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Messages - roadscape

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General Discussion / Re: Question about Market Fee for UIA/UIA Market
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:06:47 pm »
That actually is an excellent questions .. @bytemaster @theoretical could either of you both please carify?

Should have mentioned this in the mumble, it slipped my mind.. I was wondering the same thing

Good story, good writeup!

Does a site like qualify for the Bloggers' 500 Club?

Technical Support / Re: Multisig wizard
« on: December 04, 2015, 07:57:23 pm »
Are you suggesting to hire a guy with a hat and wand to figure this out?

Freebie / Re: Project BtsTip [freebie]
« on: December 04, 2015, 07:56:57 pm »
Because I'm lazy, I want to be able to do something like

#sharebits hybridd GREATIDEA

or maybe even

#GREATIDEA hybridd

or maybe

test format change #sharebits "hybridd" 1 BTS


(this would detect who you're quoting so you don't have to type their name. ideally multiple times in one reply)

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh Block Explorer + MUSE now available
« on: December 04, 2015, 07:51:21 pm »
Bug report: incorrectly shown percentage approval.  It should be 100%.

Thanks cube, I'm not immediately sure what to do about this.. that panel is reporting directly from the blockchain, and I'm not sure why it changes after the fact. That doesn't make sense to me..

I did suggest that we need something like the following:

bool get_final_proposal_state(proposal_id_type id) - to retroactively look at the final results of a proposed op

So at least we could look back and see if a proposal was approved or not.
The ability to see individual committee votes at the end of review would be great too.

I am not sure if the devs have any intention of storing the state in the blockchain after the proposal is completed.  If they are not going to be kept there, would you be able to store them in your server and keep a copy there?  If this is not possible too, you may like to give some notice to the users visiting the completed proposal that it is completed but no other available information.

It's possible, but hacky because it requires saving the object with perfect timing. There could be another way to do it, I have to think about. I do agree there should at least be a notice! I'll add something to this effect.

#sharebits cube 1 GREATIDEA

what i like to know

1. how many transaction are processed in 24h and which type of transactions
2. how many accounts are active in 24h (so at least 1 transaction or something)

and this data as a chart for months etc. to see if we are growing or not.

YES!! I'm getting very close to being able to do this.

#sharebits Shentist 1 GREATIDEA

what i like to know

1. how many transaction are processed in 24h and which type of transactions
2. how many accounts are active in 24h (so at least 1 transaction or something)

and this data as a chart for months etc. to see if we are growing or not.


what i would love to be able is to filer tx etc states based .. like how many settlements in past 24h etc .. as enhancement ..
and also how many registered account a day/week/month .. how many LTM and BM etc ...

Noted.. agree 100%!

#sharebits cass 1 GREATIDEA

General Discussion / Re: BitAsset 2.0 Requirements & Implied Design
« on: December 04, 2015, 07:43:32 pm »
That's a little better, but we don't need a guarantee in the first place.  Markets fluctuate so if you want to get out on average you should be able to get out at $1.00 anyways...some trades you'll get $1.05 and others you'll get .95 and yet others you'll get $1... your average exit will still average $1 without needing a guarantee.

As USD is a "premium" product, such a guarantee sets us apart from the competition & we should take advantage of it, IMO.

General Discussion / Re: Announcing Brownie Points (BROWNIE.PTS)
« on: December 03, 2015, 08:00:24 pm »
@xeroc @mint chocolate chip yes it is.  and id gladly distribute brownies to you if you can give a general idea of the hours spent working...I am mostly doing this to help out and generally try to get a number of hours figured out for me so i know that it is not my bias deciding.  obviously, however, I hope those who are telling me the hours they worked are doing so transparently here in this thread and also that the other brownie holders are not being undercut for the work theyve done.  it is largely a big and thankless job...but im doing the best i can with it to help our community and those who have chosen to directly contribute to bitshares rather than sit back, work extra hours to buy more stake. 

That said, I guess the definition of "work" is different for different people. For someone in the position 38ptswarrior is in...everyday life probably seems like a heck of a lot of work, which is likely why such a sum was chosen by him in terms of hours worked. 

@xeroc, i believe you have been severely underpaid for your work.  Please consider my request to 38 to have beeen extended to you as well. 
Thanks for you kind words. However, I never actually wrote down my hours and
won't ask for any compensation for work that I did back when I "worked for the
fun" and was mostly curious to learn the tech and some coding languages. Calling
it "severely underpaid" doesn't fit in my case IMHO since I WANTED to do what I
did not because of any compensation. I wouldn't dare asking for more brownies
though I would gladly take them.

You should also note that I do have an agreement with CNX since September this
year and get compensated not only for my technical support but also for
documentation and all kinds of development that are Graphene/BitShares related.

During the last years, I have received a lot of trust and new friends among this
community and that is motivation enough.

Thank you for being open, and well said!!

#sharebits xeroc 1 HIGHFIVE

If I launched a business (or became a billionaire), it would be very convenient to have a list of active community contributors to sharedrop on & honor. Sharedropping on BTS ignores those who have small stakes yet contribute in ways whales can't or won't.

I have no idea what Dan had in mind for brownie.pts... but the community uses it for recognition/reputation, and if it continues to be used going forward, you deserve a healthy share.

Right now brownie.pts feel like bitcoin... a great experiment that opens your eyes to the possibilities (and so far, it's the best we've got) but its weaknesses are coming to light. So we should either clarify the rules (since BM won't, and the community hasn't) or to change focus to new & improved social currencies like Tuck's.

For one, it is important to recognize that the value of everyone's contribution is not equal.
Some people create more value per hour than others, so 100 BROWNIES/hr for any skill level might not be logical.

One solution to this is to continue to use brownies for tracking hours, but having each brownie holder publicly declare/defend their hourly rate (e.g. $10/hr, $50/hr). In this sense it is perfect to give 360,000 brownies to 38ptswarrior, as long as we are all honest about how much value we generate per unit of time...

Sharedroppers would use the public "pay rate" data as a per-account multiplier. BUT they should have the liberty to adjust anyone's hourly rate as they wish. So if I thought xeroc was too modest with 50K brownies @ $50/hr, I could bump it up to $200/hr for the purpose of a custom-tailored sharedrop.

A benefit is that fuzzy could stay out of the politics of judging pay rates and simply confirm that someone's claims of hours are reasonable.

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh Block Explorer + MUSE now available
« on: December 03, 2015, 04:45:55 pm »
Bug report: incorrectly shown percentage approval.  It should be 100%.

Thanks cube, I'm not immediately sure what to do about this.. that panel is reporting directly from the blockchain, and I'm not sure why it changes after the fact. That doesn't make sense to me..

I did suggest that we need something like the following:

bool get_final_proposal_state(proposal_id_type id) - to retroactively look at the final results of a proposed op

So at least we could look back and see if a proposal was approved or not.
The ability to see individual committee votes at the end of review would be great too.

General Discussion / Re: Better API - Please Help Define It
« on: December 03, 2015, 01:16:08 am »
There is something to be said for providing helpers to do all of this.  Right now the "API" simply returns internal implementation details which means understanding those details.   I will try to improve this aspect.

I'm all for convenience as long as overhead is negligible. Please keep the API calls fast :)

Unfortunately, the feedback is not helpful.  I want specific requests   INPUT ARGUMENTS and RETURN VALUES.   

something like:
uint32_t  get_block_height()
vector<signed_block> list_blocks(uint32_t lower_bound, limit = 100)
vector<operation_detail> get_account_history(string account, operation_history_id_type lower_bound, limit = 100)
vector<operation_detail> list_operations(operation_history_id_type lower_bound, limit = 100)

less practical as an api call:
graphene::chain::asset get_total_worker_pay(worker_id_type id) - how much the worker has received in total
bool get_final_proposal_state(proposal_id_type id) - to retroactively look at the final results of a proposed op
string suggest_fortune() - generates a random fortune cookie message using a mad-lib algo

General Discussion / Re: BitAsset 2.0 Requirements & Implied Design
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:05:52 am »
The floor could be lower... for example, if the floor is set to $0.97, then the worst case scenario is that it's still competitive w/ PayPal. If the average premium is around 3%, it means USD will float right around $1.00.

So don't guarantee $1.00 .. instead, offer $1.00 on average, but guarantee that one can ALWAYS get 97% of face value.

It's the best of both worlds, no?

General Discussion / Re: Incentivising Liquidity
« on: December 02, 2015, 10:39:02 pm »
Great idea... and if we ever come to have easy-to-use market maker bots built into the wallet, this could allow massive crowd-sourced liquidity.

Technical Support / Re: Number of Witnesses
« on: December 02, 2015, 05:38:35 pm »
I've come to realise that the number of witnesses is irrelevant from the POV of decentralisation.

What matters is controlling stake. Right now, one account could vote out/in a majority of its own witnesses without any other intervention; essentially controlling the entire network.

 +5% +5% +5% +5%

Gotta get the vote out.
85% of stake is not voting.

I agree with OP's sentiment, and I think the solution boils down to:

1. Better incentives for keeping funds on the DEX*
2. Better marketing of the incentives

*e.g. more sharedrops, security (2FA, easy "social" multisig), cool GUI, etc etc

General Discussion / Re: Bug Bounty proposal
« on: December 02, 2015, 05:23:00 pm »
This is a great idea!

Developers are the most qualified to determine if someone's report qualifies for a bounty payout, so as xeroc suggested, a threshold multisig acct consisting of a few trusted developers would be perfect for this.

Question would be .. in which asset to pay the bounty? BTS, bitUSD, or maybe "real" BTC?

Chain bounties should be paid with the core token imo.

And who would fund the bounties.. committee, businesses, or a worker perhaps?

General Discussion / Re: Better API - Please Help Define It
« on: December 02, 2015, 04:57:10 pm »
To the developers, was this feedback in line with your thinking?

Yes, @theoretical nailed it.. all great ideas, but as he said it will take time & resources to implement "properly".

So I don't mind if the devs take a few shortcuts in the short-term before re-architecting again :)

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