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Messages - roselee

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ja da hast recht  :D

ich habe ja noch einen laptop mit xubuntu
bin aber erst anfänger
und das forum da ist leider nicht so wie hier

ich weiss es nicht
ich habe unter start / suchen
.json eingegeben
und in der suchliste waren dann alle 3 dateien die ich erstellt habe
von da habe ich sie dann kopiert und in den erstellten ordner eingefügt

ich frage mich auch warum die datei nicht zu sehen ist im ordner
im suchergebnis war ja der richtige pfad angegeben

zb. c:\desktop\bitsharesjson

mit suchen und .json hab ich die datei gefunden

obwohl der ordner bitsharesjson immer noch leer ist.
aber egal ich hab den file nun
vielen dank an euch alle

hab gemacht wie du gesagt hast und nun kommt das
>> wallet_export_keys C:\desktop\export-keys.json

ich finde aber am desktop die datei nicht
hab dann einen ordner angelegt mit

in der console kam dann ok
aber der ordner ist leer
hab auch nachgesehen ob in den ordneroptionen vl ordner verstecken drin war dem ist nicht so
was kann ich denn sonst noch machen ?

ich hab nun die comando line von dir in die console kopiert

0 exception: unspecified
Unable to create directories C:/<ein_pfad>
kann es sein das ich einen ordner anlegen muss ?
sei so nett und hilf mir nochmal danke

danke noch mal
ich hab genau was du gesagt hast gemacht und bekomme diese line:
invalid comand wallet_export_key

das habe ich in die comand line geschrieben

wallet_export_key c:\<ein_pfad>\export-keys. json
kannst mir nochmal helfen

ich habe mir das 0.9.3c schon installiert
ich bin mit sync 84 tage im rückstand
muss ich warten bis es fertig ist ? oder kann ich den file auch jetzt schon anlegen ?
(sync geht echt langsam 3 tage in 3 stunden )
oh und was meinst du mit       (brauchst einen ordner in dem ich schreibrechte habe)?
legt das wallet nicht solch einen ordner an ?

hallo ich habe das 0.9.2 wallet in einigen beiträgen auf englisch reden die davon dass man auf 0.9.3 wechseln muss damit man dann auf das 2.0 wechseln kann
kann jemand schritt für schritt erklären was zu tun ist? für newbies ?
vielen dank schon mal

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: August 23, 2015, 05:13:07 pm »
let me put together what i understood so far:

BM and devs did good work and did that on the money from foundraiseing at the beginning
as i recall i read somewhere it was about 2.3 mil

that money is spend (gone) none of them got rich

then they created a new company ( i dont recall the name right now)

and they give out licence couse that guys need to earn a living

bitshares 2.0 will be the last update for free

all the devs develop after that will be with licences you have to buy
if you want that
right ?
and brownies are just a reward for good work and helping the bitshares project

dintendbit ? where is that conected with it ?

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: August 23, 2015, 04:56:59 pm »
thank you for this answer

i didnt think that the brownis has anything to do with the price drop

i watch a lot of coins couse i have them
and all of them dorp
its the time being i guess
all of them are beta in best if not alfa status

i am  a holder i see things on longterms

i walked with bitshares since the beginning and i updated all the versions ... smile

now i wait for 2.0 couse i think my lapi will handle that better then the privious wallets
( do we know a launch date yet? )

i was just courious how they think brownies did affect the price , couse i could not see a way brownies could do that

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: August 23, 2015, 01:31:53 pm »
I seriously doubt that selling 30k BTS for Brownies is the reason that BTS value is dropping..I don't think that people will start dumping BTS for Brownies..Especially when Brownies have absolutely no strings attached, haven't promissed officially any sharedrop of anything in the future and can magically dissapear from your wallet if BM chooses to..

On the contrary I would say that people started to dump Brownies in order to buy BTS..

What are Brownies? Sorry, noob.

The founder and lead developer on BitShares recently started Brownies to reward people for their contributions.,17354.0.html

They were recently given 20% equity in a new venture called IDentabit,96.0.html   (Active BS community allocation)

There's speculation they may be awarded equity in CNX - a separate company recently set up by the developers that owns the rights to the new platform, Graphene,  that is being released on BitShares in the next few months.

You can also purchase Brownies in the wallet, but they are subject to dilution at any time & possible confiscation if the lead developer doesn't like you/your actions because they're kind of his personal reward tokens.

Personally I'm not a fan.

it is news to me that you can sell brownies .... and why could them have affect on the price of bts ?
thought they are not at all conected ?
is there someone that could enlighten me ?

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: August 22, 2015, 02:36:57 pm »

year i realiced that already

it took me an hour to do a proper research on the subject and i got this
a very good interview with bm

what i now understand is

bitshares 2.0 is adressing lots of the problems the wallet had

syncing and so on

the power is now divided
bm and the devs gave up there power and created a system that speads the power divered levels who are payed
like vitnes, workers and so on
shareholders still vote

i am a holder of bts
and read today on cryptocoinnews that there is a takeover
i am not sure i understand what that means.

here is what i think i understand

cryptonomex got the right to licence smart blockchains added to the original blockchain.
someone who wants to use that has to pay
there service is not open sorce
( which is ok couse bussines is bussines)
but what happens to the original bts that i hold?
cryptonomex also pays now for PR and development to make bts fit for the future.

i bought my bts in august 2014 ( smile) so i know its a working process

i hope someone is so nice and explains what this take over means for a normal holder of bts

Technical Support / Re: Crashes on quit, Mac OS X.
« on: May 23, 2015, 09:17:28 am »
i use 0.9.0 and have simular problems

up to 100% cpu
it syncs
but i have crashes
then it shows no network conections
if i try to quit it it gives no response
and i have to close it with taskmanager

i hope the next update will solve this

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