Author Topic: |B|u|n|k|e|r|S|h|a|r|e|s|.|c|a| Presale Offer Updates *--=[SUBSCRIBE NOW!]=--*  (Read 20800 times)

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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

The site designs reminds me of these kinda site. I bet some of the products are actually good, but...

Those guys move hundreds of millions in product.. and some of the products are good.. some not.. but if we are in that league .. and we are only looking at a fraction of that to be wildly successful.. then we might be in good shape. :)

I understand how some people in some demographics don't like these.. but their are other demographics that respond to these very well. We can't be everything to everyone.. we are very well suited I think for our primary markets though... time will tell. ;)
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

The words themselves have no problem. The problem is how people might associate them to. They surely describe your service, however people can relate those words to other 'not so good' things like the examples tony presented. People may think it's exaggerated, that you're trying to force them your product. I might be overreacting, but I just want everything to run smoothly.


There is more to come.. This is the only place where we made this public.. it allowed us to work out some kinks.. and if there are improvements to be made great.. some of it will be addressed in whats to come that people just don't know about yet.. we'll be holding another AMA on reddit in the future.. we did one before at the bunker and it trended in #2 for two days only second to Mark Wahlberg who was doing an AMA at the exact same time.. some webinars and a some Google hangouts will also be taking place for people to learn more... we will be blogging about various topics related to bunkershares continually as well.. examples of use cases.. security matters.. our need for immigrant workers.. some of our technology choices.. and more on our unique infrastructure that gives us a competitive edge over what is largely a cookie-cutter industry.... but for people to know about all that going on.. we need to be able to keep in contact with them.. and thus email them about whats going on... sure we are going to be everywhere else at the same time.. but in the end the odds of the message being reached are more likely in peoples inbox.

For now.. people can look at as much or as little as they like and learn more later.. but more importantly.. tell others about it so they can get Free BunkerShares and other prizes. The more successful this is, the greater the value of BunkerShares to holders.. so this is a very early prelaunch to increase the odds as best as possible for everyone to make this a success.
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Offline Pheonike

The site designs reminds me of these kinda site. I bet some of the products are actually good, but...

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I think the advertisement is okay. remember: they don't market to us paranoid crypto folks. at least not primary, I guess

That's right.. I know the crypto space is far more jaded than most markets. Even though the tone of the feedback isn't the greatest.. it's still good feedback. :) I am still just waiting for some real solutions beyond just saying 'I don't like it do it better'. Three writers reviewed the content before we made it public.. like you said.. i maybe just a crypto space thing.. the good news is that this is not our main market.. even though we are certainly going to be feeding it big time with this.
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I'm not saying what you're doing is fishy, in fact, it's a pretty cool concept and I even said I liked it, the problem here is the way you presented it, the way you explained it. Tony explained in better words what I was trying to say.

A small re-work on the site presentation or only on the wording would quickly change this. The problem is people could actually like the idea but upon seeing how things are presented they might thing of something like this

or even the old epic old spice commercials xD

so the main problem I see there is wording. the design could have some improvements, it doesn't look that sexy or modern though I'm not a designer myself so unfortunately I can't give better criticism on that, it might just be me. Either way, that can easily be fixed and it's not the problem. The main point here is the wording, that needs improvement imo

Ok.. thats a bit better explained than previously that seemed more like trolling to be honest :) .. The wording was done and reviewed very carefully by different people. There is no way for us to make a single document that is going to easily appeal to every single person in the world.. however.. the word select we made was meant to be smooth flowing and carry the reader along instead of forcing them to have to dig. Perhaps it came across that way because of the intro video prior to signup? We did have plans to record another more stone faced version.. but just ran out of time dealing with some other technical issues. Great thing about a prelaunch is that we have room to make improvements as we go.

If you like to see the wording improved.. please feel free to provide examples that can work so we can consider it. The wording was not arrived at easily.. it went through weeks of review.. those that know me and chat with me in private beyond forums know the extensive work that was put into this.. if you got a better solution though I am all ears so that when we reach out to other markets this can see more success.
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

That non-fishy example would only work on the back of a known establish organisation backing it up.. otherwise it looks like bad math. Who's going to invest in a new startup that is guaranteed to lose money?.. d'oh! ;D

For the OP's pitch, I'd suggest evidence is the best route to confidence. Provide depth of information and show a well costed business case. It's too easy to take other people's money encouraged by good intentions.

This isn't a startup.. and it's not a vapourware/online play either. This is a physical asset of a real location with real infrastructure involved. There is a little more detail beyond the cover page in the value proposition document located in the FAQ.

As for going into more details as mentioned in the previous posting.. this is a prelaunch.. nobody has asked for anything here except to shares whats coming so that by the time we do release this.. people will be well educated on the offering both in why to buy.. and how they can best utilize their bunkershares for either business use or investment.

The costing was done very carefully actually.. numerous vendors, engineers and consultants were involved to help ensure our numbers do work... this is why you see a 3 Scenario layout that shows we have planned with multiple contingencies in place to ensure that no matter what the outcome we can deliver and BunkerShares holds to that pegged outcome in the presale. We will go into some more details in the future on how these contingencies work... but thats just for interests sake.. not necessarily a requirement. Any company that offers a discount on their products are not going about advertising to all their consumers the business case for why they are giving a discount and how it makes good sense for them to buy it based on their business case. :) Sounds weird when you think of it like that and it is.. but this is crypto.. we are special. :)

As mentioned earlier.. this market (crypto) represents a small portion of the target markets that this offering applies to. I appreciate some of the feedback.. and thats good.. and some kinda bashing.. whatever it's expected really..  but when new users come into BitShares through this offer, I hope they are not turned away by what can best be described as hostility from community members towards pretty much anybody attempting to use BitShares in some way. I'm not just talking about just this offering either.. and I am not directing this at you personally davidpbrown... it's just an observation of the culture... Perhaps a flood of new users can turn that around.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 10:45:15 pm by DataSecurityNode »
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Offline Akado

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I have to agree with this, the site looks kinda fishy, like those advertisements people usually avoid on the internet "never worry again with the guarantee of a nuclear bunker data center protection", "get your personal link to this extraordinary opportunity". It reminds me of those car sellers from the movies ,always up to something ahah that needs a rework, looks like a scheme

I am trying to make sense of what you are saying because it sort of broke up in your last sentence. If you can perhaps post again to complete it I can give a better answer.

Threats to data are real and people worry about it... especially when your business relies on it.. we are providing a solution to that.. so that they never have to worry again... the 2nd line explains how we deliver on that.. hows that fishy?

Not to mention a personal message in video further explaining everything... fishy is when people are hiding behind computer screens and text. Seems like an unfair use of the term.

I can't make the connection to a car sales man.. the site states exactly what is going to happen when you enter your email.

As I offered to the post you agreed with, solutions are welcome.

Not-fishy example: Buy this [coupon/bunkershare] for $15 USD. Get min $20 off  [up to $75] on any service we provide now or in the future. Enjoy  other benefits like.... etc.

Fishy example: Buy this [coupon/bunkershare] . And secure great value on any service we provide... "never worry again with the guarantee of a nuclear bunker data center protection", "get your personal link to this extraordinary opportunity"....

*'great value', 'extraordinary opportunity' and the like are (and are perceived as) empty promises and baseless sales pitches.

Hope this helps.

Actually.. if you look at the use examples of small/medium/large that is pretty much exactly what the 'non-fishy' example shows. This is an introduction to what is coming.. a prelaunch to learn more so to speak before it comes time to buy. This intro will be followed by a more detailed series of releases and seminars that will provide more details before people even have access to buy.

What words other than great value or extraordinary better describe this then? Because those seem best fitting if you choose to look at the whole offering. The values are attached to high demand data commodities .. great.. and extraordinary first use case of UIAs and of all things in a nuclear bunker data center.. extraordinary. If you have better words that you do not define as baseless sales pitches and empty promises.. which is obviously not the case here then please shares.

The words themselves have no problem. The problem is how people might associate them to. They surely describe your service, however people can relate those words to other 'not so good' things like the examples tony presented. People may think it's exaggerated, that you're trying to force them your product. I might be overreacting, but I just want everything to run smoothly.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 10:44:00 pm by Akado » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

I have to agree with this, the site looks kinda fishy, like those advertisements people usually avoid on the internet "never worry again with the guarantee of a nuclear bunker data center protection", "get your personal link to this extraordinary opportunity". It reminds me of those car sellers from the movies ,always up to something ahah that needs a rework, looks like a scheme

I am trying to make sense of what you are saying because it sort of broke up in your last sentence. If you can perhaps post again to complete it I can give a better answer.

Threats to data are real and people worry about it... especially when your business relies on it.. we are providing a solution to that.. so that they never have to worry again... the 2nd line explains how we deliver on that.. hows that fishy?

Not to mention a personal message in video further explaining everything... fishy is when people are hiding behind computer screens and text. Seems like an unfair use of the term.

I can't make the connection to a car sales man.. the site states exactly what is going to happen when you enter your email.

As I offered to the post you agreed with, solutions are welcome.

Not-fishy example: Buy this [coupon/bunkershare] for $15 USD. Get min $20 off  [up to $75] on any service we provide now or in the future. Enjoy  other benefits like.... etc.

Fishy example: Buy this [coupon/bunkershare] . And secure great value on any service we provide... "never worry again with the guarantee of a nuclear bunker data center protection", "get your personal link to this extraordinary opportunity"....

*'great value', 'extraordinary opportunity' and the like are (and are perceived as) empty promises and baseless sales pitches.

Hope this helps.

Actually.. if you look at the use examples of small/medium/large that is pretty much exactly what the 'non-fishy' example shows. This is an introduction to what is coming.. a prelaunch to learn more so to speak before it comes time to buy. This intro will be followed by a more detailed series of releases and seminars that will provide more details before people even have access to buy.

What words other than great value or extraordinary better describe this then? Because those seem best fitting if you choose to look at the whole offering. The values are attached to high demand data commodities .. great.. and extraordinary first use case of UIAs and of all things in a nuclear bunker data center.. extraordinary. If you have better words that you do not define as baseless sales pitches and empty promises.. which is obviously not the case here then please shares.
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Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Website doesn't work without javascript :/ also errors on page [missing "en.labels.powered_by" translation] [missing "en.labels.countdown_timer.days" translation]. Cheap graphics. First 30 secs of the video tells me nothing.. and I didn't look past that. By default though it's an interesting idea. Perhaps will look again later at v0.0.2

Are you talking about after you entered your email or before?
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Offline fav

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I think the advertisement is okay. remember: they don't market to us paranoid crypto folks. at least not primary, I guess

Offline Akado

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I have to agree with this, the site looks kinda fishy, like those advertisements people usually avoid on the internet "never worry again with the guarantee of a nuclear bunker data center protection", "get your personal link to this extraordinary opportunity". It reminds me of those car sellers from the movies ,always up to something ahah that needs a rework, looks like a scheme

I am trying to make sense of what you are saying because it sort of broke up in your last sentence. If you can perhaps post again to complete it I can give a better answer.

Threats to data are real and people worry about it... especially when your business relies on it.. we are providing a solution to that.. so that they never have to worry again... the 2nd line explains how we deliver on that.. hows that fishy?

Not to mention a personal message in video further explaining everything... fishy is when people are hiding behind computer screens and text. Seems like an unfair use of the term.

I can't make the connection to a car sales man.. the site states exactly what is going to happen when you enter your email.

As I offered to the post you agreed with, solutions are welcome.

Not-fishy example: Buy this [coupon/bunkershare] for $15 USD. Get min $20 off  [up to $75] on any service we provide now or in the future. Enjoy  other benefits like.... etc.

Fishy example: Buy this [coupon/bunkershare] . And secure great value on any service we provide... "never worry again with the guarantee of a nuclear bunker data center protection", "get your personal link to this extraordinary opportunity"....

*'great value', 'extraordinary opportunity' and the like are (and are perceived as) empty promises and baseless sales pitches.

Hope this helps.


I'm not saying what you're doing is fishy, in fact, it's a pretty cool concept and I even said I liked it, the problem here is the way you presented it, the way you explained it. Tony explained in better words what I was trying to say.

A small re-work on the site presentation or only on the wording would quickly change this. The problem is people could actually like the idea but upon seeing how things are presented they might thing of something like this

or even the old epic old spice commercials xD

so the main problem I see there is wording. the design could have some improvements, it doesn't look that sexy or modern though I'm not a designer myself so unfortunately I can't give better criticism on that, it might just be me. Either way, that can easily be fixed and it's not the problem. The main point here is the wording, that needs improvement imo | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline davidpbrown

That non-fishy example would only work on the back of a known establish organisation backing it up.. otherwise it looks like bad math. Who's going to invest in a new startup that is guaranteed to lose money?.. d'oh! ;D

For the OP's pitch, I'd suggest evidence is the best route to confidence. Provide depth of information and show a well costed business case. It's too easy to take other people's money encouraged by good intentions.


  • Guest
I have to agree with this, the site looks kinda fishy, like those advertisements people usually avoid on the internet "never worry again with the guarantee of a nuclear bunker data center protection", "get your personal link to this extraordinary opportunity". It reminds me of those car sellers from the movies ,always up to something ahah that needs a rework, looks like a scheme

I am trying to make sense of what you are saying because it sort of broke up in your last sentence. If you can perhaps post again to complete it I can give a better answer.

Threats to data are real and people worry about it... especially when your business relies on it.. we are providing a solution to that.. so that they never have to worry again... the 2nd line explains how we deliver on that.. hows that fishy?

Not to mention a personal message in video further explaining everything... fishy is when people are hiding behind computer screens and text. Seems like an unfair use of the term.

I can't make the connection to a car sales man.. the site states exactly what is going to happen when you enter your email.

As I offered to the post you agreed with, solutions are welcome.

Not-fishy example: Buy this [coupon/bunkershare] for $15 USD. Get min $20 off  [up to $75] on any service we provide now or in the future. Enjoy  other benefits like.... etc.

Fishy example: Buy this [coupon/bunkershare] . And secure great value on any service we provide... "never worry again with the guarantee of a nuclear bunker data center protection", "get your personal link to this extraordinary opportunity"....

*'great value', 'extraordinary opportunity' and the like are (and are perceived as) empty promises and baseless sales pitches.

Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 06:04:26 pm by tonyk2 »

Offline davidpbrown

Website doesn't work without javascript :/ also errors on page [missing "en.labels.powered_by" translation] [missing "en.labels.countdown_timer.days" translation]. Cheap graphics. First 30 secs of the video tells me nothing.. and I didn't look past that. By default though it's an interesting idea. Perhaps will look again later at v0.0.2

Offline Pheonike

It does a good job of conveying the information, but I can understand how the formatting to some looks get rich quick.