.

Hey what happened to the whole Stock market side of BTS? Overstock just got ok to issue shares on the BTC blockchain with Medici or whatever. I guess BTS will be a second mover in that department. And stealth won't be usable for a stock market that is legit.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Can't claim MUSE after importing key
« on: December 08, 2015, 06:43:05 pm »
Not even gonna try this. Smells like another half assed project brought to you by Bitshares. Still can't get all my keys to a JSON file out of .9.3c

IDentabit / Re: any update news?
« on: December 08, 2015, 07:02:41 am »
I have a feeling this project has been ditched, as I predicted once. He hasn't logged in in two weeks. Guessing he lost some dough and faith in the migration crash that scared him off. Less money to be made off all the stiffs here when value is at near all time lows.

Focusing on a million different projects at once is what killed bitshares. It would be very unwise to go back in that direction.

Your recollection of past events is very different from mine. As I recall it was the exact opposite.

Honestly, I think this has a lot to do with the fact that the tech isn't quite as grand as promised, I love what bitshares is doing but if the user experience was more polished from the start we would probably not be seeing such a dramatic drop, overall as we all work to improve the experience for users and administrators, lower the learning curve and increase the adaptability the price will rise again to historic levels.

We have a great foundation to build upon; the future of this enterprise is bright.

It was supposed to be more than a foundation. There was supposed to be at the bare minimum a door. Couldn't even get that. Hell, a lot of people can't even find the place on the map because of the importing keys debacle.

Technical Support / Re: Imported balances disappeared - non 2.0 account?
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:03:00 am »
I have a similar problem, i started 0.9.3c and tried to sync, but the client saying "not connected" so i exported the wallet as described and imported it
in the new 2.0 light client. But now i'm missing my last transactions, maybe because my client was not fully synced (i started the 0.9.3c client today,
last time was months ago) but how can i sync without a connection and additionally can i repeat the migration procedure when the 0.9.3c client is
synced to the last block before the hardfork?

You don't need 0.9.3c to be fully sync in order to move your keys to 2.0 - all your keys are already there, you don't get them over the network.

Why does the "regenerate keys" rescan the blockchain if they are already there? Totally curious.

I don't seem to need a password to do the wallet prune.

newmine and chris, do you guys want me to follow the instructions on your wallets for you?

edit: I should point out that I haven't successfully claimed the balances on from the keys on the new wallet i've created for myself. but I got the script to run, and the hash checked out. runnign the balance import now and its taking forever still with 278 keys

Sure. Here is my private key: 5Hfkfi85akfmHPL12890aiyeW1xX6aLs9gdS

i assumed the private keys would be encrypted.

I don't seem to need a password to do the wallet prune.

newmine and chris, do you guys want me to follow the instructions on your wallets for you?

edit: I should point out that I haven't successfully claimed the balances on from the keys on the new wallet i've created for myself. but I got the script to run, and the hash checked out. runnign the balance import now and its taking forever still with 278 keys

Sure. Here is my private key: 5Hfkfi85akfmHPL12890aiyeW1xX6aLs9gdS

Instructions are for *nix/OSX

...can this be done on Windows? I have some basic CLI-knowledge, but not much beyond simply copy/pasting commands.
I think so, its just a bit more work to get git, python and node installed, but apart from that there's nothing stopping this from working on windows.
I think he or she was looking for a guide. Something not in dev speak. I'm waiting too.  I am glad you guys are working this problem but what you are proposing is something like if I ask you for directions to the supermarket and you respond with actual gps coordinates. We all know what they mean, just not all of us have the means to interpret or implement them.

I have to dump an account with 650k keys... because it takes forever to be imported into BTS 2.0. It will be absolutely better if there is a solution.

If you have a Computer Science degree, there is a guide over in the "2.0" forum thread that apparently will scrub all the useless balance less keys. If you're regular guy with limited knowledge with cli, you're basically screwed. Not sure what it says that this problem want detected prior to release but it is a problem. I think the continued pressure on price at the exchanges is directly related to this as some people have nowhere to send there funds. So they are trading them for BTC they can withdraw. I have a wallet that migrated over, but my balances did not import. I had to regenerate keys in old version, which took a day to do for one, yes one account, and now the exported wallet version will not be imported to the new version. I have 30 accounts I am going to have to do this regenerate keys bullshit to make sure I get all my funds. When I try to import my JSON file for my one account, screen goes blank after I enter my password and hit "Done". I have left it sitting there on the blank white screen for up to 3 days and nothing happens. I have to end up closing the tab and try again to the same results. I have every privatekey for all my accounts, but for some reason importing a privatekey doesn't import any of my balances. It's a good thing I have my privatekeys!

This is all you have to do? There is no way anyone will have a problem with this method. /s

He's not claiming he won...

This is true

he's just making an observation on how bts got bitch slapped after the launch.

No, he is just trolling...
me too...

btw did you see newmine around when price rises, morale is high or generally speaking when "good things happen?", did you see him around in threads that are not BitShares related?  (or should I say ANTI-BitShares related?)
Check my post history.

8-9 million dollars.

* Ander spent all his money in the last run up, so there really is nobody to push the price up.  ;)
Oh shit. Only 9 days later? Never truly thought it would go this low post migration. Wow.

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