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Messages - bigcat

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: bts抵押直接借出bitCNY或bitUSD的功能?
« on: January 28, 2015, 06:15:42 pm »

中文 (Chinese) / Re: [资产派发] 免费派发比特资产 BTSABC
« on: January 24, 2015, 03:20:22 pm »
bigcat 谢谢!


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 154.9175%的挣钱方法!!!!!
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:36:48 pm »


Although pegging is supposed to keep the value at 1:1, there is always a feeling that bit asset is not as valuable as real asset. Reasoning as follows. Feed price should be a good indication of current market price of bitshares. At external markets, when you sell at bitshares at market price, most likely you'll expect to sell at lower than feed price. On the other hand, if you buy bitshares at market price, you'll have to pay more than feed price. However, at the internal market, almost for sure you can sell bitshares at or higher than feed price. Of course, when you buy bitshares, you'll have to pay much higher than the feed price. Obviously there is difference between bit asset and real asset. Although it's hard to say how much difference there is, it is not hard to see that bit asset is actually cheaper.
One possible solution is to lower the feed price by maybe 1%. The disallows the guarantee of selling of bitshare at feed price, therefore increases the value of bit assets.

中文 (Chinese) / 为什么比特时代的价格小数点后只有3位?
« on: December 19, 2014, 11:41:03 pm »

Although forcing the settlement of USD might be good for the system, as a user it's hard to imagine that the system could tamper with the USD deposited in each account. I believe the current release just continues working and hopes that this never happens or can be solved in the future.
There should better be a low limit of the selling wall, so that if feed goes too low the selling price won't follow. That probably offers a chance to solve the deficit in the future. Otherwise it might be causing permanent deficit in the system and not sure if there will be a way to solve it.

i c. so the part of expired margin that cannot be automatically covered will become a permanent selling wall whose price floats with the feed, right?
If no one is buying that wall, or if the feed price goes so low that there isn't enough to cover the issued assets, does it mean that the system is owing the issued assets and can't find a way to pay it back?

So one can never buy below the feed price? Even when all shorts are gone?

General Discussion / what will happen when many margin orders are expiring
« on: December 19, 2014, 07:01:39 pm »
If buying and shorting depth aren't deep enough, when margin orders are expiring, will they dump the price to 0? Maybe not likely to happen in the USD market, but in other market this might happen. For example in the current EUR/BTS market, 1050 EUR needs to be covered in 9 days, but the current short depth is only 1020. When those 1050 EUR are expiring, will they empty the buying order book?  Does it mean that if I put an order right before those margin orders expire, e.g., to buy 1 million BTS for 0.01 EUR and I'll get the deal?

ID: bigcat

中文 (Chinese) / 不太敢用tradebts
« on: December 16, 2014, 10:14:59 pm »
首先是没有https, 其次没有2 factors验证。虽说不保留用户资金,但是一旦密码被盗,银行账户可能被更改。希望安全措施能做到位。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 币民中国营运计划——南宫远
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:09:03 pm »
bts: bigcat

Collateral和Quantity似乎是联动的,当前feed price 0.016383 BitUSD/BTSX。打入Quantity1.6383BitUSD, collateral 变成200 BTSX.这是怎么算的?如果成交的话,加上BitUSD买方的100个BTSX,岂不是有300个BTSX被锁在里面?以前不是买卖双方各出100BTSX吗?为什么现在Short方要出200 BTSX?

Interest Rate是什么意思?默认是0,如果填了会怎样,谁来支付利息?

Price Limit是什麽意思?是不是不能超过feed price? 以前不是只能按照feed price来short?现在可以自己填价钱了?如果不填,是不是就按照feed price,而且feed price要是变了也会自动跟着变?如果填了,是不是就不能自动变了?

要让Short单优先成交有什么办法?如果都按照feed price来short,是不是先下单的先成交?



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