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Messages - Empirical1.2

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General Discussion / Re: Removing BTS inflation after July
« on: March 09, 2015, 03:28:27 pm »
How could you possibly sell Bitshares as a savings account with a feature like this?

It would give our competitors a field day. Inactivity fee was a massive negative in my mind when I first checked out this community.


Average user will consider that BitShares is already too complex without it adding obvious negatives. If you have to punish people to use it, then that's likely to push more people away than the numbers that will understand the subtlety. If there is a fundamental problem that calls for warping the money, then there surely must be better approaches that allow the number of tokens in an account to be unaffected. It's daft but simple psychology of number matters more than value of it.. see people's reaction to bank charges in fiat and what that does for brands.

BTS are the shares in the DAC and BitAssets and BitAsset accounts are what we are selling to consumers.

In my example the bank/savings account would not be subject to any fees at all & would actually pay bank and savings account holders much higher yield & thus be far more attractive. 

Only BTS shareholders are subject to the fee if they don't meet their minimum responsibility as a shareholder of voting once a year. (So it's like NuBits holders getting interest for doing nothing but NuShares holders being subject to the requirement of voting once a year or paying a 5% fee. There's a responsibility attached for being a shareholder of the DAC  but not for using the products, in fact the result is that it incentivises people to use the products more.)

General Discussion / Re: Removing BTS inflation after July
« on: March 09, 2015, 02:38:30 pm »
5% Annual inactivity fee
is massive negative PR, good job it was canned IMO.

While not popular, I believe it is more popular than inflation & was in the original whitepaper we all invested in.

The fees earned and not spent on delegates can be directed to BitAsset yield and this would be accceptable as we're not inflating the DAC to do it. So to avoid the fee, a BTS shareholder just has to vote once a year and to benefit from it just has to hold BitAssets (Which aren't subject to the fee)  So it could address Voter Apathy and BitAsset adoption.

My personal view is that apart from the temporary setback of requiring price feeds that BTSX was on a strong uptrend until inflation became a serious reality and 5 months later we're still 60% down even in BTC terms during a time when BTS should have been going from strength to strength, growing in value, community size and interest.

As I said at the time -

However unless something like a vastly inferior, but no Inflation NXT passes us in CAP, I don't expect this option to be to seriously considered though.

General Discussion / Removing BTS inflation after July
« on: March 09, 2015, 12:33:51 pm »
BTS’s current annualised inflation is 1.627%

Using Instead...

FMV's 30 Million BTS +
BTS Fees >12 Million BTS +
5% Annual inactivity fee would provide up to 20-25 Million BTS (Also addresses serious problem of BTS voter apathy.)

Would provide 2-3% of BTS for Jul 2015 - Jul 2016

BTS could be a No Inflation Profitable DAC with access to up to 2% BTS per year thereafter.

I don't think this will have much legs but just pointing out that it's possible.

The first users of BitAssets will likely be existing BTS holders and we can discern from BitSilver and BitGold that very few of us hold much/any of our external positions in BitAssets.

As BitAssets get more mature, robust, liquid and generally developed or if external risk factors increase, we’ll be more likely to hold them for less and less yield.

However to give us an idea of the gap between where BTS is and where BTS needs to be right now. I think we can look at the difference between the average yield it would take BTS users to hold a reasonable percentage of their Gold/Silver/Currency in BitAssets at this current stage of development.

This will also be useful in understanding what’s required to get BitAssts up to X CAP at a certain point in time.

General Discussion / Re: Updates From Adam
« on: March 09, 2015, 12:11:59 pm »
We were recently invited to Oslo, Norway to speak about our voting solution at a national summit. According to this study (, Norway is the world’s leader when it comes to electoral integrity, whereas the U.S. currently ranks 45th. Hopefully, once our ideas our introduced there on a national stage, we’ll be able to gain entry to government sponsored elections much quicker. In the meantime, we’ll be focusing on building grassroots movements in both countries in an effort to expedite the process.

We’ve also started to look into ways to implement our voting solution in the private sector. We’re actively exploring alternative use cases for our voting solution, such as market research/opinion polling, online petitions, people’s choice awards, and proxy voting. We will be sure to keep the community updated on the outcome of our efforts here in the days ahead.

Yeah when I first heard about Vote, I thought it would be a slow unprofitable process that BTS definitely shouldn't have wasted a valuable $500 000 + on but there are potential markets in other use cases,,,

Hi Adam!  :) Just had a chance to look briefly at followmyvote. It seems from the site, that followmyvote is being pushed as mainly an alternative election voting system. Do you think you may face the problem Thomas Edison did with his first invention?   

Thomas Edison’s first invention patent (#90,646) was an electric voting machine. He spent a lot of time and effort on it. The machine was a marvelous vote tabulating machine, but Edison discovered that the last thing politicians wanted was a machine that could count votes accurately.
See more at:

Having said that it seems like there are a lot of other applications for the Vote DAC as well, like internet polls, perhaps distribution of crypto-currencies, shares, or samples to truly unique individuals and not bots, market research would be the big one.

Do you envisage building up support for it's efficacy by using some of these smaller use cases as a proving ground?

I had a similar issue when trying to restore a wallet from a json in the 6.0 gui:

Failed to restore wallet backup. Your original wallet has been restored. Error: invalid password (20001) Invalid Password!

The password I used was correct, I have never changed it.....

Are there instructions somewhere for restoring a wallet from a json backup using the console?

Anyone else still having this problem?

I can only access a recently saved wallet, all my other back-ups return this error (even though the passwords are correct) so I'm unable to access the majority of my BTS.

I have been trying to track this down but still cannot reproduce or find anything that might have changed in the code involving backup import.

The workaround for now is to temporarily use 0.5.3 to import the backup, then upgrade to 0.6.x.

That worked. Thanks for the quick response.

I had a similar issue when trying to restore a wallet from a json in the 6.0 gui:

Failed to restore wallet backup. Your original wallet has been restored. Error: invalid password (20001) Invalid Password!

The password I used was correct, I have never changed it.....

Are there instructions somewhere for restoring a wallet from a json backup using the console?

Anyone else still having this problem?

I can only access a recently saved wallet, all my other back-ups return this error (even though the passwords are correct) so I'm unable to access the majority of my BTS.

I think there is a conflict of interest with you releasing a BTS wallet that may have competitors but also controlling our main information vehicle - the forum. Do you agree? earns millions of dollars a year in revenue. Isn't a DAC's optimal strategy to support, promote and build a following for its own wallet or one that gives a good portion of future monetisation revenue to our developers and DAC?

We think it is a problem that we are creating BitShares products which in the long term potentially can become startups and at the same time are in charge of the forum. Keep in mind though that we purposefully took a very laissez faire approach to moderating. The mods did most of the moderation, we only intervened on a technical level and from time to time when a mod overstepped his boundaries.

I personally hope that sooner rather than later we'll be able to use some sort of user friendly decentralized forum. That might be the best long term solution for distributed projects.

I did not get your second question? Could you elaborate?

Thanks for the response.

A DAC where possible may cannibalise others if it may benefit significantly from doing so. is extremely valuable and earns $250 000+ in revenue per month for the owners. I was wondering if there was a threat to your business model in that BTS may use the delegate system to offer a competitor to Moonstone so that some of the monetisation revenue from a popular wallet flowed into our DAC and to our developers instead of a third party like BitSapphire?

Also BTC38 for example has been wonderful to BTS but because they control a large amount of BTS they are also a potential risk and a valuation limiter - it’s hard to gain value as a decentralized exchange being at the mercy of one centralized exchange. I was wondering if it makes more sense for BTS to build a wallet like Moonstone partly around delegate instead of third party control if this could be a factor?  (I guess you won't be controlling the BTS so probably not.)

I think the project is good though & I wish you luck with it.

Meta / Re: Will we ever reach 1.0?
« on: February 19, 2015, 07:40:10 pm »
The BitSapphire wallet seems to be happening at a rapid pace though.
Maybe there's some cross-over between our developers and BitSapphire.

Intermittently on my phone lately, despite having cleared the search history, when I open it up,  Safari will be on one of my old posts on  this or NullStreet from months ago for example but then almost immediately disappear.

That seems a bit weird, I'm not technical enough to know if I should be concerned about that?

General Discussion / Re: Operation DarkNet
« on: February 18, 2015, 02:35:52 pm »
This is a great idea. Silkroad single-handedly made Bitcoin popular in the early days. But Bitcoin is obviously not a good choice with escrow and value fluctuation.

Yes, the reality is that this and gambling, (which accounted for circa 50% of Bitcoin use up till last year) is what bootstrapped Bitcoin. BitAssets are superior for both use cases.

Friend or Foe?
What real advantages does BitUSD have over Tether?
What real advantages does Tether have over BitUSD?
How can we work together?
Where will we compete?

I don't think these types of Assets will gain much traction. Bank accounts can be seized/stopped at any time and or the owners could perhaps take the money.

Only a very big counterparty that had it's assets in multiple traditional safe haven jurisdictions plus other protections could be mildly popular.

Decentralised BitAssets with good liquidity and gateways are far superior.

General Discussion / Re: The DAC as a limited internal market maker
« on: February 18, 2015, 11:49:27 am »
This was discussed before, and the conclusion was if you can spot an opportunity in MM then you should take it and make some money yourself.

Dont worry MM bots are coming.

Ok cool. I realised we'd dismissed it before but I thought it was because of the risk to the DAC and that MM would step in. I have yet to see many market makers and I think we can reduce the risk.

For example this last weekend I sold a resonable amount of BTS for BTC but would have been happy to pay a premium for the convenience of using the internal exchange and to avoid adding to BTS selling pressure that would push down the price of my other BTS.

However the Bit-Silver/Gold/BTC markets were dead and I also have no idea if I would be able to sell any of my position at a convenient time.

If people are confident the Bots are coming, great, because that will make a huge difference to BitAsset growth and our share price because we'll use the internal exchange instead of creating BTS selling pressure.

General Discussion / The DAC as a limited internal market maker
« on: February 18, 2015, 01:53:04 am »
Wouldn't it be useful if the blockchain was a market maker on the internal markets? (But with a conservative daily limit and maximum total exposure limit to mitigate the risks we were worried about previously.)

Sounds good. The easier and clearer the opt out option is at all stages the more support your delegates will probably get from existing BTS shareholders.

I think there is a conflict of interest with you releasing a BTS wallet that may have competitors but also controlling our main information vehicle - the forum. Do you agree? earns millions of dollars a year in revenue. Isn't a DAC's optimal strategy to support, promote and build a following for its own wallet or one that gives a good portion of future monetisation revenue to our developers and DAC?

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